IRC logs for #cip for Thursday, 2017-06-15

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rajman initial  fail on the daily BBB health check  ran it again and it worked09:08
rajmon the fail I got Adjuvant pdu_reboot required - Hard reset required but not defined for device. maybe a temporary device quirk?09:09
rajmdonbrown can you check out MR #30 please?09:17
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toscalixI am changing some bits in the technical docu like the nmumbering on the title and the links to next and previous pages12:20
rajmah ok12:21
toscalixrajm in this page:
toscalixstep 3/512:26
toscalixat the end of the page, shouldn't the user be sent to step 4/5 ?12:26
toscalixinstead of 5/5 ?12:27
toscalixstep 1412:27
rajmyes now that that exists12:27
toscalixok. will do12:27
rajmthanks so wording needs to change12:28
toscalixalso at the beginning of 5/512:29
toscalixI am happy with the docu we have donbrown rajm you guys have done a good job12:30
rajm\o/  though step 4 of testing needs to reference the local initramfs - though we need to settle on where we advise the user to put it12:31
toscalixI did not say it is perfect ;-)12:39
toscalixI was  asked at OSSJ if it works on windows. As soon as we can, we will test it. We choose virtualbox to ensure this was possible, but we need to double check since we having for some time now12:40
* rajm adds disk space estimate to prerequisites and closes #101 - anyone disagreeing can edit the wiki ;-)13:10
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donbrowntoscalix: I don't have a Windows Machine. I *might* be able to test it in a Windows VM, but that is a lot of hypervisors running. So, I will have to leave the Windows tasks to rajm.16:11
donbrownAlso, thank you for the kind words regarding the docs. I think we have done a very good job with them. I think they are still "living" docs that can be tweaked here and there still. But for the 0.9.1 release, I think we really shined (shone?).16:13
donbrownrajm: How about we put the initramfs.cpio.gz file in /var/www/kernel-ci directory so the link would simply be http://<CIP VM IP Address>:8010/initramfs.cpio.gz16:15
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