IRC logs for #cip for Thursday, 2022-01-13

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jki#startmeeting CIP IRC weekly meeting13:00
brloggerMeeting started Thu Jan 13 13:00:32 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is jki. Information about MeetBot at
brloggerUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.13:00
brloggerThe meeting name has been set to 'cip_irc_weekly_meeting'13:00
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jkihi all!13:00
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jkiok, let's get started then13:03
jki#topic AI review13:03
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jki1. Provide v3 of kernelci patches for isar-cip-core - alicef13:03
alicefjki thanks for the review. v3 is still not done. bit busy with other work.13:04
jkiok, np. if i should help, let me know13:04
jki2. Propose tweet on KernelCI-CIP collaboration progress - alicef13:04
alicefpatersonc[m]: maybe we can decide here something to write ?13:05
patersonc[m]Probably best. Then the proposal can be sent to Neil for posting13:06
alicefI was thinking something like "check the CIP work on Kernelci @kernelci @cip"13:06
alicefI was thinking something like "check the CIP work on Kernelci @kernelci @cip_project"13:07
patersonc[m]alicef: We should probably meet to work out the next steps for cip+kernelci as well13:07
jkiok, great13:09
jki3. Clarify with KernelCI whether CIP maintainers can get accounts - alicef13:09
patersonc[m]What are these accounts for btw? For KernelCI's GitHub?13:10
alicefstill working on this probably it will take some time for now. and is part of the kernelci next steps13:10
alicefpatersonc[m]: Is actually not account as is possible to do it programmatically13:10
alicefI asked iwamatsu  and pave1 to send me a mail with the development branch that they want to be enabled for development but didn't get it yet afaik13:11
jki"Clarify with KernelCI how CIP maintainers can get trigger private builds"13:11
alicefactually the current task is for pavel and iwamatsu to send me a mail with the branch they want to be enabled for developement13:12
pave1This is what I'm using for testing, and I guess it makes sense to keep testing it.13:12
patersonc[m]jki: Gotcha, thanks13:12
alicefpave1: please send me a mail about this13:12
pave1ok :-).13:12
iwamatsualicef: I will do it.13:13
patersonc[m]You can also request branches to be supported as an issue ticket on GitHub:
alicefpave1: can you make a branch like for-kernelci?13:13
alicefoh right13:14
pave1alicef: The name of the branch does not really matter, so yes, I guess I can.13:14
alicefprobably the best is to follow patersonc[m] link and send a issue to kernelci-core13:14
patersonc[m]alicef or I can action the issue once created13:15
alicefspecifing that is a development branch13:15
alicefwhat you mean by "action the issue"13:15
patersonc[m]Create an MR13:16
alicefwhatever is ok for you13:17
alicefjust remember that is a special PR for dealing with development branch13:18
alicefnot just enabling it13:18
jkiok, looks like we have (clearer) plan now13:19
jkianything else?13:19
jki#topic Kernel maintenance updates13:20
*** brlogger changes topic to "Kernel maintenance updates (Meeting topic: CIP IRC weekly meeting)"13:20
pave1I was reviewing 5.10.91 and various series on the mailing lists.13:20
masamiThere are 7 CVEs this week. CVE-2021-4204 hasn't been fixed in the mainline yet.13:20
pave1Renesas ADC and ethernet patches were applied. Sound needs more work.13:20
ulidone with 5.10.87, was going to do 5.10.91...13:20
iwamatsuI reviewed
ulipave1: what's left to review?13:21
pave1Everything that should be relevant to us should be done. There's stuff left that scripts marked as irrelevant. I'll mail you with details.13:22
jkiis the worksplit via wiki now more or less established?13:24
pave1I'll need to look into it.13:26
iwamatsuit hasn't been split yet./13:26
jki"old habits", or is there still something not fitting well?13:27
iwamatsuThere are duplicate reviews .13:29
iwamatsuallocate it automatically ?13:29
jkithat was my idea, but pavel said that splitting has to be "smart", and that might be hard13:30
pave1Lets see how this works, I'd say. I'll need to start using it.13:30
pave1Yes, splitting so that related series and related patches across the releases are reviewed by same person makes sense IMO.13:31
jkiso, someone needs to take a lead for a new kernel release to do that split13:31
jkiand then folks can start reviewing13:32
jkiok, let's put this on recall, I would say13:33
jkianything else for this topic?13:33
jki#topic Kernel testing13:34
*** brlogger changes topic to "Kernel testing (Meeting topic: CIP IRC weekly meeting)"13:34
iwamatsulet's split it when I create the patch list.13:34
patersonc[m]No updates from me RE testing13:35
pave1For stable kernels, 4.4 and 4.19 are tested, but 5.10 fails to build due to gcc problems.13:35
aliceftomorrow I have a presentation at Linux conf au about CIP and KernelCI13:36
alicefno updates other than this13:36
pave1It would be nice to get it fixed, we'll eventually hit it in our testing, too.13:36
alicefpatersonc[m]: maybe we can tweet about the presentation
iwamatsupave1: yes, we need to create a enviromnet for it. And I am working this.13:37
pave1iwamatsu: Thank you!13:38
alicefalso kernelci tweeted about it
patersonc[m]alicef: I'll email Neil13:38
jkigood - anything else?13:40
jki#topic AOB13:40
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pave1There is 4.4.296-rt229 released, and the 4.4-rt releases are quite rare.13:41
pave1It would be great to get 4.4.296-cip release, so I could do -cip-rt...13:41
patersonc[m]Sounds like a good idea13:42
jkiand it should be due as well, one month after the last one13:42
iwamatsuI am going to relase new CIP kernel for 4.4 and 4.19. so I will 4.4.296-cip as 4.4.y cip tree.13:43
pave1THank you!13:44
jkiperfect, thanks!13:44
iwamatsuyou are welcome ;-)13:44
jkitwo topics from my side:13:44
jki1. does any one know how our chatbot is hosted?13:45
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alicefI know but I have to check old logs13:45
alicefjki: what you want to know ?13:45
alicefsomething specific?13:46
jkiasking because Codethink is leaving CIP13:46
alicefso we need a new bot ?13:46
jkiif they provided it, I don't expect a shutdown, but we may run into troubles when no one recalls who owns it when its broken13:47
alicefI have a similar think on #gentoo-kernel13:47
jkinot yet I strongly assume13:47
jkibut a plan b might be good to have13:47
patersonc[m]jki: Codethink set up the chatbot etc.13:47
alicefsomeone here is the maintainer but I cannot recollect the exact name now13:47
jkialicef: if you have information or even contacts about the current setup, please check13:47
jkiagain, just safety measure13:48
jkiok, topic #2: I'm off next Thursday13:49
jkialicef: would you be so kind to run the show? :)13:49
jkiok, that's all from my side13:50
jkianything else?13:51
brloggerMeeting ended Thu Jan 13 13:52:02 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)13:52
brloggerMinutes (text):
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jkithank you all!13:52
pave1Thank you, stay safe!13:52
alicefthanks you13:52
masamithank you13:52
jkibye bye13:52
iwamatsuthank you!13:52
patersonc[m]pave1: What kind of build coverage do you want for your CI branch in KernelCI?13:52
patersonc[m]Same Q for iwamatsu13:53
patersonc[m]Generally speaking, a good rule is to build fewer variants for branches that... (full message at
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pave1patersonc: Well, the more the better :-).13:53
pave1patersonc: But similar configuration to what we have currently would be enough.13:53
patersonc[m]How often are you expecting to push?13:54
pave1Normally it is something like once or twice a week.13:55
pave1But I had pushes in half an hour when I was bisecting an issue.13:55
pave1Ok, I'll take a look.13:57
pave1I should go, bye for now!13:58
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