IRC logs for #cip for Tuesday, 2017-01-24

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Gwaihirin which timezone is kristerman located?09:44
rajmHe's in GMT Gwaihir09:46
Gwaihirok, didn't see him here thought he was behind GMT, I'll leave the message here since the channel is logged09:48
Gwaihirthe file is not the one responsible for creating the URLs on the web UI, that is used only for creating the RSS feed09:48
Gwaihiryou need to look here:
Gwaihirstarting here:
Gwaihirwhere the URL for the file server is created09:49
Gwaihirand here:
Gwaihirwhere the build log URL is actually created09:52
*** kristerman has joined #cip10:23
kristermanHi Gwaihir11:19
kristermanI am trying to work out this issue:, do you have some feedback on my last comment?11:20
Gwaihirhey kristerman, yea, I wrote them here about an hour ago, logs should have my comments:
kristermanah, didn't get it, thank you very much11:22
Gwaihirkristerman, let me know if that help11:25
kristermanwill do11:26
kristermanHi, when running the "./ -c tinycinfig -p CIP-KernelCI" command, the Web server is not running and last output message is '202'12:03
kristermanAnyone had the same problem?12:03
rajmthe 202 is expected it's the failing to run webserver that's the issue (IMHO)12:19
kristermanmakes sense12:20
toscalixdid split the howto pages in two in the wiki:
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toscalixSent mail to cip-dev about Y203817:00
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