IRC logs for #buildstream for Friday, 2020-10-09

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juergbinanonyme: the plan is to have stable buildbox-* branches in time for bst 2.0. buildbox 1.0 may not be released in time, however, in that case we can create a 0.x stable branch07:16
juergbithere is almost no interface breakage in buildbox-casd/run master as it is, however, there is no guarantee right now. and the buildbox-common library API/ABI is not stable07:17
juergbi(buildstream doesn't directly use the library API, though)07:17
juergbiI expect it to be acceptable for 2.x releases after 2.0 to require upgrading to a more recent buildbox stable branch (e.g. from a 0.x branch to a 1.0 branch). however, 2.0.x releases shouldn't require that07:20
juergbi(buildbox 1.0 might even be fully backwards compatible with 0.x with regards to the interfaces buildstream uses)07:21
gitlab-br-botdevcurmudgeon closed issue #474 (BST needs to support its historic cache-key algorithms...) on buildstream
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benschuberttristan: do you have a rough idea on when you will tackle #2070? So that I know if I should focus and plugins tests for now instead :) (On the scheduler, there is still _one_ concurrency issue I'm trying to fix)09:25
tristanbenschubert, I'm sorry, I've been side tracked wrestling with github all week09:40
tristanI think I can get a new branch with tests for #2070 this weekend09:40
benschubertah no worries ! Just want to know how I prioritize my work :) I'll switch to source tests in the meantime09:41
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gitlab-br-botBenjaminSchubert opened MR !2085 (bschubert/simplify-workspace-test->master: Simplify source workspace tests) on buildstream
benschubert^ should be a quick review if someone has time11:47
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nanonymebenschubert, is there something there that removes temp dirs after usage?19:44
benschubertnanonyme: pytest should do it's cleanup on the next run19:44
nanonymeAck. I've taken the pattern in Another Project that I have a fixture that just does with tempfile.TemporaryDir() as tmpdir: yield tmpdir19:45
nanonymePython then nicely removes the directory after test19:46
nanonymeWell, tempdir.TemporaryDirectoy(dir=".") but anyway19:46
nanonymeOops, tempfile.andsoforth. I shouldn't try to write code this late19:47
benschubertnanonyme: pytest 'tmpdir' allows to keep them so that you can debug if there is a problem, I dislike removing them as you run19:47
nanonymeAh, okay19:47
nanonymeThat's also a quite good point19:47
nanonymeIn the Other Project we had common issue that workspaces became so large (cumulatively) over time that it's best to just emove all non-SCM data after build if build didn't fail19:49
nanonymeQuickly scanned through the code but while seemed reasonable, not really familiar enough with codebase to properly review19:51
benschubertThanks :) Sure, let's get someone who's familiar with it to review it (disclaimer: I'm not either)19:53
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