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fredcadete | CTtpollard: at AWTCE we recently upgraded from meta-ivi 7 to 8 | 07:08 |
fredcadete | it was mostly a painless upgrade | 07:09 |
fredcadete | correction: from meta-ivi 6 to 8 | 07:09 |
fredcadete | we only had one small issue: the setting of the root password to "root" was moved from a base-passwd bbappend to the ivi-image; so in our own image root became passwordless | 07:11 |
fredcadete | it was easy enough to fix | 07:11 |
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CTtpollard | fredcadete: good to know | 07:35 |
CTtpollard | I'm sorry I missed your response last night | 07:36 |
fredcadete | no problem | 07:42 |
fredcadete | did you get it working in the end? | 07:42 |
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CTtpollard | fredcadete: I have just come back to my build this morning and it has failed on common | 07:43 |
CTtpollard | I'm not sure if it's the contents of the append, or the location etc | 07:43 |
fredcadete | ouch | 07:44 |
CTtpollard | the log it generated in buildspec isn't much use | 07:46 |
CTtpollard | my append file is http://paste.baserock.org/upeyitagex | 07:50 |
fredcadete | I'll bite the bullet and setup a GDP build environment | 07:50 |
CTtpollard | located /meta-genivi-demo/recipes-extended/common-api/common-api-c++_2.1.6.bbappend | 07:50 |
CTtpollard | do you think I've placed the append in the right dir fredcadete ? | 07:54 |
fredcadete | it depends on your bblayers.conf | 07:55 |
fredcadete | but the best way to check is to call bitbake-layers | 07:55 |
fredcadete | from the same shell and directory you would call `bitbake`, you can call `bitbake-layers show-appends` | 07:55 |
fredcadete | it will show you all appends that are being taken | 07:55 |
fredcadete | you can check if your new append is there | 07:55 |
CTtpollard | common-api-c++_2.1.6.bb: | 07:56 |
CTtpollard | /home/ubuntu/GDP/poky/../meta-genivi-demo/recipes-extended/common-api/common-api-c++_2.1.6.bbappend | 07:56 |
CTtpollard | so it's taking it at least | 07:57 |
fredcadete | yes | 07:59 |
fredcadete | then what error do you get? | 07:59 |
CTtpollard | one moment, I'll pull up the last trace | 07:59 |
CTtpollard | http://paste.baserock.org/uxuqoxevel | 08:00 |
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fredcadete | that's something already, it did take your SRC_URI and compile everything | 08:02 |
fredcadete | can you give me /home/ubuntu/GDP/gdp-koelsch/tmp/work/cortexa15hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/common-api-c++/2.1.6-/temp/log.do_package_write_rpm.24587 ? | 08:02 |
fredcadete | I have the feeling my advice yesterday about PR="" may be the problem | 08:03 |
CTtpollard | yes sure | 08:03 |
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CTtpollard | http://paste.baserock.org/hugegolawi | 08:05 |
CTtpollard | same again really | 08:05 |
fredcadete | ah | 08:05 |
fredcadete | error: line 4: Empty tag: Release: | 08:05 |
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CTtpollard | ah, so yes maybe it doesn't like empty tags | 08:06 |
CTtpollard | well, an empty variable | 08:07 |
fredcadete | http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/1.8/ref-manual/ref-manual.html#var-PR | 08:09 |
fredcadete | could you try setting it to "r0" ? or simply not overriding it in the bbappend | 08:09 |
CTtpollard | although the tag variable is ${PV} , as it is in the patch | 08:10 |
CTtpollard | can give it a shot | 08:10 |
CTtpollard | it has passed through the task list, looking promising | 08:11 |
fredcadete | if you want to look at the sausage factory you can go into the work directory. It will probably have an intermediate file describing the package. And my guess is that in this file, line 4 is something like "Release : " | 08:12 |
fredcadete | ok, I hope that settles it | 08:13 |
jeremiah | NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 4484 tasks of which 2948 didn't need to be rerun and all succeeded. <-- weee! | 08:13 |
jeremiah | Built GDP w/ Renesas BSP | 08:13 |
CTtpollard | :) | 08:14 |
CTtpollard | which board jeremiah? | 08:14 |
jeremiah | Porter | 08:14 |
CTtpollard | :) | 08:14 |
jeremiah | Now I have to flash it | 08:15 |
jeremiah | Or is it installed onto an SD card? | 08:15 |
CTtpollard | heh, I call it flash | 08:16 |
jeremiah | w00t | 08:39 |
CTtpollard | 'Attempted 4484 tasks of which 3136 didn't need to be rerun and all succeeded.' | 08:48 |
CTtpollard | the append looks to be working! | 08:48 |
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CTtpollard | let's see if it boots, I have being having problems with the koelsh and booting | 08:49 |
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jeremiah | w00t! | 08:58 |
jeremiah | ♫ | 09:03 |
jeremiah | la la la | 09:03 |
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fredcadete | CTtpollard: by chance are your booting problems a division by zero from the fb_flashcursor code in the kernel? | 09:09 |
fredcadete | or something like that in the serial trace | 09:09 |
CTtpollard | I'll dump the trace one minute | 09:10 |
fredcadete | because I have that on Lager once in a while | 09:10 |
CTtpollard | fredcadete : http://paste.baserock.org/etiqoxayej | 09:12 |
fredcadete | nope, that's rootfs problems | 09:12 |
CTtpollard | I initially had the same problem with porter, but a second build seemed to avoid it | 09:12 |
fredcadete | I'll post my dump just in case someone is interested | 09:12 |
CTtpollard | cool | 09:12 |
radiofree | are you sure you're setting the correct partition to mount as /? | 09:13 |
radiofree | "Kernel panic - not syncing: No init found. Try passing init= option to kernel. See Linux Documentation/init.txt for guidance." | 09:13 |
fredcadete | http://pastebin.com/84jjQKnx | 09:14 |
CTtpollard | radiofree: I think so, as it it's finding the kernel correctly under /boot | 09:14 |
fredcadete | CTtpollard: it's uboot that finds the kernel | 09:14 |
radiofree | it'll be your bootloader loading that | 09:14 |
fredcadete | then the kernel boots and it needs to find /sbin/init | 09:14 |
radiofree | interrupt u-boot and and paste the bootargs | 09:14 |
radiofree | "printenv" | 09:15 |
CTtpollard | http://paste.baserock.org/ovobiyedad | 09:15 |
radiofree | so you're running bootcmd_sd and then bootcmd? | 09:16 |
radiofree | is your rootfs on the sd card? | 09:17 |
radiofree | i'd guess that the sd card isn't being exposed as /dev/mmcblk0p1 to the kernel once booted, try changing root to /dev/sda1 | 09:17 |
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CTtpollard | radiofree: one thing of difference between my sd for porter and koelsch is that sbin is owned by root on the koelsch, and not on the porter | 09:19 |
CTtpollard | could that be an issue? | 09:19 |
CTtpollard | as in, I can't navigate to that directory without root | 09:23 |
radiofree | i wouldn't have thought that was the issue here | 09:23 |
radiofree | where do you flash u-boot to? if it's not on the sdcard you could try your porter rootfs, just copy boot/uImage-r8a7791-koelsch.dtb to it, and boot/uImage (call it uImage-koelsch and update bootcmd_sd) | 09:25 |
CTtpollard | I put them under /boot on the sd | 09:27 |
CTtpollard | this is just following the steps on http://wiki.projects.genivi.org/index.php/Hardware_Setup_and_Software_Installation/koelsch%26porter | 09:28 |
fredcadete | the ownership difference is weird | 09:30 |
radiofree | well i have no idea about koelsch or porter boards, but your rootfs should essentially be the same (graphics probably won't work) | 09:30 |
fredcadete | if /sbin/init is not executable on root it may cause that message | 09:31 |
fredcadete | *by root* | 09:31 |
radiofree | so you can check to see if it's an issue with your koelsch sdcard by copying the koelsch kernel and devicetree to your porter sdcard | 09:31 |
fredcadete | +1 radiofree | 09:31 |
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CTtpollard | yup it boots that | 09:43 |
CTtpollard | so there's something wrong when copying to the sd | 09:43 |
radiofree | ok, well your koelsch sdcard is, to use the technical term, buggered | 09:43 |
radiofree | looking at those instructions is looks like they both have the same source base, so you can probably get away with dding that porter card to another one and just extracting the koelsch graphics drivers onto it | 09:46 |
CTtpollard | the gfx seem fine | 09:47 |
radiofree | oh right, i just assumed they'd have a different gpu considering there's two branches of instructions | 09:50 |
radiofree | however the filenames seem to match, i guess there's hardware on the koelsch that needs additional drivers? | 09:51 |
radiofree | the scarily named copy_proprietary_softwares-v1*.sh | 09:51 |
CTtpollard | heh | 09:51 |
fredcadete | those will probably be the same between koelsch and porter since they are both RCar-M2 | 09:53 |
fredcadete | but different for Lager | 09:53 |
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jeremiah | I hate fussing with the SD card, always an issue for me. | 10:08 |
jeremiah | I think the GPU, versioned as M2, is the same in Porter and Koelsch | 10:10 |
CTtpollard | jeremiah: do you follow the tar option for copying onto the sd as the guide says? I think this is my issue | 10:11 |
radiofree | wiki should be updated then, for the Koelsch it states "If you do not already have it as part of a working relationship with Renesas, the R-Car M2 graphics driver can be obtained by contacting Renesas. " whereas it appears you can just use the instructions for the porter | 10:12 |
radiofree | also, that probably means you can simply the instructions to just one set, the only difference will be the device tree you use at the end? | 10:12 |
radiofree | s/simply/simplify/ | 10:12 |
CTtpollard | I agree they can probably be shortened / simplified into one in certain places | 10:16 |
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CTtpollard | koeslch build booting \o/ although I still think I've got a permissions difference, a new sd card looks to have remedied it | 11:12 |
fredcadete | CTtpollard: if you don't untar with "sudo" the file permissions will not be properly set | 11:12 |
fredcadete | even if your user has write permissions in the SD card | 11:13 |
fredcadete | I have made that mistake once or twice | 11:13 |
CTtpollard | fredcadete: yep I'm usign sudo, in the exact method as listed | 11:13 |
fredcadete | must be another thing then | 11:13 |
fredcadete | I like to avoid sudo when I can but in this case I was not able to | 11:14 |
CTtpollard | I can see at a quick glance in nautilus that the file permissions differ between the two rootfs | 11:14 |
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jeremiah | CTtpollard: I usually use dd, but that can be, umm, problematic. | 13:14 |
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waltminer | Hi fredcadete nice to speak to you on the SC call. Thanks for participating | 14:47 |
jlrmagnus | Morning | 14:47 |
waltminer | good morning Magnus | 14:49 |
fredcadete | waltminer: same here :) | 14:49 |
jlrmagnus | Morning Walt. | 14:50 |
CTtpollard | I've emailed genivi-project with my patch proposal to get gdp building again for the time being | 14:59 |
jeremiah | w00t | 15:00 |
jeremiah | jlrmagnus: morn | 15:00 |
* paulsherwood apologises for missing the sc call | 15:00 | |
* fredcadete thinks paulsherwood missed a hell of a party | 15:01 | |
jeremiah | o_O | 15:02 |
CTtpollard | sounds intriguing | 15:05 |
* waltminer is still enjoying the coffee and biscuits that were part of the SC meeting | 15:29 | |
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CTtpollard | jeremiah: are you still wanting genivi to have repo with the functionality of gunnar's sub-module approach? | 15:54 |
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myself | it must be morning on the west coast! | 16:26 |
jlrmagnus | It is. | 16:27 |
jlrmagnus | Mornign David. | 16:27 |
fredcadete | that means I should already have gone home | 16:27 |
fredcadete | good evening all | 16:27 |
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jlrmagnus | Dthiriez: I've updated my local rvi_core master so that it works a bit better. | 16:27 |
jlrmagnus | I'm currently validating the certs sent out by Rudi's backend server code. | 16:27 |
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jlrmagnus | Dthiriez? | 19:23 |
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