IRC logs for #buildstream for Friday, 2019-01-04

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gitlab-br-botjuergbi opened issue #843 (Follow-up from "Introduce new "source" command group") on buildstream
gitlab-br-botjuergbi opened MR !1036 (juerg/source-guess-target->master: _frontend/ Reinstate support for guessing targets) on buildstream
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gitlab-br-botBenjaminSchubert approved MR !1035 (chandan/update-requirements-one-liner->master: Add Makefile to update requirements files) on buildstream
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juergbics-shadow: fyi,
gitlab-br-botwillsalmon opened (was WIP) MR !1018 (willsalmon/outOfSourecBuilddocs->master: Adding Out of Source Build Example) on buildstream
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cs-shadowjuergbi: good catch, thanks. It makes me wonder if we can add a test for it10:46
juergbiyes, maybe jonathanmaw can add the missing tests10:47
juergbicontext: !103610:47
cs-shadowThey’ll be good. Your MR looks good to me for the actual fix10:48
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jonathanmawjuergbi: ok, I'll have a look at that11:06
gitlab-br-botcs-shadow approved MR !1036 (juerg/source-guess-target->master: _frontend/ Reinstate support for guessing targets) on buildstream
gitlab-br-botjuergbi merged MR !1036 (juerg/source-guess-target->master: _frontend/ Reinstate support for guessing targets) on buildstream
benschubertIf I want to benchmark some of my changes compared to master, what is the way to go?11:57
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laurencebenschubert, hmmmm, resident benchmarks chief lachlan isn't around today12:05
laurenceare you aware of the specific benchmarks repo?
laurencespecifically, the README points to the Benchmarks Concept Document which may be of use?
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benschubertlaurence: I'm aware of it, and couldn't find how to test something locally, and a direct comparison of two branches. I might be asking for something that doesn't exist yet though :/12:09
laurenceI think so, yes. Although I know that's it's been designed so that adding more benchmarking tests isn't difficult. sorry i can't be of more help12:12
benschubertNo worries, do you happen to know when lachlan will be back? :)12:20
jmacMonday according to my calendar12:21
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cs-shadowhi, does anyone know if we are presenting something at FOSDEM this year?13:45
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laurencecs-shadow, I don't think so, sadly - I have asked before and haven't received any information on a submission, anyway14:05
cs-shadowlaurence: thanks for confirming. For some reason, I was under the impression that we were doing a talk, but then I wasn't able to find anything about it, so checked here14:06
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gitlab-br-bottristanvb merged MR !1035 (chandan/update-requirements-one-liner->master: Add Makefile to update requirements files) on buildstream
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tristancs-shadow, chandan/no-sdist ?15:57
tristanman you are on top of it15:57
tristanevery time I come to do something, chandan is doing it already, on fire ;-)15:58
cs-shadowtristan: haha :D15:58
cs-shadowdo you have any other improvements planned?15:58
tristanah you solved the nightlies with pip install -r15:59
tristancs-shadow, I've been struggling a bit with coverage but my motivation is low16:00
tristanseeing as currently in the CI nothing is actually broken16:00
cs-shadowcoverage has been giving me problems lately, but for slightly different reasons. According to coverage, all our external plugins have exactly 0% coverage. This is likely due to the way we launch subprocess/threads but in any case, coverage is decidedly not happy16:02
benschuberttristan: what are the coverage problem? Do we have a summary somewhere?16:03
tristanbenschubert, now that we use tox to invoke tests, it can happen that multiple runs occur as a result of running `tox` (if you have multiple python versions installed)16:03
benschubertoh right, I know how to fix that16:04
tristanbenschubert, the ".coverage" data file at the end of running tox is only collected from the last run16:04
benschubertDo you want them combined or one per run?16:04
tristanSome techniques I've seen included setting "envlist" to something with a :before and :after, but I didnt like that approach16:05
tristanbecause its not compatible with the freedom of executing `tox -e foo`16:05
cs-shadowone way would be to set coverage dir based on the name of the env, and then have a separate coverage env that combines the reports16:05
tristanbenschubert, right now it's not a big deal because each CI run only runs one python version, and the results of separate runs are collated in another job16:06
tristanonly an issue for the .coverage file output of a single `tox` invocation16:07
tristanSo I tries setting `parallel = true`16:07
tristanwhich is supposed to output .coverage.${pid}.${random_number}16:07
tristanbut since we've already told coverage about multiprocessing, turning that on does nothing16:08
benschubertSo do we want separate coverage reports? Or do we want a single one at the end end?16:08
tristanWe can live with separate reports16:08
benschubertOk, I'll add this to my todo list :)16:09
tristanguess I'll file an issue for it16:09
tristanbenschubert, maybe with --append we can do it ?16:14
tristanbenschubert, but I didnt find out how to enable append mode in the config file16:14
benschubertThat would require some care, like wiping the file before everything :)16:14
tristanand right now we have it automatically launched by pytest16:14
tristanAppend would mean we couldnt use detox16:15
tristanI've been wanting to try that16:15
tristanI have python 3.[5-7] installed and it would be nice to parallel run them all16:15
tristanI expect coverage to fail in that regard every time16:16
tristanor perhaps succeed by accident...16:17
tristanIt will litter the tree with .coverage.${pid}.${rand} files while tasks run, and collate them16:17
tristan(because of multiprocessing, it already does that)16:17
tristanand then separate runs in the same tree will pick up unrelated coverage16:18
benschubertwe would need to setup a coverage directory for each16:18
benschubertmutliprocessing parallel tests are a hell in python -_-'16:18
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gitlab-br-bottristanvb opened issue #844 (Coverage reports inacurate with multiple runs of `tox`) on buildstream
tristanbenschubert, ^^16:32
gitlab-br-botcs-shadow closed issue #843 (Follow-up from "Introduce new "source" command group") on buildstream
gitlab-br-botcs-shadow opened MR !1037 (chandan/no-sdist->master: .gitlab-ci.yml: Remove prepare stage) on buildstream
valentindWhat is pycairo used for?16:43
cs-shadowostree needs it16:44
valentindThat is surprising.16:45
cs-shadowsorry, i meant the ostree plugin and not the ostree package16:45
valentindYes, I understood.16:45
valentindAH no16:46
valentindcs-shadow, do you mean buildstream/plugins/sources/ depends on it?16:47
tristanvalentind, I believe it's needed specifically by pygobject16:49
valentindIs it building pygobject that depends on it?16:50
cs-shadowyeah, we only directly depend on pygobject16:50
valentindtox is only used for testing, right?16:52
valentind(and building doc)16:52
cs-shadowyep, testing and coverage and doc etc16:52
tristancs-shadow, hmmm, coverage you know I kept thinking, - I didnt want to hold the MR on that but would it make sense to move all that report collation logic out of .gitlab-ci.yml and into tox.ini ?16:54
tristanWell, no worry about that now I guess16:55
cs-shadowtristan: I was thinking about that. To do it naively, we can just copy paste the commands in a tox environment. But, it might be better to come up with something that would work both locally and on CI, and that can handle multiple coverage dirs16:55
cs-shadowthat's why I haven't added it just yet16:56
tristanexactly, I mean that is the worst part of .gitlab-ci.yml, it's real ugly16:56
tristanand it doesnt really belong there (we shouldn't depend too hard on the infra I think)16:56
tristanif we had it cleaner at the tox entry point, we can reuse it in other scenarios easier16:57
cs-shadowdefinitely agree. We'll get there slowly :)16:58
tristanI guess it makes sense to solve #844 first, if we're being perfectionists about coverage16:59
gitlab-br-botIssue #844: Coverage reports inacurate with multiple runs of `tox`
tristancs-shadow, I'm curious - will the lint and docs environments just use whatever python environments they find ?16:59
tristanmaybe in the order they were specified in envlist ?17:00
tristanIt happened to do that for me17:00
cs-shadowtristan: I am not sure about whether the order affects it or not but AFAICT tox doesn't guarantee anything about the version this way. We can set basepython for these jobs if we want to be sure17:02
tristanyeah but doing that means that we require specific python versions to run those17:03
tristanThe order doesnt effect it :-(17:03
valentindis pycodestyle run for all files and pylint only for buildstream directory?17:04
cs-shadowtristan: we can say things like "python3"17:04
cs-shadowor simply "python" even17:04
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tristanI swapped it to be 3.[7,6,5], cleaned and ran `tox -e docs`, and it chose 3.517:04
cs-shadowvalentind: that's accurate17:05
valentindcs-shadow, why have we stopped running pylint on the tests?17:05
valentindOr did we not do it?17:05
tristanvalentind, I think we never did17:05
cs-shadowi don't think we ever ran pylint on the tests, although I don't really know why17:05
tristanI tried running it there and there is just a bunch of stuff to fix first17:06
valentindAh ok. I thought we did. But I am probably wrong. It might have been pycodestyle that reported errors.17:06
tristancs-shadow, because of the contorted -> setup.cfg config layout I think17:13
tristancs-shadow, the different pytest plugins offered different ways of configuring stuff, so it didnt match up well17:13
jonathanmawhmm, while looking at why my tests failed to catch that we had a regression that requires, I'm curious about the proper fetching behaviour for elements that have open workspaces17:24
jonathanmawspecifically, when I `bst fetch` an element that has an open workspace, that element's sources aren't fetched (though its dependencies may be fetched)17:25
jonathanmawthis is a weird edge-case because the only way to have an element that hasn't been fetched, but has had a workspace opened is if you opened the workspace with "--no-checkout"17:25
tristanjonathanmaw, interesting, I have an opinion that that is probably wrong17:25
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gitlab-br-botcs-shadow merged MR !1037 (chandan/no-sdist->master: .gitlab-ci.yml: Remove prepare stage) on buildstream
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tristanjuergbi, I'm curious about reinstating the element guessing,
tristanjuergbi, it appears that Jonathan originally added a test for that, does the test need to be fixed too ?19:58
tristan(test added from
tristanAlso... running on master... I am doing a great deal of fetches and have not built anything yet :-S19:59
tristanHave we regressed the build depth sort ?19:59
* tristan should ensure there is a test for that19:59
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tristanYeah this is a regression I can see it clearly now20:48
tristanI'm not sure if the sorting is related... I have (A): A constant flow of active fetch jobs  (B): 3 buildable elements in the pipeline (checking with `bst show` in separate terminal) ... (C) Zero built elements.... (D) I can observe that every so often when a fetch completes, a *Pull* job is getting tried... it skips and then back to another fetch job20:50
tristanBut we are supposed to observe eligible elements in the queues from right to left20:50
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