IRC logs for #buildstream for Wednesday, 2019-07-03

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raouljuergbi, not been able to get buildbox-integration to work with buildstream master, I changed the freedesktop junction to track the branch that works with bst2 and tracked that, but it complains about "Destination is a symlink, not a directory: /usr/sbin"09:07
juergbiraoul: for which element do you get this message?09:08
raouland if you try and source track everything else you get a _yaml.pyx error which may be bschubert domain09:08
raouljuergbi, on buildbox-fuse.bst09:08
juergbiodd that it wants to install into /usr/sbin09:09
juergbiit's supposed to install into cmake's BINDIR, which should be /usr/bin09:10
juergbican you paste more log lines somewhere?09:11
juergbiah, no, that's for a dependency, of course09:11
juergbiI'd guess fuse309:11
raoulIt might be that the elements need to be updated, but with source track not working I can't do that09:12
juergbineed to set sbindir to "%{exec_prefix}/bin"09:13
juergbiin project.conf09:13
juergbi(or simply to "%{bindir}")09:13
benschubertraoul: could you show me the error please?09:14
* tlater[m] wonders if doing sbindir -> bindir is a form of heresy09:14
raoulit seems to be building now juergbi, thank!09:14
benschubert(a gitlab snippet would be better than a pastebin, I don't have access do it)09:14
raoulbenschubert, one sec09:14
juergbitlater[m]: I don't think the distinction really helps and it's sometimes harmful. but anyway this is just about being in sync with fdo-sdk09:17
tlater[m]juergbi: I wasn't implying there's anything bad about heresy, although i suppose it isn't heresy if fdo-sdk does it09:19
raoulthere you go benschubert
tlater[m]benschubert: While you're here, i was wondering if you'd have recommendations for a "proper" way to compose two lists09:20
tlater[m]I'd create one of those synthetic nodes and compose them, but that feels dirty09:20
benschubertraoul: wut, we had tests for this one Oo Do you have a way I could reproduce on my end? Or a test that triggers?09:20
benschuberttlater[m]: you have two lists that you want to compose on a third one, is that it?09:21
raoulbenschubert, I've only had this happen when trying to build buildbox09:21
tlater[m]Not quite, I just have two lists that may or may not be compose_lists, and I'd like to compose them into one.09:21
tlater[m]By that I mean, sometimes they'll be _yaml.Nodes, and sometimes []09:22
jonathanmawtristan: I've reworked !1409 again, have you had time to look at it?09:22
gitlab-br-botMR !1409: Separate frontend state handling from core state
benschubertraoul: could you add the reproduction info on the snippet? i'll have a look at it09:23
jonathanmawone thing that stands out right now is that I've written callbacks for changes to queue state, but since the frontend renders the queues periodically and doesn't cache anything about queue state, nothing subscribes to the callback09:23
benschuberttlater[m]: afaict we can only compose dicts nodes from the API09:24
tlater[m]benschubert: That's what I've gathered, just double checking I'm not missing something09:24
tlater[m]I'll go with a synthetic node for now then - thanks!09:25
benschubertif you can make an issue with your usecase otherwise :)09:25
benschubertsince I'm rewriting the API09:25
tlater[m]benschubert: It's related to this:, but I suppose I'll make a new issue and write up exactly what I need09:26
raoulhmm benschubert I seem to get a slightly different error running it on my laptop compared to running on the desktop I was earlier, though the error is still at the same line...09:35
raoulupdated the description on the snippet though09:35
benschubertthanks a lot!09:36
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tristanjonathanmaw, Not yet, I guess I should... I anticipate this one to be the winner !09:36
raoulAh juergbi, seems that it just rebuilt grpc, but then on buildbox-fuse.bst, it still gives "FAILURE Destination is a symlink, not a directory: /usr/sbin" , with either sbindir set to exec_prefix/bin or bindir09:41
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juergbilooking at the log it seems to be a util-linux issue09:43
juergbimaybe check with bst artifact checkout the structure of util-linux09:44
juergbihm, fdo-sdk util-linux already seems to have a workaround for sbin09:45
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juergbiah, we have our own util-linux09:46
juergbimaybe copy the install-command addition from fdo-sdk or use another way to avoid /usr/sbin09:47
raoulShall have a go, though this is not stuff I'm too familiar with09:48
tristanbenschubert, I know you have some opposite opinion, but as I am in mid-review I'd like to point out
tristanbenschubert, What bothers me about that line... is that this new member *belongs* to Job, yet we have a subclass ElementJob *assigning* without going through any explicit mutator, meaning (A) It is not clear when reading the ElementJob code that `name` belongs to the parent, as there is no `set_name()` function being used... and (B) Job base class cannot be informed about changes of the name10:09
tristan(B) can be resolved by using properties, yeah, but it still doesnt really make (A) any more clear... that statement is naturally mixed with other statements which assign local variables which clearly *do* belong to ElementJob10:10
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* tristan will open up a comment there10:12
* tristan adds comment
gitlab-br-bottlater opened issue #1062 (Add API for composing lists in yaml nodes) on buildstream
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tlater[m]benschubert: What do you think about that issue? I wouldn't mind changing `_yaml.get_node` according to my suggestion there as part of #160110:17
tlater[m]#1061, damnit10:17
gitlab-br-botIssue #1061: Allow specifying element-plugin-wise default dependencies
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tristanjonathanmaw, finished with comments... really nice stuff !10:37
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gitlab-br-botjuergbi opened MR !1446 (juerg/sourcecache->master: Do not implicitly import sources into source cache) on buildstream
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juergbiraoul: ^^ is a tiny source cache MR, in case you have a minute for a review at some point10:44
gitlab-br-botraoul.hidalgocharman approved MR !1446 (juerg/sourcecache->master: Do not implicitly import sources into source cache) on buildstream
raoulProvided it passes the pipeline LGTM10:50
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benschuberttristan: I have no strong opinion on setting values, my strong opinion is against getters :) So I'm happy with this being changed to a set_name()10:55
benschuberttlater[m]: actually, if we were to compose 'autotools' from project on ROOT from the element, I think that would work as expected :)10:58
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tlater[m]benschubert: I actually got that the wrong way around10:59
tlater[m]The (>): should be in the elements dependencies11:00
tlater[m]That said, even if it wasn't, I feel like that's risky, since `autotools:` can contain other things as well11:00
tlater[m]We'd clobber things before the elment is properly loaded11:00
benschuberttlater[m]: I would not have this added in elements11:00
benschubertAt least that's not how I understood the whole ML thread11:00
benschubertI had the understanding that you would not need to specify anything in your element11:01
tlater[m]benschubert: This is what I'm basing it on:
tristanbenschubert, Ah ok gotcha11:01
tlater[m]You still need to specify some dependencies in your element11:01
tlater[m]If they aren't just the default ones11:01
tlater[m](i.e., foo-lib.bst)11:02
benschuberttristan: basically, having a getter in python is slow compared to accessing directly, so I would rather avoid it. For setters, it makes things more explicit so I'm more fine with it :)11:02
benschuberttlater[m]: yep, so we could have something like: Element.dependencies = my_dependencies + Element.kind.dependencies, which is read from another file or something like this?11:03
benschuberttlater[m]: I think we should avoid having to add information in the bst files about default, because that defeats the purpose of having them as default :)11:03
tlater[m]benschubert: But that's not what's happening here11:03
tlater[m]project.conf contains all the default dependencies (in this case autotools.bst)11:04
tlater[m]The element appends to that list, not knowing what it contains11:04
tlater[m](With (>))11:04
benschuberttlater[m]: I'm just not sure we need to handle that through yaml11:04
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benschubertand I don't think the element should append anything to any list11:05
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tlater[m]Yeah, that's just an example to place it into the current structure of the API, eventually I'd make that implicit11:05
benschuberttlater[m]: I think sander's answer on is on point11:05
tlater[m]As for not handling this through yaml...11:05
benschuberttlater[m]: the concatenation I mean :)11:06
tlater[m]benschubert: From that emal: > Make error free append the default operation (even when it is not specified).11:06
tlater[m]Which requires going through the actual YAML layer, and defining a new "error free append" operation :)11:06
tlater[m](Defined by tristan as (->))11:07
benschuberttlater[m]: my concern is, I don't want to have to specify a (->) in every element I'm writing, because that defeats the purpose and is not better than what we have today.11:08
tlater[m]benschubert: Yes! For that reason, it would be implicit11:08
benschuberttlater[m]: then why go through yaml for this?11:09
benschubertIf that's implicit and done in the code, we could just get the two lists and append them ourselves11:09
tlater[m]Because then we can use (=) to avoid the default dependencies when we need to11:09
tlater[m]It'd be a shame if we didn't use the strengths of composition here.11:09
benschubertI'd rather go with a 'no_default_dependencies' flag then, this seems too much like magic to me11:10
tlater[m]benschubert: defines that syntax11:10
tlater[m]And I personally think the (=) is less magic11:11
tlater[m]Given that it's how everything else works11:11
tlater[m]No need to learn a new syntax for a concept you already need11:11
* tlater[m] doesn't mind just drafting this for now and seeing what opinions are on an actual MR/mailing thread11:12
tlater[m]But for now I'm sticking to what that email thread decided11:12
gitlab-br-botmarge-bot123 merged MR !1446 (juerg/sourcecache->master: Do not implicitly import sources into source cache) on buildstream
benschuberttlater[m]: no that's fine, let's go for how the message defines it, thanks11:15
tlater[m]Given that, how do you think should I handle it? I still feel just blanket writing to element's root is a poor idea11:18
benschuberttlater[m]: if we node_sanitize first to ensure we have the only the keys we expect, it would be ok11:18
tlater[m]Ah, I suppose I was missing node_sanitize11:18
* tlater[m] reads what that does11:18
benschubertit actually verifies that you don't ahve extra keys11:19
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tlater[m]I think you mean node_validate?11:20
benschubertoups sorry yes11:20
tlater[m]Right, so the problem with that is that that syntax is already in use11:20
tlater[m]So we expect other keys11:20
tlater[m]benschubert: i.e.:
benschubertah shoot11:22
tlater[m]Obviously, we want to compose those things too11:22
tlater[m]But that happens later11:22
tlater[m]Because loading elements is complex :)11:22
benschubert I'm not sure what's best there11:23
tlater[m]What do you think about the suggestion of adding a special _yaml.node type expectation for lists?11:23
tlater[m]I find that quite intuitive, and it's not destructive because it's not possible currently11:23
benschuberttype expectation fo list?11:23
tlater[m]We can get provenance info for that node_get pretty easily11:24
tlater[m]So, use `_yaml.node_get(list_node, _yaml.Node, "key")`11:24
tlater[m]Which would internally return a pretty `_yaml.Node` with a [] inside it11:24
tlater[m]So we can make the `composite()` deal with it properly11:25
benschubertcomposite() expects two mappings, not lists, no?11:25
tlater[m]benschubert: Yes, so the functionality we want for !1061 would be added to `composite()` and do its thing11:26
gitlab-br-botMR !1061: BREAK:remove unconditional 'are you sure?' prompts
tlater[m]I.e., by default safe-append or whatever11:26
tlater[m]Then we make safe-append the default operation for all composed lists (if we ever allow any others), and the magic goes away11:27
tlater[m]Alternatively keep that a special case for depends, of course, but well, this is more about programming architecture anyway11:28
benschubertI would not have the safe-append the default but the rest seems good :)11:28
tlater[m]Cool, I'll just treat that as your seal of approval for now, ta benschubert :)11:29
benschuberthaha, just let me know if you need to change something in _yaml, as I'm reworking the entire API11:29
tlater[m]Sure, I'll keep it as localized as I can11:30
tlater[m]We'll have a hacking session soon anyway, I'm pretty much only preparing a draft so people can see how this looks in practice11:31
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benschubertright, I might be able to push my yaml changes over the line this time :D12:38
benschubertraoul: I tried the steps you outlined with the laster buildstream master and... everything worked :/12:38
raoulhmm strange, I was definitely on the latest master12:39
benschubertraoul: and latest master on the other repo too?12:41
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raoulyep definitely12:49
gitlab-br-botBenjaminSchubert opened MR !1447 (bschubert/rework-node-creations->bschubert/new-node-api: Rework synthetic node creation) on buildstream
benschubertraoul: mmh weird, could you show that to me tomorrow/on friday?12:52
benschubertactually friday would be good :)12:52
raoulYeah will do :)12:53
gitlab-br-botBenjaminSchubert merged MR !1444 (bschubert/node-api-noassertions->bschubert/new-node-api: _yaml: Move 'node_final_assertions' to 'Node._assert_fully_composited') on buildstream
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jonathanmawtristan: good thing I added that assertion checking whether I'm creating the same TaskGroup twice, looks like I'm creating FetchQueues multiple times14:06
jonathanmawwhich seems to be because we're making the Stream do a scheduler run to fetch subprojects14:07
jonathanmawGiven it specifically swaps out the queues, I gather having multiple FetchQueues exist at once is normal14:08
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tristanjonathanmaw, So forgetting to remove them after the first run perhaps ?14:08
tristanOh ?14:08
tristanI don't see why you would have multiple fetch queues at the same time no14:08
jonathanmawhmm, that's an interesting one, then14:09
tristanjonathanmaw, it's possible juergbi did something a bit recursive ? but I would think it is preferable to fetch the subprojects you know that need fetching... and then after completing that operation, finding out all the suprojects you need to fetch and then fetch those... and so on, until all subprojects are fetched14:10
tristanI wouldnt expect recursively creating new fetch queues14:10
tristanAlthough it perhaps works that way for right now14:10
tristanjonathanmaw, it's also fairly possible that you have some object reference pointing to Queue objects, causing them to never have their __del__ methods run14:11
* tristan wonders if __del__ is related to the GC also14:12
jonathanmawyeah, I just had a look at which queues were swapped out, and it was an empty list of queues, so something else is the culprit this time14:12
* tristan would expect (hope) __del__ to be run immediately as soon as an object falls out of scope, but it might not be the case ?14:13
jonathanmawyeah, looks like the queue wasn't being dereferenced14:15
jonathanmawIn Stream.fetch_subprojects(), if I explicitly call self.queues.clear() once I've finished the scheduler run, the tests pass14:15
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benschuberttristan: __del__ is not called directly. It's called one the GC decides to remove the object14:16
jonathanmawI think the problem is probably that both the Stream and the Scheduler hold the list of queues, so when Stream starts constructing the next list of queues, there's still some in the Scheduler14:17
jonathanmawthough if we remove the queues immediately after a scheduler run, we won't be able to include them in the summary we print at the end of a run14:18
tpollardIt might not be relevant but I did notice that the buildqueue directly calls the schedulers private callback for job complete instead of going through the public job_completed() which does some extra bits14:23
tristanjonathanmaw, Maybe we want to rethink that in that case, as benschubert points out14:24
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tristanjonathanmaw, We should not rely on __del__ for unregistering TaskGroups14:24
jonathanmawhmm, similarly, I think the safest way to handle the existence of more than one Queue of the same type would probably be to not create TaskGroups when we're using a FetchQueue to fetch subprojects (i.e. that scheduler run is not reported to the frontend)14:26
benschubertcould we have a message from the scheduler that a previous queue was deleted? Would that fix the problem? Because we know when queues are changed14:27
tristanbenschubert, jonathanmaw
tristanbenschubert, essentially we *do* have a notification, it's just not very explicitly invoked14:35
tristanI don't think it should be a Message(), though14:35
tristanThe Message objects and the ongoing tasks and task groups are pretty separate14:36
tristanthe latter is basically just "what is the current state", with notifications14:36
benschuberttristan: if we end up with the 'frontend' in a separate process, we'll need to have a Message for it no? Otherwise seems good to me!14:37
benschubertand I confirm, the queue's __del__ will only be called once it's not referenced by anything else, so what we currently have doesn't work :)14:37
tristanbenschubert, I don't know that we'll need a *Message* as in per se... but indeed the code that jonathanmaw is adding in will need to be split in two, and some IPC will need to be crafted14:38
tristanWhether that leverages Message objects or not is really part of the scheduling subprocessing implementation details14:38
benschubertthat seems good to me then. I haven't looked too much at the MR, but I can have a more in depth look if needed :)14:38
jonathanmawtristan: so, we should explicitly unregister TaskGroups, but not necessarily do it at the end of every scheduler run, since we want them to hang around from the last Scheduler run so we can include them in the summary14:39
tristanjonathanmaw, Yeah... I've sort of left that detail to you :)14:39
tristanjonathanmaw, There are many ways to fry that cat... one way I can think of... is that it might be nice if the Stream() invocations *return* the task groups as they were at the time scheduling stopped, and to clear them then14:40
tristanfor that purpose14:40
tristanThat might be unweildy I'm not sure14:40
tristanjonathanmaw, remember that the frontend is only really interested in a specific scheduler run which is associated to the "session" which completed14:41
tristanjonathanmaw, Maybe as you say, we want to instead avoid clearing the queues until the moments that we setup new ones14:41
tristanIn any case... we do have Stream in control of all of this, it creates the Queues and assigns them to the scheduler... it should be the one to clear the queues I guess14:42
jonathanmawIt sounds like the most straight-forward answer is that out-of-session scheduler runs shouldn't register TaskGroups14:42
tristanjonathanmaw, I don't think that is right14:43
tristanBetter to communicate all the time accurately what is going on14:44
tristanlet the frontend decide what it wants to display14:44
tristanjonathanmaw, I would expect that if there are multiple scheduler runs, we should still be able to see consistent feedback about what is happening in the UI while things are ongoing14:44
tristanjonathanmaw, For now... I think most use cases do not involve more than one TaskGroup being present at a given time... mostly it is just the "fetch" operations, but I wouldnt want to paint us into a corner where that is a restriction14:45
jonathanmawhmm, so for the meantime there's no reason why we *should* see multiple Queues of the same type at once, but hypothetically if there was a reason to, the most appropriate solution would be to pop all task groups out of State temporarily14:46
tristanUhhhh, this is two separate topics14:46
jonathanmawor perhaps display both sets of TaskGroups in parallel14:46
tristanjonathanmaw, I don't think there will ever be a time we want to see two task groups *of the same type*14:47
tristanjonathanmaw, rather: whenever the scheduler is running "There might be task groups"14:47
tristanFrom what I understand, there also might be jobs even in the absence of task groups14:48
tristanFor instance... the load process will be turned into tasks that are not part of any task group14:48
tristanjonathanmaw, Anyway... what I understand is that you are running into a situation where the Fetch "task group" from a junction fetch job doesnt disappear when you later add a new Fetch "task group"14:49
tristanAnd that is probably because of using __del__14:50
tristanOr neglecting to clear the queues at some point14:50
jonathanmawyeah, the queues aren't getting cleared before a new FetchQueue is created, by the looks of it14:50
tristanRight, so first (A) Don't use __del__.... and second (B) Make sure there is an explicit codepath in Stream which is clearing the queues before populating the queues for a subsequent run... follow that codepath and decide where is the appropriate place to unregister the task group14:52
tristanjonathanmaw, I suspect that an explicit destructor function on Queue() would be appropriate for this14:52
tristanmaybe Queue.destroy(), which needs to be called from the right place... maybe from a new function like Scheduler.clear_queues() or Scheduler.reset()14:53
tristan(if an appropriate place doesnt exist yet)14:53
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gitlab-br-botBenjaminSchubert opened MR !1448 (bschubert/node-no-isnode->bschubert/new-node-api: _yaml: Remove 'is_node', which is not used in the codebase anymore) on buildstream
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gitlab-br-botshashwatdalal opened (was WIP) MR !1441 (shashwatdalal/tar-file-extraction->master: Change permissions for rootpath in `_force_rmtree`) on buildstream
benschubertjuergbi, tristan, would one of you have time to just double check that !1441 would not have side effects that we might have overlooked? should be fairly quick to review15:35
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gitlab-br-botBenjaminSchubert merged MR !1442 (bschubert/new-node-compose->bschubert/new-node-api: Rework node compose API) on buildstream
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benschuberttristan: is another tricky one and I'd like your input on it if you have time17:06
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gitlab-br-botBenjaminSchubert opened MR !1450 (bschubert/node-api-novalidate->bschubert/new-node-api: _yaml: Remove 'node_validate' and replace by 'MappingNode.validate_keys') on buildstream
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gitlab-br-botLaurenceUrhegyi closed issue #477 (Allow rebuilding of a single element) on buildstream
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