IRC logs for #buildstream for Wednesday, 2019-01-02

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gitlab-br-botLaurenceUrhegyi approved MR !1026 (chandan/update-doc-makefile-note->master: doc/Makefile: Update comment about sphinx entrypoint) on buildstream
gitlab-br-botphildawson approved MR !1026 (chandan/update-doc-makefile-note->master: doc/Makefile: Update comment about sphinx entrypoint) on buildstream
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phildawson_hmm, if i go to, firefox is warning me about an expired certificate11:28 is fine though11:28
tpollardwho controls those certs, jjardon?11:30
gitlab-br-botvalentindavid opened MR !1030 (valentindavid/remote_execution_configuration->master: Valentindavid/remote execution configuration) on buildstream
laurencenice one, valentind :)11:51
valentindlaurence, I did that before holidays, but I did not want to submit it in a rush.11:52
laurencevalentind, cool, I think that use of the 'self-assign' feature on gitlab issues is very useful for this11:52
laurenceallows others to know you're planning to take it on11:53
laurenceI am a fan of it, and will incorporate it into the new guidelines11:53
laurences/will/think we should/11:54
valentindHappy new year by the way.11:54
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tlater[m]Happy new year :)12:15
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gitlab-br-bottlater approved MR !1020 (coldtom/collections->master: Use for Mapping, Iterable) on buildstream
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gitlab-br-botcs-shadow opened issue #838 (Add tests for python 3.7) on buildstream
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cs-shadowHappy new year :)13:11
cs-shadowOne of my pipelines ( recently hit a seg fault, which seems unrelated to the change. Has anyone seen seg faults in our CI before?13:11
cs-shadowMaybe I just got unlucky on first pipeline of the year13:11
tpollardI've definitely seen the debian pipeline seg before13:12
tpollardhappy new year also :)13:12
cs-shadowah, so I'm not alone. I assume we didn't manage to get any insights about it in the past?13:13
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cs-shadowand we keep hitting the job with the rebuild hammer until it passes13:13
tpollardI can't see an issue for it, we should probably at least raise it13:14
* cs-shadow is creating one now13:14
tlater[m]Ooi, do the aarch64 runners on buildstream-docker-images only work at a certain time or something? The CI for that was stuck waiting for those runners for a pretty long time yesterday.13:15
valentindtlater[m], they were down.13:15
valentindI put them back on.13:16
tlater[m]Ah, fair enough13:16
valentindNetwork goes does down from time to time. I still have to figure out why.13:16
cs-shadowtlater[m]: we were considering making the aarch64 builds optional in
gitlab-br-botcs-shadow opened issue #840 (CI Piepline sometimes seg faults on debian:9) on buildstream
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gitlab-br-botcs-shadow merged MR !1026 (chandan/update-doc-makefile-note->master: doc/Makefile: Update comment about sphinx entrypoint) on buildstream
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laurencefor those interested in attending the Gathering at the end of January, in London, please either add your name here or ping me and I'll add it15:16
tpollardyou can add me laurence :)15:33
raoulme too laurence15:35
laurencedone and done16:00
tlater[m]Would someone mind taking a look at It's a pretty small one.16:08
jmacI will16:12
* tlater[m] hopes rebasing didn't add new linting errors, but that should be pretty minor16:13
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jmacjjardon: Why did all the image names change in .gitlab-ci.yml in ?16:15
tlater[m]jmac: That's my commit16:16
tlater[m]We needed a new version of pycodestyle to be installed16:16
tlater[m]So the image versions need to be bumped (the new pycodestyle version was released two weeks ago)16:16
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jmactlater[m]: Bumping the versions makes sense, I was just curious as to why it's changed from `master-123` to `06bab030`16:19
cs-shadowjmac: that's because we changed the versioning scheme of the testsuite images to have the commit sha16:20
tlater[m]I think that's a quirk from the recent updates to the docker images16:20
tlater[m]Yeah :)16:20
jmacSounds good. No other comments from me, looks good.16:25
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tlater[m]Thanks @cs16:27
tlater[m]I'll check if we can move the configuration16:27
tlater[m]But I'm not sure it's possible, pytest-pycodestyle is how we currently run the linter.16:27
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cs-shadowFor example, if we can put it under something like `pycodestyle` section then I would imagine that both pycodestyle and pytest-codestyle are able to read it. But I haven't verified this just yet. I can also look into this later as this is somewhat orthogonal to your MR16:32
cs-shadowdefinitely not a blocker for me16:32
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tlater[m]cs-shadow: Eh, I'm already checking just that - might as well get it perfect ;)16:36
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tlater[m]Judging by 123 max-line-length failures, looks like that's not possible :| We could duplicate the configuration, but that seems off.16:39
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gitlab-br-bottlater opened (was WIP) MR !638 (jjardon/pycodestyle->master: Use pycodestyle instead pep8 python module) on buildstream
gitlab-br-bottlater opened issue #841 (There is no way to run pycodestyle without `` while maintaining our configuration) on buildstream
raoulIs there a way of getting the gitlab CI to run a specific test? I'm having issues with 2 tests on the debian image, but it works locally and all other images16:50
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tlater[m]raoul: By "locally" do you mean you've tried running the test in a local docker container?16:51
tlater[m]If so, you'll need to modify .gitlab-ci.yml16:52
tlater[m]Remove all but the image you want to test, and modify the TEST_COMMAND variable16:52
tlater[m]But well, it's a lot simpler to spin up a testsuite image locally16:53
raoulah yeah, guess I should be trying it with docker images16:53
raoultime to remind myself how to use docker then16:54
tlater[m]raoul: If you can figure out how to use it, this may be handy:
tlater[m]But it's not well maintained atm. I need to sit down and update it at some point.16:54
raoulI shall see if it works, should give an idea of what to do at least16:56
raoulcheers :)16:56
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benschubertHey, I have a question about warnings, are they always project specific or can we have them globally at the user conf?17:16
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tpollardI think they're only parsed from project config17:18
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benschubertAnd thus, they are per project only and no way of overriding them, correct?17:20
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gitlab-br-bottlater opened MR !1031 (tlater/message-lines->master: Avoid "showing 0 lines" messages when there are no lines) on buildstream
gitlab-br-bottlater merged MR !638 (jjardon/pycodestyle->master: Use pycodestyle instead pep8 python module) on buildstream
tlater[m]Hmm... What's our policy on tests for buildstream output? I just fixed #799, but to write a test I'd need to write something that asserts a specific bit of text turns up in buildstream's output.17:32
gitlab-br-botIssue #799: Remote execution: Make TLS and client certificate optional for storage service
tlater[m]We have a few tests that do that, but I've heard that we don't want to do that too much on occasion. Mostly citing possible text changes and future localization.17:32
jmacI don't see how we can avoid it if we want to do true end-to-end testing; we'd just have to localise the tests as well17:34
raoulafter faffing with docker for a bit to get it working your script seems to work tlater[m]17:39
tlater[m]\o/ It's a little quirky though, so don't expect launching it again to give you the same cache ;)17:41
raoulhaha, it's working for the one thing I want it for, so I'm happy :P thanks again :)17:45
cs-shadowcan someone please verify that doesn't have a valid certificate and it's not just me :)17:51
cs-shadowAlso, see
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tristancs-shadow, ah I saw something about that whiz passed me in my inbox, I'll try to find out17:55
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tristancs-shadow, how about the tox stuff, are you going to work on it ?18:11
tristanummm put another way; I would be delighted to give that branch love myself if you are setting it aside and it was a sort of holiday distraction ;-)18:12
tristanlooks like you did make progress on it18:23
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cs-shadowtristan: should be ready for review, it's in WIP state as the docker-images change would happen first.18:45
cs-shadowonce you (and others) are happy with this MR, i can make the corresponding change to the docker-images18:45
tristancs-shadow, I was just looking at it18:45
tristanmade a comment18:45
cs-shadowI still wish to make some more improvements to it, but I think we can do those in increments18:46
* cs-shadow just notices the commets18:46
tristanlemme make sure my lookover is thorough18:46
tristanI accidentally commented on your FIXME18:46
tristanwhich I guess needs the docker image change first18:46
cs-shadownp :)18:46
cs-shadowyep, there's a corresponding MR for that, which is also ready to go (barring one change that I need to do)18:47
tristanI think we should rename -> requirements.txt18:47
tristanand rename the current requirements.txt -> constraints.txt18:48
tristanand remove all of the stuff from setup.py18:48
tristanbut maybe that can be a separate thing18:48
tristanI could try to cleanup in some way after18:48
tristanoh you did it too !18:49
cs-shadowhmm, I was thinking to follow the same convention for all requirements file. I had proposed .in for unconstrained and .txt for constrained.18:49
cs-shadowWe can also go with .txt for unfrozen, and something like  `.frozen.txt` if you'd like to keep requirements.txt for this purpose18:49
tristanWith the same trick yeah that is fine18:49
cs-shadowmy only concern is that the same extension for all of the requirement files to avoid confusion18:49
tristancs-shadow, is that the convention ?18:50
tristanThat is fine by me then18:50
tristanI find it to be a strange convention; the ".in" to me says that it is input for a file that needs preprocessing in the build18:50
cs-shadowyeah, it's not very obvious. I have seen different conventions in different places so can't say if this is followed everywhere. I know that some tools like try to promote this convention but there's no real consistency in the wild about this18:52
cs-shadowI am personally not attached to the .in extension so long as we change it for all the files18:53
cs-shadowdo `.txt` and `.frozen.txt`sound better to you?18:53
tristanI see18:54
tristancs-shadow, so what I understand is there are two approaches, and the doc says that basically "requirements.txt is the input of tools, is the input to generate requirements.txt"18:56
tristancs-shadow, the other approach is to have both be the input of tools18:56
tristanam I onto something ?18:56
cs-shadownot sure, I think in our case the .in serves a dual purpose - it's an input to tools and is also the input for requirements.txt18:57
tristancs-shadow, basically; by putting the output of pip-compile or pip freeze into requirements.txt, then you are advertising that these are the specific requirements18:57
tristancs-shadow, the other approach is to have requirements.txt be more loosely defined, and add a constraints file which can be combined (it might add only some constraints, or it might be a full pip freeze)18:58
cs-shadowi mean we already have both the files, it's just about the naming I suppose, right?18:59
tristanI think so yes19:00
cs-shadowwe have these files at the moment:
tristancs-shadow, the result is technically different too, if you have both a requirements.txt and a constraints.txt, then you have a slightly more complex install I guess19:01
tristanso using the " -> requirements.txt -> python environment install" road means there is only one file ever19:01
tristancs-shadow, I guess also when people install with pip, they will by default use the requirements.txt ?19:02
tristanI think this is confusing to me because setuptools is confusing19:02
tristanIt is possible to have no and have a requirements.txt I think19:03
tristancs-shadow, lets drop this; I'm having a hard time to know what is better at this point, and we can just change it later19:03
cs-shadowtristan: yes, that's also possible. But, at this point, _nothing_ is changing for people using setup.py19:05
cs-shadowthe txt files are used by tox, and nothing else19:05
cs-shadownothing in standard python tooling recognizes requirements.txt as special, so I won't expect people's workflow to change because of this. The only thing is that the package maintainers will have to look at the `.in` file for requirements19:06
cs-shadowwe can always iterate on it as you said :)19:06
tristancs-shadow, yeah just realized it was not worth focusing on :)19:07
cs-shadowtristan: cool, let me know if you'd like me to update anything else :)19:08
tristancs-shadow, I just looked through it, found one important spot I think19:15
cs-shadowtristan: thanks! good catch about INTEGRATION_CACHE, I missed that19:15
tristancs-shadow, we probably want it in docs too, maybe one day we'll merge INTEGRATION_CACHE and BST_SOURCE_CACHE, that is stupidly redundant19:16
tristan(probably I did that)19:16
tristancs-shadow, besides that, I think we want to prepare an image, and make this branch use the new image, and remove the FIXME parts where we install non-python stuff19:17
tristanthen land it19:17
tristancs-shadow, once this lands, I'll try to remove the sdist step from gitlab CI, since tox does it for us, and change the overnight tests to also run through tox19:19
tristan(I'll *try* to ditch the whole ./ thing if I can delegate it all to tox)19:20
cs-shadowtristan: definitely, I'll fix the FIXME before landing.19:20
cs-shadowtristan: I'd like to ditch the unpacking business as well. I didn't do it just yet as other jobs (like post-test) use it19:20
cs-shadowbut that should be achievable with tox, I'd hope19:21
tristanonly in coverage and overnight tests19:21
tristanyes certainly19:21
tristanJust tricky to get the invocation to be nice19:21
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tristanI wonder if there is a set of default "environments" for tox19:22
tristanso that when you just run "tox", it will only run the tests, unless you do "tox -e docs"19:22
* tristan runs `tox` on cs-shadow's branch :)19:23
cs-shadowyep, that's exactly what envlist does19:23
cs-shadow -> since docs isn't listed there, it shouldn't get run unless you do `-e docs`19:24
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tristancs-shadow, pytest: error: unrecognized arguments: --codestyle19:28
cs-shadowtristan: sorry, I messed up a rebase, it's not listed as a requirement on my branch. Let me fix that quickly19:29
tristantlater[m], still around ?19:33
tristanor too late for you ?19:33
tlater[m]tristan: Incidentally, yes19:33
tristantlater[m], Do you have time to fix the commit message on so that it doesn't close the wrong issue, and merge it ?19:34
tlater[m]Haha, sure, I wanted to write a test first19:35
tlater[m]But I suppose I can merge it for now and add a test later19:35
tristantlater[m], yeah a test would be welcome19:35
cs-shadowtristan: if you try the new version of my branch, you should hopefully get better results than last time19:49
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* cs-shadow needs to catch his train now19:54
* cs-shadow tristan: I'll update the docker-images later tonight and un-WIP the tox MR for one final review tomorrow19:54
tristancs-shadow, cool :)19:55
tristancs-shadow, codestyle not fixed ?19:56
* tristan wanted to run it :)19:56
cs-shadowtristan: should be, are you on 03e50fdf04801f8086cd1a710f8bd0136534d635 ?19:57
tristancs-shadow, yes19:57
tristanand I have no codestyle in my requirements afaics19:58
tristanwait I do19:58
cs-shadowah! i think i know19:58
cs-shadowtry adding -r to your tox invocation19:58
tlater[m]Might need to pip install again19:58
cs-shadowtox won't automatically recreate the environment if the requirements file changes19:58
* tristan runs `git clean -xdff`19:59
* cs-shadow feels we should add something `-r`/`--recreate` to the docs as this may trip people up 20:00
cs-shadow*something about20:00
tristancs-shadow, is it easier to teach that or to teach `git clean -xdf`20:00
tristanor -xdff, not sure if double force is needed in this case to bypass .gitignore20:01
tristanI think so20:01
cs-shadowi feel like `git clean -fdx` has the potential to destroy people's work if they are not cautious20:01
tristanYeah, I dont know, I know it is destructive but prefer only needing to know it hehe20:02
cs-shadowsidenote: `-ff` should only be needed if you want it to remove git repos20:02
tristanmaybe that's why I always use it with BuildStream20:02
tristan(git repos we create at test time)20:03
tristantests are running now, that did it20:03
tlater[m]tristan: Hrm, I can't get this test written up as quickly as I'd hoped. I'll defer that to later this week, do you still want me to merge?20:04
tristanthey take about 40 min here20:04
tristantlater[m], yeah20:04
* cs-shadow really needs to run, will catch you later :)20:04
tristancs-shadow, later :)20:04
tlater[m]tristan: Fixed the message, set to merge :) I'm also finishing up for the night, o/20:06
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gitlab-br-botBenjaminSchubert opened issue #842 (File with invalid characters prevents Windows from checking out master) on buildstream
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