IRC logs for #buildstream for Saturday, 2020-09-26

*** milloni has quit IRC00:58
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*** tristan has joined #buildstream06:01
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o tristan06:01
gitlab-br-bottristanvb opened MR !2075 (tristan/dependency-multi-filename->master: Allow specifying multiple filenames in a dependency) on buildstream
gitlab-br-bottristanvb opened MR !2076 (tristan/fix-logging-regression->master: Fix logging regression) on buildstream
gitlab-br-bottristanvb approved MR !2076 (tristan/fix-logging-regression->master: Fix logging regression) on buildstream
tristanHow does buildstream install buildbox-casd into the python environments when tox runs ?09:42
tristanIt appears that bst-plugins-container has been left behind in this regard09:42
tristanOr, how does buildstream add ~/.local/bin to the tox environment where tests run ?09:54
tristanHmmm ok I get it10:00
tristanPATH is inherited by default, I was just running tox under sudo10:01
tristangah, these bst-plugins-container are screwy, the docker fixtures want to talk to a docker daemon and don't really work well out of the box10:06
tristanor tell you what's going on10:06
tristaninstead of "You must install foo or configure bar on your system bla bla" message, you get a huge stack trace with a permission denied10:06
tristanthen you add yourself to the docker group, cause you have docker installed, and you get the same stack trace10:07
* tristan is getting defeated by tox + in bst-plugins-container :-S10:29
tristanit stubbornly wants to use a BuildStream version from pypi, regardless of what `deps` I put into tox.ini, and it rejects encoding git+ into `install_requires` in setup.py10:30
*** tristan has quit IRC10:54

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