IRC logs for #buildstream for Tuesday, 2019-11-26

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coldtomanyone seen push errors like this before? the remote is a bst-artifact-server
coldtomit's consistently those artifacts that have trouble too09:08
KinnisonDo you have anything visible in logs on the server?09:13
coldtomafaict there aren't any logs for that job....09:17
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KinnisonA brief googling points the finger for "Unexpected error in RPC handling" at potentially bad error handling server-side09:19
benschubertare the server and client on the same version?09:24
coldtomboth are using master, but i doubt it's the same commit /o\09:25
coldtomthat could be it, i'll try and run with the same bst version09:26
KinnisonAlso check that buildbox-casd is consistent09:28
benschubertand do you have a proxy between both? (Like nginx on the server machine?)09:28
coldtomi think that the client is talking directly to bst-artifact-server running inside of docker09:30
KinnisonSo your build system has a server and the client in the same docker instance?09:31
coldtomthe server has a bst-artifact-server running inside docker, the client is on an entirely different machine, sorry, i should have been clearer there09:33
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benschubertOk, then it's probably not somet4hing due to the size of requests, I had this error for that some times ago09:35
gitlab-br-botjuergbi opened issue #1218 (Source files are read-only hard links with buildbox-run) on buildstream
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KinnisonIs there a page/repo/wiki/whatever which carries the project's official images and rights of re-use etc?10:00
benschubertIs marge having problems again: ?10:04
Kinnisongitlab itself is being super-slow for me today10:05
Kinnisoncould it be related?10:05
benschubertthat could yes10:05
gitlab-br-bottraveltissues opened issue #1219 (SAST not detecting correct analyzer) on buildstream
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benschubertjuergbi: tlater[m] : is there a reason the sourcecache is on the element and not the source?10:20
coldtomhmm so using the same commit of bst doesn't help me, and i'm *fairly* sure that i'm using the same version of buildbox-casd10:20
benschubertcoldtom: can you reproduce locally? like spin up a docker locally and try it?10:21
juergbibenschubert: for elements with multiple sources, the combined source is (also) cached10:22
benschubertI see, thanks, that will complexify refactoring all of this, oh well :)10:22
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benschubertjuergbi: also, '_source_cached' on element is specifically about sources being in the source cache right?10:24
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gitlab-br-bottraveltissues opened (was WIP) MR !1734 (traveltissues/tmp->master: .gitlab-ci.yml: define repo language as python) on buildstream
gitlab-br-botBenjaminSchubert approved MR !1734 (traveltissues/tmp->master: .gitlab-ci.yml: define repo language as python) on buildstream
benschubertShould we start merging manually since nothing is working?10:48
traveltissueswhat's wrong with marge?10:50
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benschubertgitlab is timing out on the API10:51
benschubertso marge is just giving us back an error10:51
traveltissuesmerging is fine by me in this case10:53
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benschubertOk, I'll merge mine and then feel free to do yours :)10:55
gitlab-br-botBenjaminSchubert merged MR !1733 (bschubert/track-cleanup->master: Remove dead code and comments about tracking) on buildstream
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traveltissuesthe windows runner is down11:02
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traveltissuesshould be unstuck now11:14
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coldtomaha, reproduced locally, but only using an old docker image for the artifact server11:38
coldtomi think an update should do it11:38
gitlab-br-bottraveltissues closed issue #1219 (SAST not detecting correct analyzer) on buildstream
gitlab-br-bottraveltissues merged MR !1734 (traveltissues/tmp->master: .gitlab-ci.yml: define repo language as python) on buildstream
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tlater[m]> FAILURE hello-junction.bst:hello.bst: tar source at hello-junction.bst:hello.bst [line 16 column 2]: Error mirroring <urlopen error [SSL: SSLV3_ALERT_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE] sslv3 alert handshake failure (_ssl.c:720)>12:08
* tlater[m] wonders what's going on with ftpmirror.gnu.org12:08
tlater[m]I can happily download locally12:10
juergbimaybe at least one mirror is still flaky and handshake failure is sporadic?12:10
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coldtom...well updating the server got me a different error message, so that's progress12:34
juergbicoldtom: a useful error message?12:36
coldtomit's just the number 1312:37
Kinnisonsomniloquy% errno 1312:37
KinnisonEACCES 13 Permission denied12:37
KinnisonMaybe something wrong with where the cas is vs. what user it's running as?12:37
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coldtom server logs suggest there's a digest mismatch?12:53
Kinnison611 megs vs 268 megs12:56
Kinnisonthose are some big files12:56
KinnisonI wonder if the stream dies midway12:56
coldtomi'm pushing an artifact of openjdk which would explain the large files12:56
* coldtom wonders if it is related to artifact size12:57
coldtomi think the problem in the failed pipeline was gcc, which i suspect also has some big files12:58
juergbiit seems individual blobs are fairly large: 611.7 MB12:59
juergbinot just the whole artifact12:59
juergbiand only 268.4 MB are processed13:00
Kinnisoncoldtom: OOI does that container have enough disk space?13:00
Kinnisoncoldtom: in /data/tmp13:00
coldtom /data should be big enough (300G, so i'd hope so), and i think /data/tmp is just a directory13:04
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juergbicoldtom: have you also checked the currently available disk space? expiry/cleanup might be triggered too late with large files13:10
coldtomthere's 298G free13:11
juergbias this is the server side, probably affects the behavior13:11
coldtomthe failure seems to happen on multiples of megabytes if that helps13:11
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juergbihm, the failing size is exactly 0x1000000013:12
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coldtomthere are other failures at 64M and 128M13:13
juergbitlater[m]: as you've been working on the server side, maybe you could look into this issue?13:14
juergbiit might even already be fixed by your branch, but trying to reproduce this with master and a large file would be good13:15
tlater[m]juergbi/coldtom: I'll take a look13:16
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coldtomi can't seem to reproduce on my host machine (although i'm using http not https)13:27
* coldtom will try locally with https after lunch13:28
benschubertcoldtom: how much ram?13:31
benschubertI used to be able to push files >40Go/file13:31
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coldtomahh, server has 1G of ram14:07
coldtomthat could be the issue14:07
juergbicoldtom: it might indeed. we fixed a few issues with excessive memory consumption but it's possible that we still require more RAM than we should for large files14:09
tlater[m]Would explain the failing size being exactly 1G :D14:10
juergbimight be memory allocation failures that we don't handle well at all14:11
juergbimight be more an issue on the casd side than buildstream14:12
tlater[m]coldtom: Can you reproduce it if you set a memory limit on the artifact server process?14:13
tlater[m]Locally, that is14:13
tlater[m](since you apparently already have everything in place to test :))14:14
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tlater[m]juergbi: Hm, it looks like the request we get from old clients contains only a key, which we can't forward as a digest, because we don't have the size_bytes14:49
tlater[m]Any idea how to convert between a key and a digest when we potentially don't have the proto locally, in the case of GetReference?14:50
juergbitlater[m]: hm, didn't we store the whole digest in the old format?14:50
juergbiin what method/line do you see an issue?14:51
tlater[m]We probably stored it in the old format, but the old client doesn't use the full digest when talking to GetReference14:51
tlater[m]One sec14:51
tlater[m]juergbi: In this instance request.key is just a key, without the size_bytes:
tlater[m]Ah, I see, we used to resolve_ref there14:52
tlater[m]I suppose we still need to do that, can't get around it with FetchTree14:52
juergbithat's the buildstream cache key, that never has a size14:53
juergbiright, resolve_ref is still needed14:53
tlater[m]Oh o\14:53
* tlater[m] thought that would be an artifact digest, but of course it isn't14:54
tlater[m]Yeah, shame14:54
valentindI suppose the monthly IRC team meeting for buildstream  is not a thing anymore.15:01
coldtomwould you like me to raise an issue for the server-side issues i've been having? if so, in buildstream or buildbox-casd?15:04
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tlater[m]coldtom: On buildstream is probably more appropriate, given that we don't actually *know* whether it's a memory issue.15:09
tlater[m](Nor where it really occurs)15:09
gitlab-br-botcs-shadow opened (was WIP) MR !1700 (chandan/refactor-default-target->master: tests/frontend: Refactor tests for default targets) on buildstream
Kinnisonvalentind: I imagine that if people had things to discuss and were prepared to organise a meeting, then others would attend15:14
traveltissuesanymore on !1682?15:15
gitlab-br-botMR !1682: Support RE workspaces (non-incremental)
gitlab-br-bottraveltissues merged MR !1721 (traveltissues/incrementaltest->master: Enable the incremental workspace test in integration) on buildstream
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coldtomgiving the server more ram fixed the issue15:19
gitlab-br-bottraveltissues opened issue #1220 (Review results of bandit on master) on buildstream
KinnisonOh dear15:19
Kinnisonstreaming is, in part, meant to solve that kind of thing15:19
* coldtom gets that pipeline going again, and hopes he doesn't need to make the server even bigger15:20
tlater[m]benschubert: Any final comments on !1645?15:22
gitlab-br-botMR !1645: Refactor Stop relying on the buildstream-internal `CASCache` implementation
gitlab-br-bottraveltissues approved MR !1700 (chandan/refactor-default-target->master: tests/frontend: Refactor tests for default targets) on buildstream
benschuberttraveltissues: let me have a look :)15:35
benschubertoups I mean tlater[m] sorry15:36
benschubert Code quality improved on 13 points and degraded on 3 points  that's pretty sweet!15:37
benschuberttlater[m]: any benchmarks run?15:39
tlater[m]benschubert: No, but I doubt we have any benchmarks that actually cover the artifact server15:40
benschubertfair :)15:40
* tlater[m] doesn't expect performance to change much anyway, this just removes a layer of indirection :)15:41
gitlab-br-botcoldtom opened issue #1221 (bst-artifact-server fails on blobs that are "too large") on buildstream
gitlab-br-botcoldtom opened issue #1222 (Frequent failures  with"timeout waiting for buildbox-casd") on buildstream
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benschuberttlater[m]: first round, let me know once you have addressed/answered and i'll give a second round :)16:02
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tlater[m]benschubert: Will do - a couple of those are on moved code, but I suppose I might as well patch that up.16:06
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benschubertah sorry, didn't realize. Well as you wish :)16:14
* tlater[m] wishes magit forge was usable on large repositories16:26
tlater[m]It'd be so convenient to see people's comments in my editor...16:26
tlater[m]Or well, maybe my wish is that gitlab's API for these things was nearly as fast as github's16:27
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gitlab-br-bottraveltissues closed issue #1213 (Compose elements cannot run integration commands) on buildstream
gitlab-br-bottraveltissues merged MR !1722 (valentindavid/compose-integration-commands->master: compose: Allow compose elements to run integration commands) on buildstream
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gitlab-br-botcs-shadow opened (was WIP) MR !1716 (chandan/glossary->master: doc: Add glossary of common terms) on buildstream
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gitlab-br-botcs-shadow opened MR !1735 (chandan/hacking/drop-line-length->master: doc/coding_guidelines: Drop section about line lengths) on buildstream
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