IRC logs for #buildstream for Thursday, 2019-02-14

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KinnisonIs there any chance we can get resolved today?  I am fed up with carrying a delta to setup.cfg in a git stash08:18
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gitlab-br-botBenjaminSchubert approved MR !1116 (doraskayo/exclude-eggs-from-linting->master: setup.cfg: exclude .eggs/** and build/** from pycodestyle linting) on buildstream
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cs-shadowjjardon: benschubert: hi :) thoughts on ?09:52
jjardoncs-shadow: nice! +109:56
benschubertcs-shadow: just not sure about "supported tags", don't know what support would entail here :) But otherwise, thansk a lot!09:56
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jjardoncs-shadow: not sure you noticed but master of that repo was failing yesterday09:59
cs-shadowjjardon: yes, that was because i hadn't created the buildstream/buildstream image on Docker Hub. I wanted to see it fail once to verify that i hadn't messed up the moving tags logic. Should be good now :)10:00
cs-shadowbenschubert: i agree, that was inspired by "official" images but you are right. How about `s/supported tags/list of tags/` ?10:01
benschubert"published tags"? otherwise this seems good too!10:01
jjardoncs-shadow: coolio10:02
cs-shadowcool, "published" wins. thanks!10:02
laurenceadds68, so, the marge-bot: just to check what it does - when an MR is approved and set to merge, it'll put it into the correct 'queue' and re-base so the user doesn't have to10:08
laurenceis there any more to it?10:08
KinnisonI think you assign the MR to marge10:09
Kinnisonand *it* deals with it10:09
laurencealso is there anywhere else this is captured, btw? not sure where marge bot came from originally10:09
laurenceyeah i'm aware of that, but you have to review it first before assigning10:09
laurenceand approve, I think10:09
adds68laurence, yea you need the standard number of approvals and then to merge it you just assign it to marge10:10
adds68she then rebases/merges etc10:10
laurencegreat, so if you've got a few people trying to merge at once it handles that for you, very useful10:10
laurenceadds68, just wanted to check if there was anything else it did to be aware of10:11
adds68laurence, yea correct, i'm not sure if it has any other features10:13
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laurencegreat, thanks, I'd like to get it into BuildStream (very soon, I hope)10:19
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gitlab-br-bottpollard opened issue #913 (Extracting buildtree/specific subdirs from the cache should be done directly) on buildstream
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KinnisonCan tox run an arbitrary script inside its virtual environment?11:14
KinnisonI want to run tests/cachekey/ but I can't because pytest et al are managed by tox11:14
tpollardyou can run specific tests yes11:15
Kinnisonit's not a test11:15
Kinnisonit's just a script which ends up importing pytest11:15
phildawsonKinnison, To do so you'd have to add the script you want to run to the 'commands' in tox.ini11:16
Kinnisonaha, ta11:16
phildawsonAs far as I'm aware, there's no way of doing so by passing arguments to tox, but I'm happy to be corrected on that11:16
* Kinnison tries creating a cachekey-update env11:18
benschubertotherwise: source .tox/{env-name}/bin/activate and you're in the env :D11:18
benschubertand afterwards you can do whatever11:19
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Kinnisonaha so they are venv-alike?11:21
benschubertthey are venvs11:22
benschuberttox is basically creating one venv per "env" you declare in tox11:22
benschubertand that's it11:22
Kinnisonthe env thing turned out easiest, thanks benschubert11:24
* phildawson wishes he'd thought of that earlier. Thanks benschubert :)11:28
SotKphildawson: you can pass args by putting `{posargs}` in the command11:30
SotKso you can do something like to just run whatever you pass inside the venv managed by tox11:31
phildawsonSotK,  You can, but the way buildstream's tox.ini is set up all those are passed straight to pytest11:32
phildawsonWhich makes it somewhat inconvenient if you just want to run some arbitrary script :)11:32
SotKthe tox.ini I linked does similar for the default env, but has a `venv` environment in which the posargs are the entire command11:34
SotKso `tox -e venv -- my-command-here` works11:34
phildawsonSotK, Neat. I might add that to ours :)11:36
gitlab-br-botaevri opened issue #914 (checkout --tar: mtime=0 is problematic for some software) on buildstream
gitlab-br-botaevri opened MR !1149 (aevri/mtime1->master: storage.Directory.export_to_tar: default mtime=1) on buildstream
adds68laurence, the designer finally sent BuildStream sources back11:43
adds68laurence, should i upload them to that issue, so we can close it and someone can set the logo on the project?11:43
juergbivalentind: I assume you're planning to comment again on !1140 and I will hold off merging for a bit. let me know if/when you're happy with it11:45
gitlab-br-botMR !1140: Do not resolve or mangle symlinks during staging
laurenceadds68, for BuildGrid I just uploaded the logo sources to the gitlab wiki, for us maybe the GNOME wiki is better (just wanted them somewhere so others could always access)11:49
laurenceadds68, for the question of BuildStream versus Buildstream - has the designer amended it on the sources?11:50
gitlab-br-botBenjaminSchubert opened MR !1150 (bschubert/dont-keep-metasource->master: Don't keep MetaSource around in Source) on buildstream
tristanjjardon, I think we should wait for Kinnison's emergency fix for cache key stability to drop before rolling out a 1.2.x12:08
tristanjjardon, i.e., it is a cache key breaking change; but seems to be very important (i.e. also a cache key stability *fixing* change)12:09
juergbioh, breaking cache key in 1.2?12:09
tristanIf they are broken ?12:09
juergbiwell, it's more like Python doesn't guarantee that it's stable12:09
tristanI mean... they are broken right ?12:09
juergbiso it might break with future Python version12:09
juergbias we test cache keys in CI with Python 3.5-3.7, it should be fine right now, or not?12:09
juergbi(as long as we also don't backport optimizations that break pickle/cache key)12:10
jmacDo you actually test cache keys from Python 3.5 against keys from 3.7?12:10
tristanThis is a good question12:10
juergbiyes, CI tests that12:10
juergbialthough we can't guarantee that we test all corner cases12:10
juergbiKinnison: any opinions on the above?12:11
tristanYeah, I don't think I fully grasp why pickles differ depending on 'identity' (address of module in memory ?)12:12
KinnisonIt's that pickles try not to serialise the same object more than once12:39
Kinnisonif you have two strings which happen to have come by the value "foo" independently they get serialised independently12:39
Kinnisonbut if yo uhave two strings which have the same value "foo" then they get serialised once and recalled later12:39
KinnisonThis makes relying on pickle dangerous in the face of seemingly innocuous optimisations elsewhere in the code12:40
KinnisonI think, if we're already changing 1.2's cache keys, then it makes sense to include the JSON change too12:44
Kinnisonbut if we're not, then there's no point breaking 1.2's users' caches12:44
tristanKinnison, in that case lets not12:44
* Kinnison nods12:44
tristanKinnison, policy is to not break keys in a release - what I don't understand is; is it potentially broken ?12:45
Kinnisontristan: So long as the cache keys tests are in place, it's guaranteed not broken for the set of python versions we CI12:45
tristanThe description looks like we might get the wrong cache key if two elements are supposed to have the same key ?12:45
tristanDepending on what strings have been seen in the program lifetime ?12:46
Kinnisontristan: essentially the same cache key dictionary *value* could result in different pickles, dependent on whether or not identical *value* strings happen to be the same PyObject under the hood12:46
Kinnisontristan: the difference between foostring == barstring, and foostring is barstring12:46
tristanThat seems like it is probably happening, but it is happening in a consistent way and as such things are not broken ?12:48
KinnisonCurrently yes12:48
KinnisonBut, like I said, an unrelated optimisation in exposed this12:48
tristanI.e. a cached cache key string will be reused various times (by virtue of collecting the dependency cache keys and including those)12:48
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jmacI think so. I wouldn't have expected Python 3.5 and 3.7 to produce consistent pickles12:49
jmacStandard advice from the Python community is never to have a pickled object last longer than the Python process which created it12:49
tristanI see, so only code changes appear to have an effect on this, and currently we have consistent keys across python versions12:49
Kinnisonafaict, run-to-run we're consistent12:49
KinnisonIt's just in the face of code changes to the code which provides the data which may end up in the cache key12:50
jmacWhat happens if you alter the YAML in one .bst file which means it duplicates a string value in another .bst file?12:50
KinnisonWe're fine because we generate fresh strings - there's no interning in ruamel12:51
KinnisonThe issue came up because I added an optimisation in my Variables rework to go "oh this is constant, just return it"12:52
Kinnisonrather than always generating a fresh string by means of re.subst12:52
tristanI suppose we also have to change _yamlcache.py12:52
KinnisonI think the yaml cache is play12:53
* Kinnison can type, honest12:53
KinnisonThe yaml cache is really only for run-to-run of the same code12:53
KinnisonAnd future python commits to always being able to read old pickle12:53
gitlab-br-botdanielsilverstone-ct opened MR !1151 (danielsilverstone-ct/json-cache-key->master: Update cache keys to use JSON) on buildstream
tristanOk well anyway, this is all a lot less alarming than I thought :)12:56
KinnisonI have put an MR up, we'll see if the pipeline is okay or if I've missed anything, my local test runs were okay, but I only have 3.5 on my laptop12:56
Kinnisontristan: yeah it's not terrifyingly bad, just irritating in the face of optimisation work I'm trying to do12:56
Kinnisonif Python always interned strings, this'd have not come to my attention12:56
KinnisonDitto if pickle were less efficient :D12:57
KinnisonAs it is, I'm proposing to use `ujson` which ends up a few seconds faster than the old way on my test set anyway12:57
KinnisonThat, plus the rewrite it unblocks, is about a 30s improvement on runtime for `bst show debian-stack.bst` on my laptop12:58
Kinnisonwhich is ca. 10%12:58
tristanShould we squash the commits on your branch for the sake of bisectability ?12:58
tristanKinnison, that sounds great re :)12:59
Kinnisontristan: For a long time I've assumed we can only bisect between merge commits13:00
Kinnisontristan: otherwise, given the requirement on merges being fastforwardable, I'd have assumed we'd be ffwding13:00
KinnisonI don't mind squashing them if you want13:00
tristanWe try to keep every commit in a series passing it's tests indeed13:01
KinnisonI'll squash them if that's the ideal :D13:01
tristanYeah, I also dislike squashing but I think this is a good reason :)13:02
Kinnisonbenschubert: I think looks good :+1:13:02
* Kinnison likes that it removes a FIXME13:03
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lachlanHi, I'm getting 404 from - can others confirm please.13:08
tristansame here13:09
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*** tristan changes topic to "BuildStream 1.2.4 is out ! | | Docs: | IRC logs: | Mailing List: | Roadmap:"13:15
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cs-shadowlachlan: that’s not the url for the web UI. That only works with Docker commands (without https)13:18
cs-shadowFor browsing, please use
Kinnisontristan: congrats on the release13:19
tristantpollard, w00t, last minute proposal for BuildStream talk at FOSSASIA ... (drumroll)... accepted !13:19
tpollardtristan: awesome! I sent in my request to attend today :)13:21
Kinnisontristan: 축하해13:21
tristanKinnison, Thanks ! mostly valentind was the powerhouse behind 1.2.4 :)13:21
Kinnisonvalentind: félicitations13:22
valentindWhat what?13:22
valentindNew 1.2 release?13:22
tristanvalentind, it's finally out, thanks jjardon for nagging heh :)13:23
jjardontristan: \o/ tvm13:23
* jjardon fires CI on everything13:23
valentindThere are key changes in filter elements, so few things will build.13:24
tristanKinnison, I just learned 축하, and now the Korean version of "Happy birthday" makes sense :)13:24
* cs-shadow is on mobile at the moment. Will publish 1.2.4 on PyPI and Docker Hub once a computer is nearby13:26
jonathanmawjuergbi: I think I might be misunderstanding your comment at Is the fork callback the function passed as "target" in the Process' constructor? I have doubts because I tried adding an artificial delay to Elementjob.child_process and didn't see an increase in time spent in posix.fork13:28
gitlab-br-bottpollard approved MR !1148 (chandan/dot-graph->master: contrib/bst-graph: Add script to print graph in DOT format) on buildstream
Kinnisontristan: :D13:29
adds68laurence, ok i will try and upload them13:42
Kinnisontristan: Now that it's squshed, are you okay with ?13:42
adds68laurence, and yea he has13:42
juergbijonathanmaw: no, I mean pthread_atfork() and the Python equivalent register_at_fork or similar13:42
tristanKinnison, Yes !13:42
jonathanmawjuergbi: oh, ta13:42
juergbiit's just a guess, though13:42
* tristan hits merge when ready button13:43
tristanActually I was counting on a pipeline running on master to update the badges in the docs13:43
KinnisonLooks like the pipelines left on 1151 are just at the cache stage so should be done soon anyway13:44
adds68laurence, seems i don't have access to upload things13:44
tristanKinnison, Yeah, I don't know that those docs were built from a repo state which contained the new tag, but it will certainly with your branch landing13:45
* Kinnison nods13:45
KinnisonHmm cache/: found 677332 matching files13:45
KinnisonI wonder if we're caching too much13:45
tristanOh no, not that again13:45
KinnisonSomething we've seen before?13:46
tristanKinnison, FYI, common issue with gitlab is that the caches are like, shared13:46
tristanSo... when someone runs CI on their branch and that branch adds a ton of data to the cache... it doesnt go away13:47
tristanI had a branch which force removes stuff which I manually run a bunch of pipelines on13:47
tristanyeah, it must be happening, CI is taking absurdly long :-/13:48
laurenceadds68, ok, send to me and I'll put them up, cheers13:52
adds68laurence, done13:53
tpollardadds68: make sure you have stickers for tristan at FOSSASIA ;)13:53
adds68haha tristan get some ordered from Sticker Mule13:54
adds68$20 discount for FOSS projects13:54
tristanOh ! ok ok13:55
Kinnisontristan: Can we clear the caches?  Also can we make it so that the caches are only retained from runs on master?13:56
tristanI think we can clear them, I don't know if we can do the latter though13:56
tristanMaybe we should clear them on a timer, like every sunday13:56
gitlab-br-bottristanvb merged MR !1151 (danielsilverstone-ct/json-cache-key->master: Update cache keys to use JSON) on buildstream
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tristanjjardon, Do you know if there is a way to zap the caches in the gitlab UI ? I can't find one14:02
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juergbitristan: there is a 'Clear Runner Caches' on
tristanAh on the pipelines page ?14:13
* tristan was fooling around in the settings14:13
tristanKinnison, it's a bit late for me to pick up pieces if things break... but I'll try the button tomorrow14:15
benschubertCould someone have a look at ?14:27
tristanbenschubert, Nice !14:28
tristanAssuming the tests pass, that should free up some memory :)14:28
gitlab-br-botLaurenceUrhegyi opened issue #915 (Artifact As A Proto: Capabilities Service) on buildstream
gitlab-br-botdanielsilverstone-ct opened MR !1152 (danielsilverstone-ct/variables-rework->master: Variables: Rework how expansion strings work) on buildstream
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gitlab-br-botaevri opened (was WIP) MR !1149 (aevri/mtime1->master: storage.Directory.export_to_tar: default mtime=utils._magic_timestamp) on buildstream
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juergbialatiera: maybe I misunderstood your question. my branch fixes build with bst master but I wasn't proposing to switch CI to bst master. not sure whether jjardon wants to do that15:03
laurencewould anyone have any objections to the merge-bo15:04
laurencemerge-bot? I can't see why, since it will make lives easier, but you never know, so thought i'd ask15:04
gitlab-br-bottristanvb merged MR !1150 (bschubert/dont-keep-metasource->master: Don't keep MetaSource around in Source) on buildstream
alatierajuergbi: I think jjardon wants the tag of the CI to be bumped to the new bst 1.2 release, my question was towards that not about your changes :P15:04
juergbiok, sorry for the confusion15:04
alatieraits fine :)15:05
alatierajuergbi: thanks for the work again :)15:05
* laurence wonders who has the image for the mascot - tlater[m], any idea?15:10
tlater[m]laurence: Sam bought that from somewhere15:11
laurenceah, it's in nosoftware15:12
laurencethanks tlater[m]15:12
tlater[m]Looks like we have a good copy then :)15:12
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jjardonKinnison: caches can be configured per branch/job/wherever; the only thing needed is to configure correctly the cache key in the .cache: section in the gitlab-ci.yml15:31
jjardonoh, no tristan15:31
* jjardon not sure what he means by " there is a way to zap the caches in the gitlab UI"15:32
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* paulsherwood reads Kinnison's email about cach-key stability and sighs16:04
paulsherwood1 - isn't this tested in CI?16:04
paulsherwood2 - why was pickle used in the first place?16:05
Kinnisonpaulsherwood: 1. yes, but CI never hit the issue, I did 2. as Tristan said - convenience at the time.16:05
Kinnisonpaulsherwood: and 3. We've sorted that now16:05
paulsherwoodin 'sorting' it have we assured backwards compatibility?16:06
KinnisonWe are now using JSON as the serialisation form for the cache key dictionary which means we won't hit this kind of confusion in future16:06
KinnisonThis change has nothing whatsoever to do with being able to find artifacts from previous algorithms16:06
paulsherwoodyou didn't answer my question16:06
Kinnisonlet me answer with a question then -- "backwards compatibility" in what sense?16:07
paulsherwoodcan the new implementation generate the same (assumed correct) hashes as the previous one16:07
KinnisonNo, because the previous serialisation format was pickle and the new serialisation format is json16:08
gitlab-br-botjuergbi merged MR !1140 (juerg/symlinks2->master: Do not resolve or mangle symlinks during staging) on buildstream
KinnisonAnd the point of changing it was that the old serialisation format resulted in cache keys changing with unrelated optimisations elsewhere in the code, due to pickle being a little too clever for our own good16:09
KinnisonYes, that looks similar to what we've merged into buildstream today16:09
paulsherwoodyes. that predates the existence of bst. just sayin' :/16:10
KinnisonNot a terribly constructive comment, but true nonetheless16:10
paulsherwoodafter so many years of being told by folks that i don't understand the problem, i do struggle to be 'constructive' at times yes16:11
paulsherwoodi'll get my coat :)16:11
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gitlab-br-botjuergbi closed issue #390 ("FAILURE Failed to link ... No such file or directory" in a compose element) on buildstream
gitlab-br-botjuergbi closed issue #606 (Mangled symlinks when importing freedesktop BasePlatform) on buildstream
gitlab-br-botjuergbi closed MR !1023 (jmac/830-stop-resolving-symlinks->master: Stop resolving symlinks in _relative_symlink_target) on buildstream
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gitlab-br-botjuergbi closed issue #830 (_relative_symlink_target depends on the host filing system) on buildstream
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gitlab-br-botjuergbi closed MR !862 (valentindavid/link_files_sort_resolved->master: Resolve paths before ordering them in link_files/copy_files) on buildstream
gitlab-br-botjuergbi closed issue #647 (BuildStream misorders elements in subdirectories of symlinks when link_files called in compose elements) on buildstream
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