IRC logs for #cip for Tuesday, 2017-05-23

*** patersonc has joined #cip06:16
*** rajm has joined #cip07:18
*** toscalix has joined #cip08:03
*** CTtpollard has joined #cip08:30
rajmdaily health check on BBB (with locally built kernel) runs ok08:54
toscalixdealing with some paperwork to escalate the license decision to the CIP board after the input from the LF09:14
toscalixsent. Now the board will have to approve the release with agplv310:51
*** rajm has quit IRC12:23
*** rajm has joined #cip13:31
*** toscalix has quit IRC14:25
*** toscalix has joined #cip14:25
*** patersonc has quit IRC15:38
*** patersonc has joined #cip15:38
*** kristerman has quit IRC16:33
*** patersonc has quit IRC16:45
*** patersonc has joined #cip16:49
*** toscalix has quit IRC16:58
*** patersonc has quit IRC17:03
*** rajm has quit IRC17:44
*** rajm has joined #cip19:03
*** rajm has quit IRC19:08
*** patersonc has joined #cip19:44
*** patersonc has quit IRC19:47

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