IRC logs for #cip for Thursday, 2017-07-13

*** patersonc has joined #cip05:27
*** rajm has joined #cip07:13
rajmhealth check on BBB with cip6 runs to a successful completion07:33
rajmAnd running via lava-tool07:42
rajmlava-bot> The job with ID # 88 has finished with status Complete on 2017-07-13 07:41:22 (+0000 UTC). Job was submitted by lavauser. Job details and log file: http://localhost:8080/scheduler/job/8807:42
*** toscalix has joined #cip07:51
patersoncHello bwh09:04
*** CTtpollard has joined #cip09:28
CTtpollardooops, wrong window :)09:28
rajmah one version of rsync is missing a dll - I copied it over from MinGW/msys/1.0/bin and it now runs (rsync that is, but it ran when I first installed it so am confused!)09:36
rajmNow get an actual error message at the rsync stage dup() in/out/err failed09:36
rajmNow Looking at this page
toscalixpatersonc: bwh is more of an afternoon/night person09:44
patersoncAh okay :)09:44
patersoncI'm the opposite :P09:45
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toscalixrajm: can you add to the ticket the missing dll name. It might happen to others...10:36
rajmok will do - I'm just puzzled at to why it worked at one stange and then disappeared and wonder if the vanishing was due to other things i experimented with10:38
toscalixjust in case10:40
rajmcomment updated also detailing when I copied it from/to10:42
toscalixthanks rajm10:46
patersoncMy connection to the call today was terrible, sorry for the problems.10:54
* rajm decides to try vagrant up with cygwin before removing it (I only installed cygwin to get a version of rsync that I thought might work better) and that appears to be working from a pure vagrant - but need to check a few other cases first and to check how far I have a bastardised comination of msys and cygwin10:55
rajmdefault: Unknown command: 'add-device-type' (from lava-server ) but why?? /me lunches11:07
rajmyes that ^^ appears to be the first error and ssh'ing confirms that the command isn't there (but lava-server is), but I didn't get this error when provisioning  using virtualbox to sync??12:30
rajmabout to try a reprovision without any msys components in $PATH12:35
CTtpollardnow that ubuntu is officially in the windows store, can you not tell users to use that instead?12:49
toscalixB@D is debian based12:57
toscalixI thought about it when suse joined12:57
toscalixthe store12:57
toscalixthe requirement is on w1012:57
toscalixB@D is a VM12:58
CTtpollardI know, but if you're having problems with cygwin / mingw you can run the complete ubuntu shell in Windows, straight from the official repo/store12:58
rajminteresting idea - unfortunately I think we're about to see b@d broken in more than just windows12:59
rajmthe add-device-type error - looks as if we're getting a different version of lava from the repos13:01
rajmthe version of lava in my new provisioned box on w10 is 2017.7-113:03
toscalixmaybe the release announcement I sent has the explanation for that?13:05
rajmyes will re-read13:07
rajmUnsurprisingly a fresh provision on debian also fails (is it pub time yet?)13:18
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rajmso do we need to move to that later version of lava or to find a repos containing the 2016 lava - that release announcement (8th May) gave no date for the changeover13:33
rajmcan't see any mention of stable in /etc/apt/sources.list13:34
toscalixrajm: your decision13:51
* rajm assumes we need a new release as all but the preprovisioned box is broken, an email to cip-dev so say we're aware of the issue?13:58
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* rajm opens ticket14:41
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rajmdefault: W: Failed to fetch  Hash Sum mismatch15:06
* rajm is having a fun afternoon15:06
toscalixseems to15:08
rajmoh and I've opened
toscalixsaw it thanks15:13
toscalixI would label it as task instead of bug15:14
toscalixif you do not mind15:14
rajmclashing edits!15:15
rajmupdated that ticket with proposed change - will do some health checking to make sure ok first15:32
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