IRC logs for #automotive for Thursday, 2016-05-12

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paulsherwoodhi leon-anavi06:55
leon-anavihi paulsherwood06:55
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CTtpollardmorning all07:00
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RzRhi CTtpollard07:01
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RzRjeremiah, hi07:37
CTtpollardRzR: your pull request builds and boots, for qemu07:51
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CTtpollardhey Tarnyko08:36
Tarnykonew security compilation flags ( make "qml-radio-plugin" build fail ; looking..08:40
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gunnarxCTtpollard, have you seen the mention on TOOL-70 (download cache) ?09:02
* CTtpollard browses his jira email folder 09:03
CTtpollardI see your mention, will take a look now09:04
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leon-anaviCTtpollard, how are you? I heard that you were sick yesterday. Did you recover?09:15
CTtpollardleon-anavi: yes I feel much better today, the sunny weather is here so the hayfever hits me pretty bad somedays. Need to get stronger stuff from the doctors09:26
leon-anavioh, I understand, hopefully they can prescribe you something better for the hay fever.09:27
CTtpollardso yeh, the plants don't like me, and neither does the sun as I'm ginger with pale skin xD09:28
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CTtpollardFor anybody interested on giving input to the gdp git structure discussion, there's been updates here: along with the list10:40
pedroalvarezgunnarx: any plans to install and in
gunnarxthere is now :)10:40
gunnarxI don't dare say no when you ask :)10:41
paulsherwoodgunnarx: how come you're afraid of pedroalvarez, but not of me? :-)10:43
gunnarxbecause you're a pussycat inside10:44
gunnarxI am afraid of cats tho10:45
* gunnarx is now looking at pedro's link to see what he just committed to :-P 10:46
gunnarxI'm sorry paulsherwood, you're a lion, you really are10:47
CTtpollardI just tested out switching the minnowboard pipeline to point to github, but it also requires changing a template that's used in multiple targets for the execution commands, (i.e I need to switch bitbake meta-genivi-demo to meta-genivi-dev)10:47
gunnarxCTtpollard, took a while, yes of course the target has changed name, yes.10:49
gunnarxYou can do all the needed edits right?10:50
gunnarxtook a while to read I mean.  let's not misunderstand :)10:50
gunnarx^^ took me a while a to read your comment.  Jeez.10:50
CTtpollardyeh, but I can't change the template yet until all pipeline targets are in github10:51
pedroalvarezgunnarx: hah, they are plugins so that we can trigger builds from github PRs and post feedback to the PR10:51
CTtpollardheh no worries10:51
gunnarxmake a new template?10:51
gunnarxReplying to your single-branch comment now CTtpollard10:53
CTtpollardgunnarx: tbh all pipelines using 'Yocto_GDP_Build' are in github, so I can switch it there safely as well as changing the relevant config xml to github10:53
gunnarxdo what you need.  If in the interim some pipelines use a variant template (or no template) that's fine too10:54
CTtpollardand on the PR trigger builds, that would be awesome. no more standalone 'ci / premerge' branches10:58
pedroalvarezCTtpollard: that's what I was thinking of :)11:01
gunnarxalthough using git branches shouldn't be overly difficult either. you guys need to be doing more git-merge :)11:06
gunnarxgithub automatically exposes all PRs on branches too actually, probably that's something the plugin uses11:07
CTtpollardusing the pre merge branches isn't over difficult I agree11:07
gunnarxall I'm saying is, scripting some automation around this stuff should be quite trivial even if the automation was not there.11:08
gunnarxI'll take a look at the plugin though11:08
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CTtpollardgunnarx: the multiple agents comment you made in gdp126 is a good one11:10
CTtpollardI think sometimes it's easy to not abstract the pipeline - agent model11:12
gunnarxCTtpollard, yes I'm just making sure we discuss to get all facts understood before we jump11:12
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CTtpollardthere's so many +/- for each structure, the 'one target lagging behind another' on a release doesn't both me so much11:24
CTtpollardif it's not supported yet on a release branch, it's not an option in init.sh11:24
CTtpollardor something along those lines11:24
CTtpollardand we currently point all targets to the same commit of all layers bar their bsp-layer for a gdp version11:28
CTtpollardI've not had an instance where we've had to point to different commits of the poky version for example in a release11:29
CTtpollard*the same11:29
CTtpollardSo I think the biggest con for the single branch approach is how it affects cd/cd11:30
gunnarx"it's not an option in" - OK that's one way of handling it.11:34
gunnarxYes CI was also my biggest point11:37
gunnarxIf you feel target mismatch is less likely, then I guess that's fine.  But that also means Rudi's main argument (if I understand it) that all targets need to be forced to be the same is less of an issue.11:38
gunnarxSo some kind of simplicity is the main argument for single-branch then?11:38
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CTtpollardin a perfect yocto workflow all targets should be forced to be the same, but we can't always rely on the bsp layers to be working on given future version of poky12:00
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gunnarxCTtpollard, I'd like to restart go-server.  Already started builds should finish on the agents independently (I think, but I'm not sure)12:49
gunnarxAnyway one build is almost done, I'll let it finish first12:49
CTtpollardgunnarx: fire away12:52
CTtpollardI'll change porters template over to github once it's all back up12:53
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gunnarxjust started task do_rootfs, :-/12:59
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CTtpollardat least it's not webkit13:02
toscalixCTtpollard: can you click in the upper left hand corner menu of confluence or JIRA, by the logo?13:09
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toscalixCTtpollard: jonathanmaw I also added some links to the side bar to github and jira/confluence13:16
CTtpollardtoscalix: it works :)13:17
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CTtpollardleon-anavi: is this your raspi touchscreen?
leon-anaviCTtpollard, yes, this is the official 7" touch screen display for rpi14:06
leon-anaviI bought my display from the local reseller of Farnell.14:06
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CTtpollardhopefully I'll have one here soon then14:25
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gunnarxLooks like the PR builder requires the base branch to be master14:33
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gunnarxCTtpollard, we don't have a master branch right?14:33
CTtpollardgunnarx: we do in github, qemu :)14:35
gunnarxyeah but the plugin seems hardcoded to the name "master".  The issue is logged14:35
CTtpollardah, not remote head then14:35
gunnarxYeah, looks like a simple hack so far14:35
gunnarxNot sure why it needs it but apparently it builds some kind of base the first time you run the pipeline.  After that any new PR is built automatically14:36
pedroalvarezah, then nothing to worry about14:36
perrylistr reading something of being migrated to GENIVI github; does anyone know if this will be happening relatively soon?14:45
toscalixperryl: jeremiah is your man.14:46
CTtpollardperryl: one moment14:46
CTtpollardlooks like it didn't happen though14:48
perrylahh! indeed, 404s14:48
CTtpollardmaybe give magnus a ping14:49
paulsherwoodjlrmagnus: ^^14:49
perryljlrmagnus: any ETA on the migration to ?14:50
toscalixwe are starting the preparation of the GDP-ivi9 port to Intel Minnowboard
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CTtpollardwell, the port is there, I think the release is a better way to put it :)15:03
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* nisha waves15:04
CTtpollardhi nisha15:05
nishahi CTtpollard15:05
CTtpollardamcgee7: multitouch is enabled by default now for the minnowboard, btw :)15:05
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amcgee7cttpollard:  I should be using the minnowboard branch off github now?15:07
CTtpollardamcgee7: yup15:08
amcgee7cttpollard: I really hope we can get all these bsp's into one branch on genivi-dev-platform.15:09
CTtpollardamcgee7: I've put together a PoC for that here: , and there's discussion happening in
nishabtw, amcgee7, I am having trouble booting the image I built and I was told you could help me with it :)15:09
CTtpollardamcgee7: if you've got any feedback on it, I'd highly appreciate it15:10
toscalixamcgee7: WE ALL DO ;-)15:10
amcgee7nisha: I'll be happy to help.  see you in a bit.15:11
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CTtpollardleon-anavi: great news for the 4.4 branch15:12
leon-anaviCTtpollard, yes :)15:12
leon-anaviIt was a quick test.15:12
leon-anaviI built it earlier but I have just found out time to boot the image and verify it.15:12
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gunnarxThe good news is we now have GitHub integration building PRs and updating their build status.16:30
gunnarxThe bad news is it won't work for PRs against any other branch than master.  And we don't even have a master in GDP!16:31
gunnarxSo I don't know if I should laugh or cry... :)16:32
jonathanmaw_gunnarx: sounds like another incentive to get the genivi-dev-platform repo to use a single branch16:33
gunnarxshit, didn't see that one coming :-D16:33
jonathanmaw_gunnarx: tbf, we've got a proof-of-concept
gunnarxI checked the code and they hardcoded the name "master", can you believe it.16:33
gunnarxYes jonathanmaw_ I've commented on it.  As far as single-branch goes it looks as good as can be.16:34
gunnarxI'll create a test with that branch calling it master just to see if the PR stuff works on GDP.16:37
gunnarxi..e forked on github/gunnarx16:38
gunnarxI see pedroalvarez already did this16:38
pedroalvarezgunnarx: and, doesn't seem to work16:39
pedroalvarezI'm not sure about what is failing16:39
pedroalvarezI definitely got it working on my go server16:39
gunnarxI have it working but not yet for GDP16:39
pedroalvarezthen maybe you can spot what's wrong with the pipeline I've created16:43
gunnarxyeah maybe, hang on16:44
gunnarxworking example16:44
gunnarxFirst commit marked as successfully built. Then PR updated with something that fails.16:45
gunnarxIt works.Click on the green checkmark or red X for example, and they are linked back to the build on the Go server.16:46
pedroalvarezthat's great16:48
gunnarxHow did you set up the authentication, could that be your issue?16:49
pedroalvarezyou only need that for the github notifier plugin, and that is already configured in go.genivi.org16:50
gunnarxThe PR builder needs it too.  I guess to use the API to find the PRs?16:51
gunnarxForgot to say I have documented already:  Read
pedroalvarezhm.. but the project and the PR's are public, it should just work16:51
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pedroalvarezI may be wrong, of course16:51
gunnarxI agree, don't know why it says that it needs it16:52
gunnarxCome to think of it, that is set up on the go-server which only I could do16:52
gunnarxbut that means it is done...16:52
gunnarxAnyhow if you find any faults in my reasoning on the documentation, let me know.  I'll proceed to set up a little test with GDP16:53
pedroalvarezonly difference I found is that the url's of your pipelines had ".git" at the end17:01
pedroalvarezbut the change didn't work17:01
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pedroalvarezoh, I've found now the bit about ~/.github in the docs17:06
pedroalvarezthis wasn't needed in gerrit17:06
pedroalvarezI'm not sure about this being the problem, given that the PR detection should happen in the server17:09
pedroalvarezbut yes, I should configure my agent17:09
* pedroalvarez is clueless and jetlagged17:12
* pedroalvarez goes home17:12
gunnarxsorry pedroalvarez I was looking at other things.  Actually you shouldn't have to configure the agent, ~/.github is on the server17:14
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pedroalvarezThe docs says that also agents have to be, but no idea17:31
pedroalvarezI'll look at it tomorrow with fresh eyes17:31
gunnarxI think that's a good idea17:31
gunnarxidk builder plugin may need things like PR build status.  it may need to authenticate to API for that17:32
gunnarxAnyway I uploaded the single-branch under the name master now and set up a pipeline.  It needs to build once however before PR can be tested, so that's for another day.17:32
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gunnarxGithub might be a little protective of the API.  I just noticed with the wrong OAUTH token just listing the public repos of a user (gunnarx) through the API got a 401 unauthorized, well according to what the go plugin claims anyway.17:34
gunnarxso I think that's all you were missing pedroalvarez, the go server being authorized to use the API.  As documented, the user genivigo is set up to do it. And I believe genivigo needs to be added as collaborator to update the PR build status.17:36
gunnarxbut yeah, I guess listing PRs should work equally for you and me, there's only one server.17:36
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