IRC logs for #buildstream for Friday, 2020-09-25

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*** tristan changes topic to "BuildStream 1.6.0 is out ! | | Docs: | IRC logs: | Mailing List:"08:03
tomazjuergbi: pipeline failed with the same error as yesterday, here is the backtrace:
tomazrelevant code:08:35
tomazfd =, flags, 0o600)08:35
tomaz    OSError: [Errno 24] Too many open files:08:35
tristantomaz, did you check if you could configure a higher limit ?08:39
tristan<juergbi> if this still is insufficient, the system may have a low hard limit (it's configurable in Linux)08:39
tristanAnother workaround may be to reduce the number of parallel jobs allowed08:41
tristane.g.: `bst --max-jobs 2 build ...`08:41
tristanor not that, rather decrease builders08:42
tristan`bst --builders 2 build ...`08:42
tristan--builders controls the number of ongoing buildstream jobs, --max-jobs controls the number of parallel jobs we *try* to inform the builds they are allowed to run (e.g. by telling make `-j%{maxjobs}`)08:43
tristanSo... benschubert's feature request for reducing commonality is to make the dependency `filename` attribute a `string-or-list`08:49
tristanThis sounds sensible to me08:49
tristanlets bang out the code then08:49
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tomazI haven't, I was waiting to see if the pipeline passed a second time (as the machine could also be doing other builds in parallel and hit a hard limit on the os)08:55
tomaznow I'm doing that.08:55
tomazproblem is, it took almost a day to fail, if I decrease the builders count, it wil take way more time (and not necessarely it will pass)08:56
tomazstill, doing htat.08:56
tristanInterestingly, ben's proposal makes it possible to define the junction once on a dependency, and depend on multiple files through that same junction09:04
tomazI'm trying to think of a way to simplify the usage of external buildstream projects inside mine.09:15
tomazright now it's too complex: you need to know the file structure of the external project to be able to use on yours, and this can change / break your project.09:16
tomazI'll finish the proposal today and send to the ML.09:17
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tristantomaz left09:24
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douglaswinshipI'm trying to test something with BuildStream 1.93.4, and i'm getting a weird error15:03
douglaswinship"Error loading user configuration: ..."  "...Severely malformed YAML:"15:04
douglaswinship"'Nonetype' object is not callable"15:04
douglaswinshipI don't have a specific configuration file. (I did, for testing purposes, but i'd deleted that and it made no difference)15:04
douglaswinshipSo far as I know, I'm using the default configuration, and yet BuildStream is claiming it's bad.15:07
coldtom`pip install ruamel.yaml.clib` iirc15:13
douglaswinshipcoldtom: doesn't seem to have fixed it :(15:14
douglaswinshipI sometimes run docker inside a docker container, with things like the buildstream cache mounted as directories inside the container. I end up changing the ownership on a lot of files, they get labelled as being owned by root, instead of owned by my main user account.15:16
douglaswinshipThat's caused me trouble before. I don't know if it could be relevant now.15:16
douglaswinshippip uninstalling and reinstalling ruamel.yaml seems to have done it15:21
douglaswinshipcoldtom: thanks for the tip.15:21
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gitlab-br-botabderrahimk closed MR !2053 (abderrahim/makemaker->bst-1: makemaker.yaml: use DESTDIR to set the install root) on buildstream
nanonymeMeh ^19:23

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