IRC logs for #buildstream for Monday, 2019-11-25

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benschuberttpollard: hey, do you have the exact ocommit I need to benchmark and the exact command? :)10:03
tpollardbenschubert: :)10:04
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benschubertwait what? The code was profiled for your branch and not for master? Or was it not?10:05
tpollardthat profile can only be ran on my branch10:05
benschubertyup, but the benchmarks were run without right?10:06
tpollardI believe traveltissues ran the benchmarks with that profile turned on. It will have added a small overhead to the time, but I don't think it's too relevant right now10:06
tpollardI think getting an exact matching profile of the branch is the main issue10:07
tpollardtraveltissues is off today, I'm sure we can get another end to end time without the profiler on10:07
juergbithe times I reported were without profiling10:10 is down breaking CI due to the autotools example10:11
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gitlab-br-bottpollard approved MR !1723 (tlater/update-workspace-manpages->master: man/bst-workspace-reset.1: Update workspace re-open help message) on buildstream
tlater[m]Hrm, wonder if marge is smart enough to handle that11:29
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gitlab-br-botcs-shadow approved MR !1722 (valentindavid/compose-integration-commands->master: compose: Allow compose elements to run integration commands) on buildstream
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benschuberttpollard: terminate is broken on your branch btw :)11:50
tpollardthe signal handling on master for me on that build is broken for me too11:51
benschubertwait signal handling is broken on master?11:51
tpollardit behaves really intermittently for me on that build11:52
tpollardbut not in more realistic builds11:52
benschubertso, if you ctrl + c then terminate on master it just continues? Oo11:53
tpollardctrl+c quite often doesn't behave11:55
benschubertah yeah that's another problem11:55
benschubertI meant once ctrl + c has stopped, can you 'terminate' ?11:55
tpollardworks fine on a smaller build, or something like fdsdk11:56
tpollardthe child_handler for the child task in job start() is giving me all sorts of async/signal handling fun12:00
tpollardon that build, specifically12:01
benschubertwhat do you mean?12:01
tpollardpresumably because the pid life is so short12:01
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tpollardbenschubert: basically, I'm trying to handle this failure (which only happens in CI for me)
tpollarda watcher is getting triggered that should not have even been attached in this instance (one in Stream, which only gets added if running build)12:04
benschubertbut that's only on your branch right?12:05
tpollardI got around this by explicitly setting the global event loop to None in streams cleanup, and explicitly add the childjob watchers to schedulers event loop (not the global one)12:06
tpollardhowever, on that debian build it seems to trip up adding the childjob handler explicitly to a given loop and not the global one because of pids being reaped12:06
benschubertWhy do you need to change this?12:06
benschubertthere should be _exactly_ one event loop on the whole program no?12:06
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benschuberttpollard: how can ever be true?12:09
tpollardbenschubert: gitlab's not loading that link to a specific change, which exactly?12:10
benschubertload the page twice :)12:10
tpollardstill does nothing for me, just takes me to the change list12:11 line 20912:13
tpollardpotentially because it had chosen to auto collapse it for me12:15
tpollardbenschubert: the notify_front_queue should only exist if running bst build12:16
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tpollards/running bst build/running a subproccessed stream method12:17
tpollardwhich in that branch for now is just build12:17
tpollardif there's no multiprocessing, it just notifies as a callback12:18
benschubertAh no sorry, I meant:12:20
benschubert        if not subprocessed:12:20
benschubert            self._casd_process = casd_process12:20
benschubert            _watcher = asyncio.get_child_watcher()12:20
benschubertWhy is there a difference there?12:20
tpollardin the current implementation, if subprocessing I have stream in the 'main process' watching casd & the interrupt signals. Due it being the parent process where casd was launched12:23
tpollardif we're not subproccessing, then the scheduler is executing in the main process, and as such can watch the casd child12:26
tpollardthis may have changed since the casdprocessmanager landed, I haven't rebased to support that yet12:28
tpollardside effect of having the frontend initialise casd before it's actually really needed12:31
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gitlab-br-botmarge-bot123 merged MR !1724 (juerg/umask->master: Respect umask for created file and directories) on buildstream
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gitlab-br-bottlater opened (was WIP) MR !1645 (tlater/artifactserver-casd->master: Refactor Stop relying on the buildstream-internal `CASCache` implementation) on buildstream
tlater[m]All CI is failing, I guess15:17
tlater[m]Are we skirting around marge until the server issues are resolved or do we just accept no movement for a few days?15:18
benschuberttlater[m]: is it a planned outage? what's happening? :)15:18
tlater[m]benschubert: I haven't checked, I tend to assume not-planned15:19
benschubertBecause I seem to be able to access
tlater[m]Oh, no, the version of automake we're using looks to just have dropeed D:15:21
tlater[m]Yeah, let me fix that15:21
benschubertah :D15:21
tlater[m]benschubert: I think it's a patch release and they've pulled the original15:21
tlater[m]Probably a security flaw?15:21
benschubertpossibly :) as long as we can fix easily, I don't mind :)15:22
tlater[m]benschubert: Eugh, I'm going to have to run the docs generation. But yeah, not too bad, 2 line fix outside of auto-generated stuff15:23
benschubertgreat, let me know when I should review the fix15:24
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benschuberttpollard: where is best for me to add my times and profile? on the MR in a comment? I can't add to traveltissues' repo as I don't have access15:56
tpollardsounds perfectly fine to me15:57
benschubert tpollard Kinnison juergbi :)16:00
Kinnisonare those timings without profiling?16:00
benschubertand minimal usage of my computer16:01
benschubertno other wsl thing running16:01
tpollardat least it's constant behaviour.....16:01
benschubertI should have access to wsl2 in some time (hopefully before thursday) and will add new benchmarks with this16:02
* tlater[m] wonders why we have an in-tree dependency on fuse.py16:12
tlater[m]It's a little... annoying.16:13
juergbiwill go away with buildbox-run16:13
* tlater[m] is looking forward to that then :D16:17
tlater[m]It's currently impossible to run without patching it on NixOS16:17
juergbitlater[m]: ooi, what's the issue?16:24
tlater[m]juergbi: It's not smart enough to find libfuse in /nix/var/nix/...16:25
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* tlater[m] assumes it doesn't check some path variable that's supposed to be checked16:25
tlater[m]The nix package for fusepy is patched to simply use a static file path for that16:25
tlater[m]But that obviously doesn't apply to the in-tree version in BuildStream, so it takes manual patching16:26
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* tlater[m] wishes we didn't use ostree in the docs' examples17:21
benschubertjjardon: you added flawfinder-sast right? will never be running it seems or am I missing something?17:25
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tlater[m]Would someone mind reviewing
tlater[m]I sort of need that to fix our CI17:37
benschubertlink to docs is a 40417:38
benschubertthat's a change in the API, I'm not sure this would pass on a non-fedora syste17:38
tlater[m]benschubert: But then it doesn't pass on fedora systems17:39
benschubertwould you mind checking if one of the debian works with it?17:39
tlater[m]I'll give it a try17:39
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* tlater[m] couldn't see any change in the API going through the gobject-introspection history, though17:40
tlater[m]That interface has been the same for as long as it existed17:40
benschubertthat's interesting x)17:46
benschubertOk then17:46
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tlater[m]benschubert: My exact thoughts, hehe17:49
benschuberttlater[m]: workspace_reset:17:49
benschubert@click.option("--track", "track_", is_flag=True, help="Track and fetch the latest source before resetting")17:49
benschubertIs this an oversite?17:49
benschubert(I can remove it)17:49
tlater[m]Huh, yes, very much so17:50
benschubertok, I'll add it to my PR :D17:51
tlater[m]benschubert: If you don't mind, there are a couple other references to --track17:51
tlater[m]i.e., one on the deprecated fetch17:51
tlater[m]And one in the completion code17:51
* tlater[m] must have made a mistake grepping for those17:52
gitlab-br-botBenjaminSchubert opened MR !1733 (bschubert/track-cleanup->master: Remove dead code and comments about tracking) on buildstream
benschuberttlater[m]: ^  or am I missing more?17:52
benschubertok, let me remove those too17:52
tlater[m]Hrm, sorry about that17:53
tlater[m]I figure some of that may have snuck back in after the black reformatting17:53
benschubertno worries17:53
benschubertPR should be ready for review now if you want :)17:53
tlater[m]benschubert: 4 more references from a grep17:57
benschuberttlater[m]: ah, can you give me the files or the grep and I'll gix them :)17:57
benschubertah nice17:58
tlater[m]Also, the gobject stuff works on debian-9:
benschubertomg there's actually so much more of the track :)17:59
tlater[m]benschubert: I assume you're backtracking from `workspace_open`?18:00
tlater[m]I figure that's just the tip of the iceberg, because that one happens to have something searchable18:01
* tlater[m] should dig through the files manually18:02
benschubertwe should just ensure we cleanup when we see something18:03
* tlater[m] is very annoyed that he can't get `bst2html` to do what it should :|18:04
tlater[m]`junctions-build.html` just doesn't want to be updated18:04
benschuberttlater[m]: updated my PR :)18:05
tlater[m]benschubert: Does `bst track` implicitly track junctions?18:06
tlater[m]Doesn't look like it18:07
benschubertI mean, it's like any other element, you need to run 'bst track my_element'18:07
tlater[m]benschubert: Regarding the comment there, you need to run `bst track --track-cross-junction`18:08
tlater[m]To be able to track elements inside a junction18:08
benschubertAh right, the last part of the comment is still true18:09
tlater[m]Actually, `--cross-junctions`18:09
benschubertbut where you added your comment I don't think it is18:09
tlater[m]Ah, yes, that's right18:09
benschubertAnyways, I don't believe the trackin cross junction should be there, it should be on the cli no?18:10
tlater[m]Hm, that's debatable18:12
tlater[m]It's in both places currently18:12
tlater[m]Here it just explains it in a bit more detail18:12
* tlater[m] thinks it's ok here because it explains how to work with junctions18:12
cs-shadowit's not in both places currently18:12
benschubertok, I'll add it back :)18:12
cs-shadowthe CLI doesn't talk about this pecularity at all18:12
tlater[m]cs-shadow: `bst source track` has docs for it18:13
cs-shadowtlater[m]: the docs document this option, but not in this prose form18:13
tlater[m]Yeah, that's fair18:13
cs-shadowi meant to say that this text is useful, and we should ensure that we don't throw it away18:13
* tlater[m] thinks it makes sense for it to be explained in detail in both locations18:13
tlater[m]Since I'd be in junctions.html when I first figure out how to use junctions18:14
tlater[m]But then read `bst source track --help` to figure out why my build doesn't work again18:14
benschubertPr updated with the text back18:14
tlater[m]benschubert: You did get me curious; how did you manage to duplicate that line in an entirely unrelated file? :D18:19
benschubertI didn't know which junction file you were talking about18:19
benschubertso was looking at them18:19
benschubertand must have ctrl + y instead of z18:20
benschubertstill getting that quite often, due to CH keyboard <-> UK keyboard18:20
tlater[m]Yeah, qwertz took me a while to forget as well :D18:22
* tlater[m] thinks he'll give up on fixing CI today18:24
tlater[m]Early tomorrow morning...18:24
tlater[m]It's just really hard to run that doc regeneration script and actually get something out of it.18:25
benschubertWe seem to have security scans on CI now? Is it expected that they'd be failing all the time?18:25
benschubertwe probably should rework it to have it work correctly all the time :)18:25
tlater[m]benschubert: The flawfinder stuff?18:26
* tlater[m] thinks it's a broken filepath, yes18:26
benschubertah x')18:26
benschubertHow did it go through review while failing all along?18:27
tlater[m]Oh, yeah, typo'd copy-paste18:27
tlater[m]Should be something like `flawfinder-sast.json`, I assume, just reusing another jobs'18:27
tlater[m]Huh, strange, we don't configure that18:29
tlater[m]Must be a gitlab bug18:29
benschubertare we missing a file that we should have created?18:29
* tlater[m] just wonders where those templates are18:30
tlater[m]Not much we can do without seeing the actual config18:30
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