IRC logs for #cip for Thursday, 2019-06-27

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sangorrinwow new interface in freenode08:58
gavinlaiszlin is not in office today. I will chair today's meeting.09:00
gavinlai#startmeeting CIP IRC weekly meeting09:00
brloggerMeeting started Thu Jun 27 09:00:38 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gavinlai. Information about MeetBot at
brloggerUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.09:00
brloggerThe meeting name has been set to 'cip_irc_weekly_meeting'09:00
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gavinlai#topic rollcall09:00
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gavinlaiplease say hi if you're here09:00
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gavinlai#topic AI review09:02
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gavinlai1. Provide the script for CIP kernel config collection - bwh09:02
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pave1I don't see bwh on the rollcall.09:02
gavinlaiI guess bwh is not around. I will keep this action item09:02
gavinlai#action Provide the script for CIP kernel config collection - bwh09:03
gavinlai2. List real time kernel questions to ask Daniel Wagner - szlin09:03
gavinlaiszlin is collecting the questions. He plans to send the questions next week.09:03
gavinlai#action List real time kernel questions to ask Daniel Wagner - szlin09:03
gavinlai3. Try updating CIP RT kernel to 4.19.50 - Pavel09:03
gavinlaipave1: (wave09:04
pave1So... I have something that builds for me. 4.19 turned out to be relatively easy.09:04
pave1I posted pointers to the list.09:04
pave1What I really need at the moment is someone to step up and run the tests for me.09:04
pave1I'm currently configuring test machine, because testing on development machines is unpleasant.09:05
pave1But that will result in "does it boot" tests, not "is it realtime" tests.09:05
patersoncIf you have a Kernel that is built for RT it should be easy enough for us to test with Daniel's jittertest09:06
patersoncUsing the LAVA lab09:06
sangorrinyeah or rt-tests09:07
pave1Ok, that would be great. Can we coordinate it after the meeting?09:07
sangorrinpave1: you will probably want to use Chris's CI09:08
sangorrinfor the kernel build09:08
pave1I hope someone can configure that for me ;-).09:09
gavinlaimove to next topic?09:10
gavinlai#topic Kernel maintenance updates09:10
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pave1So... I reviewed 4.19.54 and 4.19.56 (regular size) and then tiny releases of 4.19.52 and 4.19.5509:11
pave1I played with the realtime, as discussed before.09:11
pave1I guess I should mention... I'll be traveling next week.09:11
pave1...that's all from me.09:11
gavinlaipave1: thanks09:11
gavinlaiany comments?09:12
gavinlai#topic Kernel testing09:12
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sangorrinUnrelated to Pavel's comments but as you may have seen I have been sending some patches for cip-kernel-sec.09:12
brloggerRemoving item from minutes: #topic Kernel testing09:13
pave1I guess I should relay...09:13
sangorrinThese scripts are very useful to track down CVE IDs09:13
patersoncGood work09:13
sangorrinI added functionality for tracking product kernels09:13
Yamamodosangorrin: thanks your help for cip-kernel-sec, we expect this tool very well:)09:14
gavinlaisangorrin: the scripts are really helpful09:14
pave1Nobuhiro says: I reviewd v4.4.163, and I released v4.4.182-cip34 and v4.19.52-cip4.09:14
pave1And I am working09:14
pave1I am testing to release a CIP kernel based on v4.19.56 tomorrow.09:14
sangorringreat to know thanks09:14
pave1(End of Nobuhiro's message)09:14
gavinlainext topic ?09:15
gavinlai#topic Kernel testing09:16
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patersonc#info lab-cip-mentor should be online today with a qemu machine. Mentor will then add the SIMATIC IPC227E and Cyclone V DE0-Nano-SoC boards.09:16
patersonc#info We now have direct access to the CIP LAVA master (thank you Ryan). This should make maintenance a bit easier.09:16
patersonc#info I've created a linux-cip-ci repository that creates build and test Docker containers that can be used to build the linux-cip Kernel using GitLab CI/CD.09:16
patersoncExample usage of this can be found in the chris/linux-4.19.y-cip-ci-test branch in the linux-cip GitLab repo.09:17
patersoncThere's a lot functionality to add, but I'll get there :)09:17
patersoncDiscussion topics:09:17
patersoncHow would the Kernel maintainers like me to submit the gitlab-ci.yml files to the CIP Kernel branches? Mailing List or merge request in GitLab?09:17
patersoncShould they be applied to the repo? Or just the GitLab mirror?09:17
pave1I don't think we want them in kernel repositories.09:18
pave1Those are normally not part of kernel sources, right?09:18
patersoncThere aren't any in mainline, no09:19
patersoncAnother option is I create a separate repo for the CI files09:19
pave1We keep other stuff needed for build in cip-kernel-config repository.09:19
pave1Would it be ok to put those there, too?09:19
patersoncI can, but there is a special project type in GitLab that is just for CI/CD builds09:20
sangorrinThe problem is that cross-triggers are paid09:20
patersoncI'll have an experiment09:21
sangorrinif you use two repositories (kernel and tests), then you can not trigger the tests when you push new patches to the kernel unless you have paid support (if i remember correctly)09:21
pave1Ok, I don't really know how gitlab makes money.09:21
sangorrinbtw, patersonc: the script has changed a lot!!09:21
patersoncsangorrin: Okay, I'll have a look09:22
pave1So that means both separate repository and putting it in cip-kernel-config have this "give us money" disadvantage?09:22
sangorrinI think so, but patersonc says he will have a second look09:23
patersoncsangorrin: You might be right:
gavinlaipatersonc: any other discussion topics?09:23
patersoncIs CIP using a free account then?09:23
pave1Aha, ok. In such case putting it into gitlab kernel sources would make some sense.09:23
sangorrinpatersonc: I think so09:24
patersoncgavinlai: yes09:24
patersoncAt the moment the backups from the LAVA master are only stored locally.09:24
patersoncIs it okay to create a private repository on CIP's GitLab pages to store the backups?09:25
patersoncDownside is that all of the CIP 'owners' will get access to keys etc. Does anyone have a problem with this?09:25
pave1Or maybe... someone is running mirroring from to gitlab. Maybe same script can trigger the CI?09:25
patersoncpave1: let's discuss after the meeting09:26
pave1patersonc: ok09:26
patersoncAny objections to storing LAVA backups in CIP's GitLab account?09:27
sangorrindo you mean logs?09:27
sangorrinor the source code?09:27
pave1Dunno. Storing keys in gitlab does not sound right.09:28
patersoncsangorrin: Everything09:28
patersoncSource is already in GitLab, but private details are just stored locally09:28
Yamamodopatersonc: do you mean you want to upload private detail to gilab for LAVA ?09:29
pave1That sounds like a right design to me :-). I don't think 3rd parties should be trusted with private data.09:29
patersoncYes. We'd make the repo private.09:29
patersoncOpen to other ideas?09:30
sangorrinprivate repositories need a paid account though09:30
patersoncNot on Gitlab09:30
patersoncIt's github you have to pay09:30
pave1If it is just a backup, encryption could help?09:31
patersonc#info lab-cip-mentor is now up and running:
patersonc(thank you mungaip )09:33
sangorrinthat was fast09:33
sangorringood work09:33
patersoncI'll re-think where to store backups.09:33
patersoncgavinlai: let's move on09:33
gavinlai#topic CIP Core09:34
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patersonc#action Work out a solution for LAVA master backups - patersonc09:34
gavinlaipatersonc: thanks :)09:34
kazuI'm still updating the "Package decision process" based on the action items in the last meeting09:34
kazuwould like to share its URL by the next Fri or Mon...09:34
kazuThat's all from me,09:35
kazudaniel: do you have more?09:35
sangorriniwg20m support in ISAR is about to occur09:35
sangorrinJan is upgrading isar-cip-core to the latest ISAR09:35
sangorrinbecause that ISAR contains my bmap patch09:35
sangorrinonce that upgrade is done, I want to deploy the isar-cip-core builds to AWS and trigger LAVA jobs09:36
sangorrinincluding RT kernels09:36
gavinlainext topic?09:37
gavinlai#topic Software update09:37
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sangorrin#info We are working on the PoC demo for OSSJ201909:37
sangorrin#info Raw image updates with Hawkbit on the server side working#info TODO: finish u-boot script, use librsync, rollback example09:38
sangorrin#info Raw image updates with Hawkbit on the server side working09:38
sangorrin#info TODO: finish u-boot script, use librsync, rollback example09:38
sangorrinwe have two more weeks '=(09:38
gavinlaisangorrin: thanks09:39
gavinlai#topic AOB09:39
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brloggerMeeting ended Thu Jun 27 09:41:17 2019 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)09:41
brloggerMinutes (text):
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gavinlaiThanks all!09:41
pave1Thank you!09:41
patersoncContinuing the gitlab-ci.yml discussion....09:42
patersoncI've just created a CI/CD only project.09:42
patersoncBut what this actually does is create another mirror of the Kernel, then expect you to add the .gitlab-ci.yml files09:42
patersoncWe may as well just add them to the mirror we already have :)09:43
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patersoncI thought that it would have just created a repo that only contains .gitlab-ci.yml files that get triggered by the repo it's concerned with, but I was wrong09:44
pave1Well, if it works separate, I'd keep it separate like that.09:44
pave1Overhead is on gitlab side, and I guess it can share the repository data just fine, so...09:44
patersoncIt just means having two almost identical mirrors of linux-cip09:44
patersoncIt also means you won't get the nice green ticks on commits in the repo that everyone uses09:45
sangorrinI think the gitlab mirror09:45
sangorrinis something where we can experiment09:45
patersoncGreen tick e.g.:
sangorrinpeople should clone the kernel from anyway09:46
patersoncsangorrin: Yep09:46
sangorrinbtw multi-project triggers would be $19/month (silver)09:46
pave1Ok, so I use the repo, so I don't care that much. I'd expect linux-cip to be same on and gitlab...09:47
patersoncsangorrin: I'm not 100% sure if we need that though. We can set up triggers that tell different CI builds to start based on the outcome of others.09:47
pave1But I used your link and don't see green ticks anyway.09:47
patersoncpave1: Try
pave1patersonc: We do syncing between and gitlab "manually", right? It should be possible to fire any builds at that moment.09:48
patersoncpave1: Nope. GitLab mirrors automatically once an hour I think09:48
pave1Aha, ok.09:48
patersoncOr once every 15 minutes09:49
sangorrinTo mirror means we can't have a yaml file there, doesn't it?09:49
patersoncThat I'm not sure on until we give it a go09:49
sangorrinI mean, wouldn't it get overwritten every time?09:49
pave1Aha, I logged in, and now I seen the green ticks.09:49
patersoncThe mirror hasn't seen any issues with having separate branches09:50
patersoncpave1: Would you be willing to do a quick test?09:50
sangorrinok, please check then09:50
patersoncpave1: Or I can09:50
patersoncWe should cherry-pick 74ace00414d13123e9a5d76284605750318cfd6a to  linux-4.19.y-cip09:51
patersoncAnd then trigger the mirror to run an update09:51
sangorrinDo we want a test per commit?09:51
sangorrinbuild + LAVA test09:52
pave1patersonc: You can.09:52
pave1sangorrin: Don't do that.09:52
patersoncpave1: Thanks.09:52
patersoncsangorrin: I think it'll end up being a test per update from the mirror09:52
patersonc(if there are new commits)09:52
patersoncSo if 20 patches are merged at the same time, only 1 build/test job is run09:53
pave1Greg likes to cherry-pick mainline commit, even when it is known buggy, and then merge a fix on top.09:53
pave1If you do tests per commit, you'll get some failures.09:54
sangorrinI see, then probably we only need to test every release09:54
sangorrinwhen a new stable tag is released09:54
sangorrinor a new cip tag is released09:54
pave1Every update from mirror seems right.09:54
patersoncI'll just try09:54
pave1I push a change from mailing list, it is nice for it to be tested... before it is tagged etc.09:55
sangorrinthe thing is that when we start doing LTP and other tests, each test job will require more and more time09:55
patersoncpave1: This could be done on a new branch?09:55
sangorrinso 1 test per hour might be too quick09:55
pave1Normally the pushes are not that common.09:56
patersonc"This project is mirrored from Updated 18 minutes ago.  This branch has diverged from upstream."09:56
patersoncSo maybe it is an issue09:56
pave1sangorrin: If there are already tests running, just wait till the lab is available again, then test whatever is current.09:58
sangorrinwell, it has diverged because you added the yaml file, but does it affect the mirroring?09:58
patersoncpave1: You're right. It's the pushes to the cip branches that matter. And I assume you guys normally update to the latest LTS in one hit?09:58
patersoncNot sure we'll find out unless the branch changes on kernel.org09:59
patersoncPavel, could you add a test commit? Can we force push later to remove? I assume no one would mind/notice?09:59
sangorrinSorry, I have to leave my work now.09:59
sangorrinI hope you have a good discussion09:59
patersoncsangorrin: Okay :) Safe journey home10:00
pave1patersonc: yes, we do. So if tests are run per push, it should be fine.10:00
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patersoncpave1: Would you be able to push a quick test commit to the repo?10:01
pave1patersonc: I'm thinking if I'm comfortable doing that.10:02
patersoncon the linux-4.19.y-cip branch?10:02
patersoncpave1: Okay :)10:02
patersoncWe could set up a completely new branch if you'd prefer?10:02
pave1What about this one?10:02
patersoncRather than pollute our 'release' branch?10:02
patersoncCan do. I'll need to add my commit to the gitlab repo first.10:03
patersoncOkay, done:
patersoncReady for you to push a change to on that branch10:07
patersoncThen we'll sync the mirror10:07
pave1Okay, let me push10:07
pave1...this is going slower than I expected.10:13
pave1And I got rejected, because this is not fast forward. Ok.10:15
patersoncMaybe it safer to use a new non-protected branch?10:17
pave1Maybe I should have created branch for testing after all, but that would not have helped with your test.10:21
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patersoncWhat's it called?10:22
pave1No, no branch for now.10:23
pave1I have pushed the test changes to linux-4.19.y-cip-rt-rebase10:23
pave1You can trigger the mirror now.10:23
patersoncAh okay10:23
patersoncUpdate in progress10:25
patersoncLooks like it doesn't work10:26
pave1You'll need to better describe what doesn't work.10:26
patersoncYour new commits don't get added to the gitlab mirror10:27
patersoncI.e. my patch adding the .gitlab-ci.yml breaks the mirroring10:27
patersoncSo it's not an option10:27
pave1Ok, do you know how to unbreak the mirroring?10:28
patersoncI'll remove my file10:28
pave1And we can still use second repository you set up for testing, right? I liked it better, anyway.10:28
pave1You'll probably need to force-update to the older head.10:29
pave1Anything other to try?10:30
patersoncThe only other options are to have a new GitLab repo, or to put the .gitlab-ci files into the repo10:31
patersoncIf maintainers want to CI test their code they will have to push branches to the new gitlab testing mirror. I guess this is okay?10:32
pave1Ok, I'm not sure if I want to decide that.10:32
pave1Here and now.10:32
patersoncThat's okay10:33
patersoncI'll experiment and ask the ML10:33
patersoncThank you for your help10:33
pave1Neither option is obviously bad. And we may want to add some files to our repositories, anyway.10:33
pave1Now... can I get you to test linux-4.19.y-cip-rt-rebase branch we played with? :-)10:33
patersoncThe other option is that we manually mirror/merge to the gitlab repo, but that's not ideal.10:34
pave1Yes, it would be nice to automate it if we can. Other problem I see is that the .gitlab-ci file will be "all over" our repositories, so changing it will not be easy.10:37
pave1Will it need to be updated often?10:38
patersoncHopefully not. Only when we want to start testing new configurations10:38
patersonc is fixed now10:39
pave1One more to go..10:43
patersoncI've had a go with the above, but I get the same issues. As soon as the .gitlab-ci file is added the mirroring breaks10:45
pave1I see is now fixed, too?10:51
pave1When you havetime, I'd like to talk about rt testing :-).10:52
patersoncWhat tests do you want to run?10:53
pave1cyclictest would be a good start.10:54
pave1linux-4.19.y-cip-rt-rebase branch contains current code.10:55
patersoncDo you have a config file I can use? Or have you already built the Kernel?10:55
pave1I don't have a kernel build for the boards in the lab.10:57
pave1defconfig from cip-kernel-config repository would be fine.10:57
pave1Plus CONFIG_PREEMPT_RT_FULL=y needs to be enabled to really enable the realtime.10:58
patersoncAren't there more config changes than that for building RT though?10:58
pave1You can just hold enter for the rest :-).10:58
pave1But I see... we really should have suitable configs stored somewhere.10:59
patersoncThen I can grab them in the CI testing11:00
pave1I don't understand the comment, but whatever config you get, it should be fine.11:01
patersoncI mean, it's easier for me to just use a config from a repo, then manually have to configure the Kernel it on the fly11:03
pave1Can you do it manually, or do you want me to produce something?11:06
patersoncMaybe this time you could build the Kernel for me for the Renesas boards. By the next release we'll have CI going...11:06
pave1Ok, let me try :-).11:07
pave1It will take few minutes, maybe half an hour.11:09
patersoncNo worries. I'm still trying to work out what to do with these .gitlab-ci.yml files :)11:09
pave1I guess I can use cip-kernel-config/4.19/arm64/renesas_defconfig as a base?11:10
patersoncOr just the arm64 defconfig11:11
pave1I worked with renesas_defconfig before, let my try that one.11:14
pave1What kind of images do you need for testing?11:15
patersoncWe usually use Image for arm6411:15
pave1Ok, I can do that. And what dtb?11:16
pave1Ok :-).11:16
patersoncThe more I look into it, the more I think adding our .gitlab-ci.yml files to the repo is the best option11:19
patersoncI'll create some patches and submit them to the ML for review there.11:22
pave1Yep, that's probably best way. It is possible that placing .yml on is easiest.11:24
patersoncAnd is easily ignored by people who don't care about it :)11:24
patersoncpave1: What RFS needs to be used for the RT tests?11:33
pave1No idea :-(.11:34
pave1Ok, could you attempt cyclictest on images from ?11:34
pave1It should fail, but I'd like to see failing test, first.11:35
patersoncIt's just waiting for another test to run11:46
patersoncBtw, this is the result of running cyclictest on v4.19 non-RT Kernel, without any RT config options, on an arm32 board:
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patersoncpave1: Your job is just starting11:54
patersoncDoh, it timed out. But it was working though.12:04
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patersoncNew job with larger timeouts:
pave1Ok, so it is 60usec average, 1000usec maximum. Not really a realtime ... as expected.12:15
pave1Let me update the binaries with realtime ones.12:15
pave1Can you kill/restart it so it uses new binaries?12:16
patersoncHave you overwritten them in your server?12:17
pave1Thanks a lot!12:18
patersoncNot looking as good?12:25
patersoncpave1: Btw, I think you have a login to LAVA if you want to try yourself? Just select "resubmit" and amend the definition as required.12:27
patersoncLatest results:
pave1Not looking good at all :-(.12:31
pave1Thanks, I should be to re-run it myself.12:32
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patersoncLet me know if you get stuck12:37
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patersoncpave1: How's it going?13:29
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pave1Not good.13:39
pave1My kernel is not realtime, and when I try "official" rt 4.19.13-cip1-rt1, it does not boot.
patersoncI assume that the RT kernel isn't changing the debug serial output port for some reason?13:42
pave1I'll find out :-).13:44
pave1Question: is it possible to abort running job?13:44
patersoncThere is a cancel button at the top right13:44
pave1I don't see it. I have "Actions", but it does not contain cancel.13:45
pave1Aha, it finished. Let me retry.13:45
patersoncShould be a yellow button next to "resubmit"13:45
pave1I see it now. Seems like it disappears after job finishes.13:50
pave1Hmm. Does 4.19.13-cip1 have enough support to boot on that board?13:54
patersoncOh shit13:56
patersoncNot cip113:56
patersoncSorry, I didn't realise the version you're using13:56
pave1No problem, it is an old one.13:56
pave1That solves the mystery.13:56
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pave1Is there another board we could use easily and which would work in 4.19.13-cip1 ?14:01
patersoncthe iwg20m14:02
patersoncIt's an arm board rather than arm6414:02
patersoncExample job with cyclictest:
patersoncI have to head home now pave114:04
pave1Yes, thanks for all the help!14:04
patersoncWill be back bright and early tomorrow! Good luck :)14:04
patersoncEmail me if you need anything, I'll check later tonight14:04
pave1I don't expect to do much more today. Thanks!14:05
patersoncThere are two iwg20m boards in the lab btw, so testing should be quicker ;)14:05
pave1I'm not sure if I can manage two boards at once. I'll see.14:05
pave1see you!14:11
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