IRC logs for #trustable for Thursday, 2018-07-19

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flatmushSTANDUP: Order: flatmush, noisecell, willbarnard_09:45
flatmush## Ben Brewer (flatmush)09:45
flatmush* Done09:45
flatmush  - Work on minimal system using bst.09:45
flatmush* Doing09:45
flatmush  - Continued work on minimal bst system09:45
flatmush  - Reading and discussion09:45
flatmush## Francisco Redondo Marchena (noisecell)09:45
noisecell* Done09:46
noisecell  - Remove kernel modules to use default configuration09:46
noisecell  - Remove not required package dependencies09:46
noisecell* Doing09:46
noisecell  - Trim the system and update packages to latest versions.09:46
noisecell    - Update packages to use build and runtime dependencies wisely09:46
noisecell## Will Barnard (willbarnard)09:46
willbarnard* Doing09:46
willbarnard  - Analyzing certification requirements for ISO 26262/IEC 6150809:46
willbarnard    - Planning for functional safety workshop09:46
flatmush## Discussion09:46
flatmushIf you're pasting the same notes every day willbarnard, I can do it for you ;)09:47
flatmushSTANDUP ENDS!09:47
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paulsherwoodflatmush: interesting thought... we could maybe build two parallel streams one with busybox, one with toybox?13:31
flatmushto me, that sounds like a horrific thought13:40
flatmushdouble the pain and effort13:40
flatmushwe're using busybox now because adding toybox is non-trivial13:40
flatmushI'd rather do one or the other, but if there's a good reason to do both, then we can13:40
flatmushwe've not moved to toybox yet cause it seems like it requires us to include bash in the bootstrap13:41
paulsherwoodno clear view yet13:43
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