IRC logs for #trustable for Thursday, 2020-05-21

*** reiterative has quit IRC05:39
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*** lano has joined #trustable08:01
lanoSTPA standup in 2009:30
*** lchlan_ has joined #trustable09:48
lanoMorning, STPA standup09:50
lanoorder is lano, lchlan_, shaunmooney09:51
lano## Milan (lano)09:51
lano* Done09:51
lano  - Review OpenAPS STPA09:51
lano* Doing09:51
lano  - Review Lachlan's Mustard branch09:51
lano  - Look into TellTale09:51
lano## Lachlan (lchlan_)09:51
lchlan_* Done09:51
lchlan_   * Meeting09:51
lchlan_   * Mustard - Double checking patches.09:51
lchlan_* Doing09:51
lchlan_   * Mustard - Continue to look through patches09:51
lchlan_* Issues09:51
lchlan_   * DOORS data still outstanding.09:51
lchlan_## Shaun Mooney09:51
shaunmooney* Done09:51
shaunmooney  - ELISA workshop09:51
shaunmooney* Doing09:51
shaunmooney  - Ventillator STPA with ELISA09:51
shaunmooney    - Writing UCA guide and reviewing current UCAs09:51
shaunmooney# Discussion09:51
lanoany points?09:51
lanogo ahead lchlan_09:51
lchlan_I should really test my changes to DOORS import using suitable DOORS data, but unfortunately I don't have any.09:52
lchlan_I will therefore be moving out of WIP with some risk09:52
lanomakes sense09:53
lanoto me09:53
lanoany more pointers?09:53
lanostandup to end in 509:53
lanostandup ended, thanks09:53
shaunmooneyta lano09:53
lchlan_Thanks lano09:53
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*** toscalix has joined #trustable18:44
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*** jude_ has quit IRC21:41
*** toscalix has quit IRC22:18

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