IRC logs for #cip for Friday, 2019-03-15

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wagipatersonc: Stand back! I am going to try testing!13:55
wagigrr, it seems the connection between my server and the dispatcher is slow13:56
wagionly 2.3MB/s13:57
wagiwell, that was not a big success14:00
mungaip[m]wagi: add a longer timeout for the boot section14:01
mungaip[m]I think the bootloader has a bug with ethernet, so sometimes the PHY auto negotiation fails14:02
wagihow much longer?14:05
wagiyou have 5minutes14:05
mungaip[m]Yeah, that seems to be the best14:06
mungaip[m]wagi:  Just had another look. Have you got a uImage available rather than a zImage?14:14
mungaip[m]So far, I've only setup the device-type definition for uImage files. It does raise the question of whether you can configure a device-type for different types of images?14:17
wagithat might be typo, let me check14:18
wagimungaip[m]: I am in a call, sorry for sporadic repsonses :)14:25
mungaip[m]wagi: no problem!14:27
mungaip[m]wagi: I've just run a test job using the cip-30 kernel- it looks like your rfs failed to mount correctly :(14:43
wagimungaip[m]: that was to be exptected. it's a debian rootfs with systemd14:50
wagithat means you need all the fancy config switched enabled in the kernel14:51
wagilet me figure out how to build an uImage14:51
wagimungaip[m]: I have a igw20m board in our lab which handles the zImage just fine14:52
mungaip[m]wagi: thanks, I've still got lots to learn :)14:52
wagiAnd I can't remember that I changed u-boot14:52
wagino worries14:52
mungaip[m]And yes, I just haven't set the device-type template for zImages14:52
wagiwait a sec14:53
wagiI have the stuff14:53
wagimungaip[m]: here are my notes, what I did. (not in perfect shape)
wagimungaip[m]: looking at it, the magic is in
mungaip[m]wagi: Yeah, I think that's set purely for zImages14:58
mungaip[m]This is the current template we use
mungaip[m]I need to see if it's possible to include support for both in one device type14:59
mungaip[m]I need to have a look at base-uboot15:03
wagiokay got a uImage out of thebuild15:04
wagilet's see if that works15:04
wagismoke test passed15:29
waginow let's see if some realtime test work15:29
wagipatersonc: here we go ^^15:29
patersoncGood work15:29
wagistill a lot of things to clean up15:31
wagibut it starts to make more sense15:31
patersoncHappy days15:31
wagiI ended up patching valgrind15:31
wagiand all I wanted is to run a test15:32
patersoncwagi: I'm just adding a second iwg20m board to the lab. To do this I'll need to re-boot. Let me know when is a good time for you.15:32
patersoncYou have an extra 's'15:33
wagiso many typos15:33
wagiso let's see what I got wrong15:36
wagithis time15:36
patersoncExciting init?15:37
wagiwell, I spend the last couple of weeks fixing stuff here and there15:37
wagiit would be nice if it starts to work15:38
wagiI can generate the test jobs from templates15:38
wagiand then flood our test fleed15:38
wagibtw, I would like to hook up our test lab15:38
wagibut that is something for next week15:38
wagibtw, I patch the MAC address from the board I got into the dtb15:39
wagiso if you want a different mac you need to tell me :)15:39
wagifile system created15:40
patersoncwagi: Can I reboot the lab for 5 minutes after job 764?15:40
wagisweet, no let's see if the kernel boot15:40
wagijust a sec15:41
wagias soon the test starts you can also cancel15:41
patersoncThen you'll have a second board to spam tests at15:41
wagijust want to see the prompt15:41
wagiah, that's going to be bad with the MAC address15:41
patersoncit doesn't really matter what MAC address is used I think15:42
wagibut two boards with the same mac address is bad, trust me. been there15:42
patersoncAh good point15:43
wagiyay, jitterdebugger with hackbench is running!15:43
wagiand we have results15:43
wagiuhhh, not good once15:43
wagi2ms latency15:44
wagithe test should now be marked as failed15:44
wagihopefully it's just a config error15:46
wagiand I've loaded up an non-rt kernel15:46
wagihmm, I think I should add a test only for this15:46
patersonc"Linux version 4.4.171-cip30-rt22"15:47
wagioverall looks very probmsing15:47
patersoncGood work. Can I reboot now? (Sorry I have to leave soon)15:47
wagiyes go ahaed15:48
wagiI check my builds15:48
wagiit looks like an normal preempt kernel15:48
patersoncwagi: It's back now15:55
wagilet's see if I can make them busy16:05
mungaip[m]wagi: wait a sec, we might have an issue16:05
patersoncI broke DHCP. u-boot seems to manage, but the Kernel isn't getting one16:30
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