IRC logs for #trustable for Thursday, 2018-09-13

*** willbarnard has joined #trustable05:58
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locallycompactditaa is a good find08:14
paulsherwoodok, i think i'm sold08:32
paulsherwoodi have an underlying worry about how far we take trustable into the tools we use... do we care about provenance of all our editors? do we really need to construct our whole documentation pipeline from known sources etc?08:33
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locallycompactif you construct that documentation pipeline from scratch it will take years08:52
locallycompactyou'll have to build texlive08:52
locallycompactthe dockers for zenhaskell are here, currently
*** Shaun has joined #trustable09:37
ShaunIs there a way I can automatically connect to this channel when I start HexChat? It keeps resetting every day09:37
locallycompactnetwork list > edit > Autojoin channels09:39
ShaunThanks locallycompact09:40
locallycompactShaun: ditaa was a great find btw09:46
ShaunI can't take much credit, I found it on the wisdom page of the Codethink wiki09:46
flatmushSTANDUP! Order: flatmush, Shaun, iker09:48
flatmush## Ben Brewer (flatmush)09:48
flatmush* Done09:48
flatmush  - Looked into systemd09:48
flatmush  - Wrote e-mail about futility of systemd for minimal system.09:48
flatmush* Doing09:48
flatmush  - Look into alternative init systems09:48
flatmush## Shaun Mooney (Shaun)09:48
Shaun* Done09:48
Shaun  - Drawn control model functional diagram09:48
Shaun  - Pushed control diagram to repo09:48
Shaun* Doing09:48
Shaun  - Writing up autonomous car STPA09:48
Shaun    - Losses and Hazards09:48
Shaun  - Detail responsibilites and control actions09:48
Shaun  - Docker with ditaa and pandoc to publish docs09:48
Shaun* Next09:48
Shaun  - Install XSTAMPP and draw autonomous control model09:48
Shaun* Issues09:48
Shaun  - None09:49
Shaun## Iker Perez ( iker )09:49
iker                                                               * Done09:49
iker   - Add latency-measure test to test-minimal-system09:49
iker* Doing09:49
iker    - Make work latency-measure in the CI09:49
iker    - Analyse the way the minimal distro uses buildstream09:49
iker    - Add gitect to the repo (Issue #2)09:49
iker# Discussion09:49
flatmushSTANDUP ENDS!09:49
locallycompactShaun: I've published a docker with pandoc and dihaa in it as part of my ci if you like to use that:
locallycompactIt just requires calling dihaa, (not ditaa)09:57
locallycompactI don't know if the command line interfaces are equivalent09:58
Shaunlocallycompact: great, thanks!09:59
ShaunJust installing docker (which isn't as simple as I thought it would be), then will give it a go09:59
Shaunlocallycompact: I'm getting "Error response from daemon: manifest for zenhaskell/analysis:latest not found" when I try to pull10:02
locallycompactah use the specific tag10:02
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paulsherwoodShaun: anything to see yet?12:25
Shaunpaulsherwood: yes!
ShaunAt the moment you'll just get a png of the diagram. I'm adding the losses, hazards, responsibilites etc now then going to add the control actions and get the requirements from then12:28
paulsherwoodok thanks. let's get some 'governance' established12:32
paulsherwoodi'll add reviewers + one approval for now12:33
ShaunThanks. Seems as we have a makefile I'll add a ci file too12:33
paulsherwoodok cool12:34
paulsherwoodi guess autonomousvehicles-stpa might be a better name, though... autonomous-stpa hints that the analysis might think for itself :)12:35
paulsherwoodor av-stpa12:41
paulsherwoodShaun: ^^12:41
Shaungood point. av-stpa is less of a... is there a typing equivalent of mouth full?12:42
* paulsherwood doesn't believe so12:42
paulsherwoodless to type12:43
paulsherwoodor less typing, even12:43
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persiaI'm late to the party, but in terms of trust-all-the-way-down, I'd suggest developing a generalised procedure for consuming previously extant code.  In such cases, the provenance may lack evidence, but it is worth making assertions about it (e.g. a paragraph talking about why tex is unlikely to be a poor choice), along with writing some requirements (ideally as executable tests) for what we want the tool to do (and not do), such that we can test to13:08
persiaensure that imported changes continue to meet the project needs.13:08
flatmushpersia: Do you mean adding comments to buildstream element files?13:23
persiaNo, although that would be one of many places one could put commentary about imported provenance.13:24
persiaMore important is having a test suite that says things like "this tool should produce documents this way" or whatever, and running that to show that the selected imported solution is fit for purpose.13:24
persiaWhether one runs that once, once for each change to the imported code or dependencies, or as part of some wider CI on every commit is left as a local project decision.13:25
persiaMy preference would be for a two-tier set of tests: running the tests of teh requirements for the tool on any change to imported code or dependencies, and including use of the tool on CI for projects that related to the tool, such that if the tool doesn't work for a given change, that can be investigated to determine if the change is incompatible with the tool, or if the tool requirements need changing.13:27
paulsherwoodShaun: did you intend to submit a MR, or are you still working on it?14:23
Shaunpaulsherwood: Submitted MR for the diagram14:26
paulsherwoodit's a start :-)14:34
ShaunYes, just a start. I'm going through the rest of the STPA process while reading and learning so it's kind of slow atm but end of next week it will have a lot more detail in :)14:37
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paulsherwoodwhat about the CI?14:57
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