IRC logs for #cip for Tuesday, 2017-07-25

*** rajm has joined #cip07:08
rajmv4.4.75-cip6 BBB health check completes successfully & notification automatically sent to cip-testing-results!07:32
*** toscalix has joined #cip07:58
*** kristerman has joined #cip08:40
* rajm makes note of for newer versions of olava?09:28
rajmthough I'm getting a csrf cookie error at the curl -b cookies.txt -c cookies.txt -d $login -X POST $lavaurl/accounts/login/ stage :-(09:39
* rajm adds note to #102 that the smtp setup needs some sort of advice in the wiki (maybe that should be in the acceptance criteria?10:09
rajmno those instructions are ancient (Add-KVM-Device...)10:39
*** Jackneillll has quit IRC14:39
*** Jackneill has joined #cip14:46
*** rajm has quit IRC15:48
*** toscalix has quit IRC16:47
*** CTtpollard has quit IRC17:10
*** kristerman has quit IRC17:20
*** ironfoot has quit IRC21:12
*** ironfoot has joined #cip21:13

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