IRC logs for #cip for Tuesday, 2017-06-13

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*** rajm has joined #cip07:10
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rajmhealth check on BBB runs ok - using local kernel and a fixed link to linaro's initramfs07:45
* rajm curses! git clone ` kernelci-frontend` (from integration-scripts)08:33
rajmso kernelci-frontend.tgz is on the download page but not kernelci-frontend-config.tgz - the advantage of scripting the release is that its easier to spot these omissions!08:34
toscalixI see08:35
*** kristerman has joined #cip08:39
rajmand the diagram on the feature page needs fixing too!08:42
rajmI've created a tar archive of frontend-config with sha256 and signed , last change was on March 7 so it's the same version as the release08:43
rajmdiscuss what to do here at 11am too?08:44
rajmI've added to cover this08:57
toscalixrajm: what change is required in the diagram?09:04
rajmkernelci-frontend-config doesn't appear09:05
toscalixah, opening a ticket for donbrown09:05
rajmmaybe I should have assigned both of us to #104 bur I suppose a second ticket is clearer09:06
toscalixah, you mention it in the #104 ticket09:06
toscalixhummm, the ticket needs to clarify better the actions09:06
toscalixworking on it09:06
rajmFor the broken links issue #103 was thinking of suggesting that as the necessary changes only involve the tests directory whether we could put a fixed directory archive in downloads and instructions as to how to replace the one in the release as an interim measure09:12
toscalixfine with me09:16
rajm:-) as we are intending to extend tests I can see the tests as eventually being something separate from the VM provisioning anyway09:18
toscalixyes, I am asking for the repos for the tests09:44
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rajmUnless I'm missing it kernelci-build doesn't appear on the feature page - I have added kdenelci-frontend-config to the download page12:05
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