IRC logs for #buildstream for Thursday, 2020-10-08

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nanonymebenschubert, if host has lower hard limit, then that ulimit command will fail. So that should prevent it from ever running bst with lower nofile than that06:15
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nanonymeAny plans for 1.6.1?06:35
tristanNot specifically, ideally we'd give it a bit of time to accumulate more fixes as long as this issue is not an emergency06:39
nanonymeHmm, maybe it's not. I was just seeing it about all the time yesterday on ppc64le (was triggered through timeout in grpc) but it doesn't seem to be happening anymore06:42
tristanAs I understand, it will still be an error, just that the error will be reported better after the fix right ?06:49
nanonymeIf it's still an error, then that sounds like another bug :) Why would grpcio timeout fail the build?06:50
tristanOh then I'm mixed up, I thought I recall the stack trace saying that this exception happened during the "too many open files" exception06:51
tristan(which doesn't make much sense logically, it's just what I thought I recalled seeing on the issue)06:52
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douglaswinshipis there such a thing as an @buildstream email address?11:04
douglaswinshipI think we ought to set up a GitHub account called "BuildStream-Migration-Bot", and it'll need to have an email address associated with the account.11:04
juergbidouglaswinship: I don't know about email addresses, however, definitely +1 on a dedicated GitHub account for migration purposes. import shouldn't happen with an account of a real person12:01
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nanonymetristan: In case you read logs later: the fix was a generic issue in error handling code. The first place that broke was about running out of fd's but I just noticed yesteday also case where timeout error from grpcio hit this same broken codepath14:29
nanonymejuergbi, just wondering, maybe bst1 should actually do resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE, ...) if the current one is set too low16:01
juergbiwe do already set the soft limit to the hard limit16:02
juergbimore is not possible without privileges, afaik16:02
nanonymeOh, okay16:02
nanonymeYeah, it's not16:02
nanonymejuergbi, I don't believe what you're doing works though16:02
nanonymeulimit -n ... # did the trick. Running bst1 manually did not16:03
nanonymeWhere's this code that you're talking about?16:03
nanonymeThe code looks fine so the question is whether this code is running early enough (before any child processes have been forked16:05
nanonymeHm, this is really weird. I can't see any reason why this code wouldn't do the right thing16:14
douglaswinship(wrong window)16:53
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douglaswinship(and again!)19:10
nanonymedouglaswinship, using ircii?19:10
douglaswinshipnanonyme: nope. Irssi19:10
douglaswinshipbut either way, the ":q" command is supposed to go the vim instance i have open in a different terminal19:12
gitlab-br-botBenjaminSchubert closed issue #824 (Scheduler requires significant rework) on buildstream
nanonymebenschubert, yay19:36
benschubertI almost forgot about it, fell on it while cleaning my open tabs19:37
benschubertthanks for going through the issues yesterday, they tend to accumulate and drift19:37
nanonymeYes, I know, in freedesktop-sdk we're also soon going over 200 issues19:38
nanonymeAny idea what the plan is for BuildStream vs buildbox-casd compatibility? Will you be able to update either without worries in bst2 days?19:46
benschubertThat's a good question, juergbi might be more up to date with that20:14
gitlab-br-botnanonyme closed issue #1281 (Downloadable file source is not setting a user agent; rejected by gitlab) on buildstream
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