IRC logs for #buildstream for Tuesday, 2019-09-17

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gitlab-br-botjuergbi opened MR !1606 (juerg/artifactshare->master: tests/testutils/ Add SIGTERM handler to subprocess) on buildstream
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gitlab-br-botBenjaminSchubert approved MR !1606 (juerg/artifactshare->master: tests/testutils/ Add SIGTERM handler to subprocess) on buildstream
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benschubertjuergbi: I've tried building llvm (with clang + libc++) using BuildStream, with a remote artifact server on the same machine. It failes at pusghin ls07:56
benschubert*it fials at pushing the artifact because it goes OOM07:56
benschubertI have 32G of RAM and 32G of swap. The artifact cache local after the build is roughly 10Go07:57
benschubertis that expected? That we would require so much memory07:57
benschubert(and I can see the memory usage increase until it gets killed)07:58
juergbioh, no, certainly not expected08:00
juergbibenschubert: is the excessive memory usage in BuildStream or buildbox-casd?08:00
benschuberthaven't looked more in details, it happens when doing a 'push' (the build went on fine)08:01
benschubertI can have a look tonight maybe08:01
juergbiwondering whether the issue is something like a single huge blob or just the total byte size of an artifact08:02
juergbibenschubert: did you see which process got OOM'd? i.e., python/bst or casd? that should be in the system log08:02
gitlab-br-botmarge-bot123 merged MR !1606 (juerg/artifactshare->master: tests/testutils/ Add SIGTERM handler to subprocess) on buildstream
benschubertjuergbi: I'll have to look at it tonight, it's on my laptop at home :)08:04
juergbiah, I see, ta08:05
juergbithere might still be a lot of optimization potential in casd08:06
benschubertOk, I'll be reporting those problems then :)08:14
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coldtomcan someone take a look at please?08:21
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benschubertcoldtom: I'll have a look at it today08:26
coldtomty benschubert08:26
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benschubertcoldtom: just two things ot double check and then LGTM!08:38
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benschubertcoldtom: lgtm then, thanks :)09:23
coldtomthanks benschubert :)09:24
coldtomcould someone with maintainer superpowers hit merge then please :)09:24
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benschubertQuestion about the sandbox: I get a '/dev/shm' not found. Does someone sees a reason we wouldn't be mounting a /dev/shm as shared memory?10:14
benschubert*as tmpfs10:14
juergbibenschubert: I don't see a real issue pointing /dev/shm to a new tmpfs (could consider limiting its size, though). we should not pass through host /dev/shm, though10:17
benschubertah wait, we already seem to have one in the base sandbox10:18
benschubertyeah, the host would defeat slightly our purpose :)10:18
benschubertjuergbi: oh, in the sandbox, /dev/shm, is 755, outside it is 777. I guess bubblewrap is doing something wrong here?10:28
juergbibenschubert: I can confirm it's 755, however, it's owned by the uid the sandbox command is running as10:31
juergbiso I wouldn't expect any permission issues10:31
benschubertI'm trying to run bazel inside BuildStream, and it tries to run its own sandbox inside, remounting /dev/shm rw, since it doesn't see it like that x')10:32
benschubertguess I'll try disabling the sandbox of bazel10:32
juergbiI don't recall the details of bazel's sandbox10:33
juergbiyou could probably also simply chmod a+rw /dev/shm inside the sandbox before running bazel, at least as a test10:34
benschubertit is bind-mounting a bunch of stuff10:34
benschubertright, I'll try this10:34
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tpollardI'm having trouble running the sourcetests standalone13:54
tpollardRunning the example command in tox.ini
tpollardthey'll run when doing a full run of all tests though13:58
coldtomrelated to this i think tpollard
tpollardcheers coldtom14:00
tpollardI'll add a comment14:00
coldtomat least, marking as usedevelop has fixed that error whenever that has happened to me14:01
jjardonbenschubert: hey, not sure you noticed but you need to update the format-version on the fdsdk branch you are using for the nightly tests:
benschubertjjardon: I saw that and my branch is fixed but not pushed :) thanks!15:14
jjardonbenschubert: ah cool  :)15:26
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gitlab-br-bottraveltissues opened (was WIP) MR !1563 (traveltissues/985->master: workspaces via sourcecache) on buildstream
traveltissues!1563 isn't quite ready but it's at the stage where I'd like to open it to review15:57
traveltissuesbtw benschubert, i sent you a fix on bst-benchmarks15:59
benschuberttraveltissues: let me have a look16:08
benschuberttraveltissues: merged16:12
benschubertI'll also aim to review your PR tomorrow16:12
benschubertI'm really looking forward to it :D16:12
traveltissuesi've decided to split it into 2 since it was becoming sufficiently complicated16:15
juergbitraveltissues: based on a very brief look it seems the commit history is not cleaned up yet, i.e., some later commits fix up issues in earlier commits16:16
juergbithis won't allow proper per-commit review. or is it anyway necessary to squash all commits as this can't be done in incremental steps without breaking the test suite?16:17
traveltissuesi will do some additional history cleanup juergbi16:19
tlater[m]Blergh, sorry for the double mail16:39
tlater[m]Internet hickup when I sent it16:40
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