IRC logs for #buildstream for Tuesday, 2019-07-02

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ironfootHello! o/ I'm currently playing with buildstream, and one of my builds failed. In the build log file, the last thing you can see is "failed with exitcode 1". Is there a way to see the actuall error?09:10
juergbiironfoot: this means that the external command failed and its stdout/stderr messages should be in the build log file as well09:15
ironfootyeah, I can see some of the stderr output in this log, I was surprised it wasn't  clear when I looked at it09:18
ironfootah right, at the end of the log there is the command that failed, repeated09:18
ironfootcontext to ilustrate why it was a bit confusing:
juergbiah, due to the huge command line09:22
ironfootfull error:
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tristanvalentind, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Does that error building the cross compiler mean anything to you ?09:24
valentindThere are binaries with hardlinks.09:25
valentindThe problem is that for freedesktop-sdk we use the original path for the path to debug file. We do not use build-id.09:25
valentindBut if there are hardlinks, since find follows filesystem order which is not reproducible, we might get a different path as first one.09:26
tristanvalentind, Orthogonal question... do you know why the build log does not tell you more clearly ?09:26
valentindSo what we do in the install-commands, is to replace hardlinks by symlinks.09:26
tristan  "Stripping files with multiple links can be problematic for reproducibility."09:26
valentindStripping files with multiple links can be problematic for reproducibility.09:27
valentindFile /buildstream-install/usr/lib/sdk/toolchain-x86_64/bin/gcc-ar has multiple links09:27
valentindThis was in the build logs.09:27
tristanMaybe that message from the toolchain is missing some more context09:27
valentindHow more clearly do you want it?09:27
tristanI.e. it could be "ERROR: <insert above message>, failed"09:27
valentindSure, we could do that.09:28
valentindNext time we change all the artifact keys, we can do that.09:28
valentindI think we should move to using debug-id path for debug files instead anyway.09:29
valentindSo that we do not care about hardlinks.09:29
benschubertHey tristan, when you have time, could you look if you see other things I might have missed when testing my changes for ?09:32
alexandrufazakasI could also really use a review on !1430 if anyone has some time for it :)09:34
gitlab-br-botMR !1430: Add bst init argument
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alexandrufazakastpollard: thanks for having a look at my MR :)09:57
tristanbenschubert, looks great :)10:02
benschuberttristan: thanks a lot!10:03
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gitlab-br-botmarge-bot123 merged MR !1419 (aevri/set_resource_limits->master: platform: re-scope set_resource_limits) on buildstream
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tpollardalexandrufazakas: np, I think you're pretty close to getting approval. As it's a breaking change to the cli we just have to ensure we're getting it *right*10:30
alexandrufazakastpollard: Yeah, I understand that :)10:30
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gitlab-br-botBenjaminSchubert merged MR !1438 (bschubert/node-api-nosanitize->bschubert/new-node-api: Remove the need for 'node_sanitize') on buildstream
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ironfootso, I re-ran everything manually on the bst shell, and it worked?
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tristanironfoot, and you typed "echo $?" after every command ?11:23
tristanI am not clear on the result of the last conversation with valentind about this... the thing I dont understand is... He seems to clearly state that "yes... this is correct, it does not work"... on the other hand... this looks like it is build instructions from the freedesktop-sdk cross-compiler build... which "clearly work"11:25
tristanSo which is it ? Does it work or doesn't it ?11:25
ironfootbst build thing.bst, doesn't work, then from within the shell gives me after failure seems to work. Doing a clean build/failure to have a shell at the point of the failure now to retry11:31
ironfootI'll run things inside of a subshell with `set -ex` to see if any of the commands fail11:32
juergbiironfoot: '...has multiple links' is a fatal error as it executes `false`11:32
juergbii.e., this is intentional in this script11:33
juergbieither avoid multiple links or change the script if this is not considered an issue in your environment11:33
tristanvalentind, I didn't realize it was our script printing that unclear error message11:35
tristanvalentind, I thought it was something from objdump and friends11:35
tristanError message looks more like just a remark / warning to me :)11:35
ironfootyeah, I was %100 sure that was a warning :/11:37
valentindIt is not a warning.11:37
lachlanHi, I'm trying to do some benchmark analysis using formatted logfiles as part of overall benchmarking. As part of this process I'm trying to establish the time deltas between different runs, but I've come across mismatches in logged entries - more specifically I have entries in the binutils baserock build log with messages such as "fetch:gnu-toolchain/stage1-binutils.bst-0,START ..." which mismatch to other logs (from different runs) through the intro11:40
lachlanduction of the "-0" at the end of the bst file entry. As far as I can tell there should be no persist-ency in the build system (docker based) with each build run being carried out in a clean environment, although this is still being examined. Can anyone provide any initial ideas as to whether buildstream would cause this number to be appended to bst files and why?11:40
tpollardI've had issues with that whilst poking around with the frontend subprocessing11:44
lachlanSo not unique, hmm11:46
tpollardIt's expected though11:47
tristanCan we stop calling this "frontend subprocessing" or "running the UI in a subprocess" ?11:48
tristanI thought we had clearly/firmly agreed and decided that that was precisely the opposite of what we were going to do11:49
tpollardtristan: I would prefer to stop calling it that yes11:49
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tristanIt reads quite badly if we have mailing list threads which still hold on to that title (which jumps out at you like something not to do), and then have to read into it to find out that people are in fact talking about doing the opposite11:50
tpollardlachlan: when a source related job is happening (in this case fetching the element's source) the front end prints the name of the own element with the index of source appended to it11:50
tpollardwhich in most cases is the 0 index11:51
tristantpollard, In fact... that is not really true - although I can see how that may have become true in a side branch11:52
tristantpollard, it did do that at one point, and stopped11:52
tristantpollard, the reason for this is essentially this line:
tristantpollard, it's rather a tiny unimportant detail and we could easily pivot, and make a UX decision about it later on, just pointing that out11:54
tristanright now we prefer printing the *task* element ID11:54
tristannot the unique_id of the specific element doing something11:54
tristanhowever, I should point out that this is rather important in another sense11:55
tristantpollard, The reason we originally did that... is because you have situations where you are "Building foo.bst"... and then you are going to stage and run integration commands and such from a bunch of dependencies...11:55
tristantpollard, in the process of building "foo.bst", you end up calling functions on dependencies which might issue log messages11:56
tristantpollard, If you print the actual element names of the dependencies which are doing things on behalf of that build... the logging is completely unintelligible11:56
tristanI think the main reason why we have "task_id or element_id" on that line... is because in some contexts (like when you run `bst checkout` or `bst shell`), you don't currently *have* an associated task_id11:57
tristanbecause things are being run directly from the main process instead11:58
tristanthat will probably change with jonathanmaw's recent branch and with subprocessing of the scheduler, ensuring that "things always happen as tasks"11:58
tristanI would expect it to probably change, anyway11:58
tristantpollard, Sorry for the wall of text, I hope it is enlightening though :)11:59
lachlanThe main problem I have is that this formatting does not seem to be consistently applied, but it can be worked around - although I fear that things might be stumbling into a soup of regex mangling to create comparable build trees.12:00
tristanEssentially... whether we print the "-0" or not for source related things is unimportant... but it *is* important that we don't print the element names of dependencies as the task element in the logging, as that makes things really unintelligible12:01
tristanlachlan, Ok so... what *you* are saying is that this effects a background story which is *parsing* the log lines for benchmarking purposes ?12:02
tristanMight I infer ?12:02
tristanlachlan, I would say that if that is the case, then it becomes important to ensure consistency on this level yes - without regressing
lachlanYes, this is as per the plan to introduce structured logging and perform benchmarking logging analysis to provide deeper performance statistics12:03
tristanlachlan, The answer might be that we should *never* use message.element_id, and always have messages issued by elements grouped by *task_id*12:03
tpollardtristan: well then there might be a bug somewhere, because I'm pretty sure that behaviour is existing on master12:04
tristanPerhaps we should have %{task-id} and %{element-id} as separate configrations in the logging format12:04
tristantpollard, I suspect you are seeing it at checkout or shell time12:04
lachlanI have already introduced so regex work to circumvent some file stamping, so this can be introduced as another rule since it is now clear that this is an expected buildstream effect.12:04
tristantpollard, But it's certainly a bug... imagine trying to visually parse a log where you have many ongoing builds... and then you have dependencies issuing log lines and you have no idea which START/SUCCESS task those lines are related to12:05
tristantpollard, it's not technically a bug if it's not happening in scheduled builds12:05
tristantpollard, because when you type `bst checkout foo.bst`, you really know you are only doing one thing12:06
tristanergo it doesnt appear to be a problem12:06
tristanlachlan, I would imagine being able to set [%{task-id}][%{element-id}] in `logging: format:` in the user config would be very useful to you though... as it would allow you to both (A) Identify which START/STOP are related to which *task*, and (B) Also identify specific granular things at the "what each element did" level, while doing so on behalf of the task12:08
tristanlachlan, but that does sound like an elaborate thing which is probably unneeded in the short term :)12:08
tpollardtristan: looking at the commits in my working branch... looks like I was having the problem with Source() _track generating the info message12:08
tristantpollard, So I just looked at a `bst track` output and didnt have any bugs (it did *not* print any trailing "-0" in that context), but not with master12:09
tristanSo I think that is an important regression to fix if it happened12:09
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tpollardand changes quite a bit with out approach of not doing plugin lookups for the multiprocessing12:14
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tristantpollard, we'll want to decide what info is relevant to send over the wire... but I would think it's small enough that it is worth (A) Sending both task related element info AND element specific info over the wire... (B) Let the frontend decide what to do with that12:16
tpollardand I'll ensure that when the WIP goes up for the foundations of the work that it's not referred to as the UI being subprocessed!12:16
tristantpollard, I'm off to dinner... thanks for policing the naming of the task for me :)12:20
tristantpollard, I worry sometimes with so many people working on different things, small headlines like this being corrected much improves overall group understanding of what is going on :D12:20
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jonathanmawHi tristan, I've finished my changes to !1409 to rearrange where State is created, make the frontend read state directly, and use callbacks for notifying the frontend when something's changed13:03
gitlab-br-botMR !1409: Separate frontend state handling from core state
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jonathanmawthough I did end up with vestigial callbacks for changes to TaskGroups, since the StatusHeader widget doesn't store anything that needs to be recalculated13:05
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tlater[m]alexandrufazakas: Do tell when your branch is ready14:17
tlater[m]I think we might be looking at a merge today :)14:17
alexandrufazakashey tlater. I think it's ready right now tbf14:18
tlater[m]Right, I'll give it a quick final review14:19
alexandrufazakasAwesome, thank you :D14:19
tlater[m](And get marge to merge my MR first ;p)14:20
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tlater[m]alexandrufazakas: Good work so far, but have you amended the documentation in doc/examples/first_project.rst or whatever that file was?14:23
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tlater[m]Hm, I suppose it might not need updating since it doesn't use `-C`?14:23
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tlater[m]Yeah, that looks alright14:25
alexandrufazakastlater: Nothing there uses -C or --directory I think14:25
tlater[m]Yup, I just checked14:26
alexandrufazakasSorry, I was playing with grep to see if I missed something there14:26
tlater[m]alexandrufazakas: In that case, could you do me a favor and squash all but the first and last commits?14:27
tlater[m]It's a well engineered history, but i don't think the tests will continuously succeed without an atomic change :)14:27
alexandrufazakastlater: So all commits in between should be squashed into `Make bst init take an argument`?14:28
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alexandrufazakastlater: I think they worked with every commit, last time I checked they did14:28
alexandrufazakasIf that's what you menat14:28
tlater[m]Other than that, you have my approval14:28
tlater[m]Hm, you're right, they should actually pass14:30
tlater[m]Sure, that's good. Thanks for putting up with my pedantry :)14:30
gitlab-br-bottlater approved MR !1430 (AlexFazakas/add-bst-init-argument->master: Add bst init argument) on buildstream
alexandrufazakasHaha, no worries. You helped me out a bunch with all the work on this MR14:30
tlater[m]alexandrufazakas: Rebase, and then assign marge-bot123 (top right, the "assign" button)14:31
tlater[m]Marge should then just grab your MR and eventually merge it (whenever she's done merging whoever's comes first).14:31
alexandrufazakastlater: Aight, I just did that14:32
alexandrufazakasLove the bot's name btw, whoever came up with that hah14:32
tlater[m]It is rather cool, but I've not had the opportunity to tell someone to "marge" their branch yet :|14:32
raoulIf I try and build freedesktop-sdk or buildbox-integration I get "[synthetic node]: Value of 'submodules' is not of the expected type 'Mapping'" Anyone got any idea what's causing this? it's not a particularly useful error message and all actual occurrences of submodules are dictionaries/mappings14:32
tlater[m]raoul: I think that's fallout from 1.2 -> 2.014:33
tlater[m]You'll want to build a specific branch of freedesktop-sdk14:33
tlater[m](search for -bst2 among the branches)14:33
raoultlater[m], get the same thing  on "freedesktop-sdk-" which seems to be the only bst2 branch14:35
tlater[m]raoul: bst-plugins-experimental?14:36
tlater[m]Or bst-external?14:36
raouloh do I need to change which plugins are referred to?14:36
tlater[m]raoul: You shouldn't need to if you're on the correct branch14:38
tlater[m]But that's the error you get if you have the wrong plugins running, so you probably aren't on the right branch :D14:38
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raouloh looking at the overnight tests maybe I want to be on a specific version of bst-plugins-experimental14:42
tlater[m]raoul: I've not had to do that, latest should work14:42
tlater[m]Unless this broke over the past 4 days or so14:42
raoulwell it works now after I installed some missing packages so I guess you do now?14:45
tlater[m]Hrm, that would be bad14:46
tlater[m]raoul: Open an issue against bst-plugins-experimental?14:47
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raoultlater[m], can do, could you check it doesn't work for you either?14:49
* tlater[m] stashes his tree again... ;p14:49
raouloh wait maybe I just didn't pull on bst-plugins-experimental14:51
raoulswear I did14:51
tlater[m]raoul: Working fine for me14:53
raoulyeah seems to work now, must have been on an older version of bst-plugins-experimental that didn't work at some point14:54
tlater[m]That would do it, yes14:54
tlater[m]It's a fairly recent change, ~2 weeks I believe14:55
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gitlab-br-botmarge-bot123 closed issue #1052 (BuildStream chokes when staging tarfiles with hardlinks that point outside of a chosen base directory) on buildstream
gitlab-br-botmarge-bot123 merged MR !1431 (tar-target-renaming->master: Make link target renaming work between base-dirs) on buildstream
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gitlab-br-botBenjaminSchubert opened MR !1442 (bschubert/new-node-compose->bschubert/new-node-api: Rework node compose API) on buildstream
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gitlab-br-botmarge-bot123 closed issue #702 (Make `bst init` take an argument) on buildstream
gitlab-br-botmarge-bot123 merged MR !1430 (AlexFazakas/add-bst-init-argument->master: Add bst init argument) on buildstream
tlater[m]Congrats alexandrufazakas :)15:43
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alexandrufazakasThanks tlater :^)15:52
gitlab-br-botBenjaminSchubert opened MR !1444 (bschubert/node-api-noassertions->bschubert/new-node-api: _yaml: Move 'node_final_assertions' to 'Node._assert_fully_composited') on buildstream
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gitlab-br-botaevri opened (was WIP) MR !1443 (aevri/context_nitpicks->master: Minor fixups in on buildstream
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tpollardsorry for stopping the marge aevri :)16:50
aevriNot at all, my fault. Thanks for reviewing so quick :)16:51
gitlab-br-bottpollard approved MR !1443 (aevri/context_nitpicks->master: Minor fixups in on buildstream
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gitlab-br-botmarge-bot123 merged MR !1443 (aevri/context_nitpicks->master: Minor fixups in on buildstream
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