IRC logs for #buildstream for Wednesday, 2018-09-05

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juergbicoldtom: Qt's make install does appear to support INSTALL_ROOT. This doesn't work properly?05:43
coldtomfreedesktop-sdk uses DESTDIR, I didn't know INSTALL_ROOT existed, I'll try it now juergbi06:08
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coldtomjuergbi: it builds! Just need to make sure it's configured correctly now06:45
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qinustytlater[m], retries are kinda tested. They're not interactive. We simply cause an issue which will trigger the retries until failure. Then check the "Try #" string is within the stderr08:05
toscalixqinusty: what is it needed to merge your MR 31 in website ?08:08
toscalixI would like to finish the page08:08
qinustyI left a comment, there are some questions which I do not believe I can answer in a meaningful way08:09
toscalixI will try08:09
qinustyfeel free to push to the branch08:10
toscalixqinusty: can you merge it?08:12
Kinnisontristan: I've referenced the relevant RPCs on #55408:26
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Kinnisontlater[m]: thanks for shepherding !778 last night, I wasn't expecting that quick a response :-)08:29
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tristanKinnison, So last time juergbi and I spoke about this; he said it was the next part of his work already - has this changed ?08:38
tristanjuergbi, ^^ ?08:38
Kinnisontristan: I don't know if juergbi has been working on bst-artifact-server and friends, I know he's been focussed a lot on buildbox of late.08:39
juergbitristan: no, I'm working on batch support in buildbox right now08:39
juergbibuildstream side is right after that08:39
tristanOk, so porting that is probably very straight forward ?08:39
juergbi(it started a bit later due to investigation of buildbox issues and some other tasks)08:40
KinnisonAdding support to bst-artifact-server should be pretty easy.  Reworking's fetchers might be a smidge more complex but not too hard.08:40
juergbiI expect the port to be relatively straight forward, yes08:40
tristanGreat to hear; I've been counting on it :)08:40
qinustyI was considering getting some GIFS of buildstream UI, found a bug in asciicast2gif for asciinema :( START messages are grey for some reason
mablanchjuergbi, Have you ever had problems with BuildStream tests hanging when using the ArtifactShare util?08:42
tristantlater[m], Dont know if you are around but; I have a partial fix for the local cleanup crashes08:46
tristantlater[m], and some questions08:46
tristantlater[m], On top of the changes we already discussed, I had to make the cache_size job NOT require the artifact cache exclusively; that seems fine to do anyway because we will always recheck the size after something was added08:47
tristantlater[m], My main question is; Why do we not launch a cache_size job in response to a build job completing, like we do for a pull job ?08:47
tristantlater[m], My secondary question is; Why do we allow more than one cache_size job to be in the queue ? It seems I see like 10 of them run in sequence, silly08:48
juergbimablanch: during CAS development I experienced hangs but I don't think I've seen it hang since it was merged08:50
mablanchjuergbi, OK, I'll investigate, thank you.08:51
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tlater[m]tristan: I don't think there's a problem if the cache size job doesn't require the cache either, that seems right.09:24
tlater[m]As for the multiple cache size jobs in the queue, that should definitely not happen. I'm not sure why it does yet.09:27
tiagogomestristan for your first question, the reason is that for build jobs we can determine the size of the artifact committed and dynamically update the cache size with that information. For pull jobs, right now, you can't do that09:28
tiagogomes adds support for dynamically update the cache size for pull jobs as well, so that cache size job is no longer needed09:29
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tlater[m]tristan asks this the other way around, tiagogomes, but I suppose that is a typo unless he found a pretty big bug.09:30
tlater[m]tristan: On the second question, I don't exactly know why multiple are being launched. I don't think there are multiple in the queue simultaneously though.09:33
tlater[m]As far as I can tell, as long as the cache is empty, buildstream will launch a cache size job as long as there is not one already running09:34
tlater[m]That *is* silly. I think there's a check somewhere that launches a job when we don't know the size, which much be triggered by 009:35
tristancache key empty ?09:35
tristanWhat is an empty cache key ?09:36
tlater[m]Umm, there's no key in that sentence for me09:36
tristanOk, as long as the cache is empty, still makes no sense ?09:36
tristanif the cache is empty, we dont need to calculate it's size09:37
tlater[m]I agree, this is a bug09:37
tlater[m]I didn't see this when I landed the patch originally09:37
tristan(A) We should queue a CacheSize job only if none is already pending and waiting to run... (B) It should be triggered by virtue of a build job or pull job having completed09:38
tristanI will update my branch with the added local change, which makes the CacheSize Job not exclusively require the CACHE resource09:39
* tiagogomes sighs09:39
tlater[m]tristan: Are you sure multiple are queued together?09:39
tiagogomesHave you read what I wrote above?09:39
tristanWe dont need to wait for all build + pull jobs to complete before calculating the size09:39
tristanI didnt check the logs since I got back yet, no09:39
* tristan checks the baserock irc log thingy09:39
tiagogomes<tiagogomes> tristan for your first question, the reason is that for build jobs we can determine the size of the artifact committed and dynamically update the cache size with that information. For pull jobs, right now, you can't do that09:40
tiagogomes<tiagogomes> adds support for dynamically update the cache size for pull jobs as well, so that cache size job is no longer needed09:40
tristantiagogomes, Does it do that *right now* ? I think that is a bit more complex09:41
tristanIf a build & pull job calculates how much it will add to the cache, then it needs to lock the cache_size file for read/add/write09:42
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tristanCurrently the last cache_size job updates the file atomically09:42
tristanMaybe that approach is a bit more risky in a situation where we just need it to not crash and pretty much work ?09:42
tlater[m]tristan: The dynamic update is not written to the file. Buildstream pretends to know the size and double checks before it starts cleaning.09:43
tristanAlso, tiagogomes: It is untrue that the build job can have any idea how much it will be able to add to the cache09:43
tiagogomestristan yup, due deduplication done by cas09:43
tiagogomesBut it is what I think it happens now. grep for _add_artifact_size09:44
tristansheesh, okay so we first had an in memory cache of the size... and now we *added* this cache_size file... but those two values are not in sync ???09:44
tlater[m]Yes, it is. I did that to avoid launching a calculation job every time we finish a build.09:44
tiagogomesAnd I think that dynamic update is committed to disk09:44
tiagogomesI mean, the dynamic cache size calc09:44
tlater[m]Oh, it is? I'm not up to date on the file yet.09:45
tristanOk so I have a crashing cleanup job in production - what is the *simplest* way to fix this ?09:45
tristanThe cache size job seems to really not take a lot of time09:45
tlater[m]That changes with a huge cache09:46
tristanHow huge ? mine was 24GB the other day09:46
tristanAlso, remember that we ensured that we only now calculate the cas subdirectory09:46
tristanAnd we cleanup the associated extracts as well09:47
tristanSo it should be much smaller; valentind had some metrics for this09:47
tlater[m]Ok, but I feel like someone might still end up with a multiple-terabyte cache09:47
tlater[m]After a long time of building...09:48
tristantlater[m], in other words; for all real world use cases we have *today*, a simpler approach can fix it09:48
tiagogomesI would argue that 24GB is not a considerable cache. Probably you need more just for freedesktop sdk09:48
tristantlater[m], And by the time we end up enhancing the CAS to actually *really* tell us how many bytes a commit added, and how many bytes a prune removed... then it will be an appropriate time to do the more complex thing ?09:49
tristantiagogomes, freedesktop SDK costed me ~10GB, indeed09:50
tlater[m]Yeah, that makes sense09:50
tristanI am more interested in not having a crash than reaching for the moon here09:50
tiagogomesooc what is the crash09:51
tlater[m]But does this have anything to do with the crash? I thought that was caused by having a clean and a pull job run simultaneously?09:51
tristanThis is an emergency change which has to land like yesterday; we shoulnt be talking about making things more enhanced09:51
tristantiagogomes, it starts here:
tristantiagogomes, what happens is that currently we have pull/build running in parallel with cleanup; as it was not properly set to be exclusive09:52
tristanSo it first corrupts your artifact cache at prune time09:52
tristanThen it crashes during remove, because stuff is being added at the same time09:53
tristanIt will probably crash in other interesting ways as soon as you corrupt your cache09:53
tiagogomesaah, still this one, but i thought you had a patch to have build and pull jobs to acquire the cache as resource09:53
tristanI have been trying to test it ! and I added another thing to it last night; which I still have to put up on the MR09:54
tristanI am asking questions because related to that; it looks like we're only caring about pulls but ignoring that builds can add size (thanks for clarifying that is not the case)09:54
tristanAnd that we are running redundant jobs, when only the last one needs to run09:54
tristanIt would be good to fix the server side part of this with the same 1.2.1 release, also :-S09:55
tristanthat is a current pain point; we're manually zapping caches cause the server side crashes instead of cleaning up09:55
tristanI wonder if the bst-artifact-server is properly making cache cleanups exclusive to cache additions09:56
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tlater[m]tristan: I'll take a closer look at the multiple jobs launching issue in a bit09:59
tristanI think that we can still rule that out as: Freaking weird but not necessarily related to fixing the crash10:00
tlater[m]Do you still see a crash with the current patches?10:00
qinustyCan someone direct me towards what CAS is outside of buildstream?10:01
qinustyIntel CAS?10:01
paulsher1oodit's not intel cas10:02
qinustyCAS means a lot of things apparently10:02
paulsher1oodit's bazel cas10:02
juergbispec is here
qinustyThanks paulsher1ood, juergbi10:04
qinustyIs someone fixing the links? or should I include it in my next Mr10:12
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toscalixI am working on the FAQ. Then the feature page, although I will need help there10:13
tiagogomesqinusty I just sent a MR10:13
qinustynice, I'll review it quickly10:14
tristantlater[m], I was only able to confirm that cleanup no longer runs concurrently with the others; when cleanup runs it consistently crashes cause the damage was done10:17
qinustylooks good to go tiagogomes :D10:17
tristantlater[m], So I zapped my cache and I'm building gnome-build-meta a lot, trying to get a cache with enough disposable artifacts to test it10:17
tristanI will try with an older ref of freedesktop-sdk, then update again, that'll do it10:18
toscalixtiagogomes: I prefer the way you suggested me for ordering the links because it will be easier to extract the contents and paste them in a different tool/format10:18
qinustyordering links?10:19
tristantoscalix, I'm not sure what this is about, but I would recommend against the way you put the links in (i.e. [Link text here] ... and then all the [Link text here]: entries at the end)10:20
tristantoscalix, in general this is harder to maintain over time because the targets are separate from the links10:20
tristanWhen things change you have to update them in two places10:21
toscalixtristan: that is a different point and, as I mentioned earlier, I learnt about it yesterday afternoon so I am following it now10:21
tristantoscalix, :)10:21
tristantoscalix, I was just missing context, I know you learned about relative links from your earlier mention, I didnt know you learned about [Link Name](link_target.html) :)10:22
* tristan fixes the remaining hard coded links that he missed in the previous round, from 2018 directory10:23
* qinusty also did this10:23
tristanNotice that some links were broken due to using the [Link Name]({filename} usage10:23
tiagogomestristan I feel the opposite way. Having long URLs in the middle of content makes harder to review and edit the content10:23
qinustyWait git fetch tristan, tiago fixed the ## about section10:23
tristanThat pelican markdown feature doesnt work10:23
tristanqinusty, ok gotcha10:24
qinustyBut when you want to replace the text for the hyperlink tiagogomes, you replace it in two places10:24
tiagogomesSo? How often are you going to do that?10:24
qinustyI'm doing it rn while checking for grammar/spelling :D10:24
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tristanOften enough for it to matter, also a bottom section of link target indexes will go stale; links will disappear from the text and fail to disappear from the bottom, deadcode crops up10:25
qinustyI would review the website stuff in a browser anyway10:25
qinustyI checkout, make html, make serve and check the page. so I don't see the whole [...](....)10:25
tristanReadability of the markdown is still important; but you get used to the links10:25
tiagogomesTrue as well, but I still very much prefer not having URLs polluting the content10:25
qinustyTbh, it'd be okay if we could could do a sort of referencing10:26
tristanThat's why it also sucks to have lines which trail over 120 characters10:26
qinustyIf we could place the LINK at the bottom, and [@1] where 1 is referenced below10:26
tristanI find it tiresome to put the link at the bottom and remember to put all the links10:26
* qinusty wonders if such a plugin exists10:26
tristanAnd the worst is; a combination of both10:26
qinustyI just find referencing the TEXT at the bottom10:27
qinustyis a slightly ridiculous concept10:27
tristanMost links are pretty short, as they are internal references10:27
qinustyLike a lookup table10:27
tiagogomesoh yeah, for internal references inline links are better. But for external URLs I prefer them to be defined at the bottom for the reasons I wrote above10:28
tristantiagogomes, But a combination of both invites the patch submitter to choose, which means we end up with a bit of a mess10:29
tiagogomesI don't think internal inlines and external separate are much of a mess :)10:29
tristantiagogomes, but someone who didnt talk to us first, will not know the difference, they will certainly do something different10:31
qinustytiago, do you use vim? :D10:31
tristanthat's what I mean, combination of both invites the submitter to choose10:31
qinusty can conceal links I believe. Increasing readability10:32
tristanOk so... at this point seems to be fixed with the ToC ordering, no only the CSS changed, I'll fix that10:32
tristanLet's make a cleaner difference between the hierachy of headings10:33
tristanDebian is incorrectly a child of Arch linux in the ToC10:33
tiagogomesI use vim but I am cursing it that is collapsing sections or rst files!10:33
tristanBut *appears* to be separate in the text10:33
tristanlooks like h1 and h2 render the same way, causing this10:33
tiagogomesh1 should be reserved for the page title. So markdown should start with ## forward10:34
tristanOk, h2 and h3 also look very similar, though10:34
tristanLet's make h2 bold at least10:34
tristanSo that h3 children at least appear to be children10:34
tristanok that was a one line change10:36
tristangitlab not accepting pushes now ?10:37
tristanoops my fault, sorry for noise10:37
qinustyMaking up for the lack of gitlab bot noise lately :D10:38
tristanYep :)10:39
tristanSomeone's gotta do it10:39
tiagogomestbh, this all looks bad. I don't know if we should experiment with another theme instead of trying to fix this one10:39
tristanThat is also a good idea10:40
tristantiagogomes, Can we find a theme which renders <pre> sections with nice little boxes for the code examples ?10:40
tiagogomesThis exists
tiagogomesThe default theme does that :P10:40
tristantiagogomes, I'll fix the broken annotations in the meantime10:40
tristanOh, so why are we not using that ?10:40
tristanWell, I guess it's ugly for other reasons10:41
tiagogomeswell, comment the THEME=theme line and see it for yourself :)10:41
tristanAha, it's the indentation, it wants exactly 4 spaces10:42
* tristan is fixing the :::shell problems for the moment, will get back...10:42
qinustyIs there any way of `make serve` refreshing on change files?10:43
qinustysimilar to how django ` runserver` does10:43
tiagogomesThere is a `make devserver`, but I never tested it10:43 seems to be broken10:45
tristanIs it supposed to be ::shell ? or :::shell ?10:45
qinustywhere'd you get it from?10:45
tristanSeems they are both doing the right thing, which is odd10:45
qinusty :::10:45
qinustyI think the css is just more the issue10:46
qinustynot the generation of html10:46
qinustyIt generates the code blocks as expected10:46
tristanqinusty, I found an instance of "::shll" instead of ":::shell"10:48
tristanqinusty, I think the ::shll was "swallowed up", and it just looked the same because syntax highlighting is not doing anything nice for shell commands, and it's already in <pre>10:49
tristanSo it looks the same10:49
qinustyYeah our <pre> <code> css is just not what we expect when we think code block10:49
tristanOf course, pelican doesnt even tell us about the error/warning when it swallows up an invalid "::shll"10:49
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tiagogomestristan it really can't. For it ::shll is just some random text you wrote10:52
tristantiagogomes, Except it was not showing up, at least I think it wasnt10:52
tristanyeah it wasnt, just tested it10:52
tristanIt did a code block for it, because of proper indentation; the ::shll just went away10:53
tristanBut anyway, moving to the next10:53
tristantiagogomes, commenting out the THEME= makes things much better indeed, *except* for all this weird noise below the menubar and above the page content10:53
tristanlets find a decent theme...10:53
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tristanHmm, blueidea looks good, but the syntax highlight does nothing, and still places all this weird shit under the menubar and before the content10:58
tristanI think that is a problem with our site, not the theme10:58
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tristantiagogomes, notice all the buttons under the menubar and before the page when you comment out the theme ?10:58
tiagogomesI was trying alchemy10:59
tristanoops, (backwards)[link] in install, /me fixes that one...11:00
tiagogomesThe default theme doesn't use MENUITEMS, so it puts a link to every page there, which won't fir11:01
tristantiagogomes, How come I see a menubar with [Portfolio, Install, Updates, Community, FAQ, BuildStream in Detail] at the top ?11:04
tristanIt just decided that those were the menubar by itself11:05
tristanSo... maybe MENUITEMS sucks ?11:05
tiagogomeswhy does it suck?11:05
tristantiagogomes, I have a *feeling*, that we are supposed to put things that dont belong in the menubar, into subfolders ?11:05
tristanAnd then any theme we want will "just work" ?11:05
tristanJust a guess11:05
tristanI mean, I guess we can opt for a theme that supports MENUITEMS, and have the liberty to at least order the toplevel pages11:06
tristanand no it doesnt "suck", just makes us a bit less free to rely on it11:06
tiagogomesLooking at the templates, that wouldn't work11:06
tristantiagogomes, how does alchemy look ?11:06
tiagogomesI looks much better. Codeblocks are not working though11:07
qinustynot working? Or not styled as we'd like?11:08
qinustywe can restyle11:08
tristanqinusty, That's what we're trying to avoid by looking for another theme11:09
tristan<tiagogomes> tbh, this all looks bad. I don't know if we should experiment with another theme instead of trying to fix this one11:09
tristanqinusty, ^^^11:09
qinustyOkay but, if it's a matter of sticking a border on it. And changing the font11:09
qinustyThe theme has more issues than the code blocks :D11:10
qinustyas tiago said11:10
tristanBetter a single fix that actually fixes it, rather than doing down the web rabbit hole11:10
qinustyweb *shivers*11:10
tiagogomestristan I think alchemy is much nicer than the previous one11:10
tiagogomesAnd the codeblocks were not working in the previous one as well11:10
tiagogomesI think it is not working because we need to add codehilite to the markdown extensions11:10
tristanqinusty, I've done web before *shudders*, whenever you put a CSS attribute, be sure to consult MDN that it is supported on all browsers, find the hacks to make it work on all browsers, yada yada11:11
tristanA good theme should do it for us11:11
tristantiagogomes, it's in at the bottom in MARKDOWN11:11
tristannot done correctly you think ?11:11
tristantiagogomes, you are right, I have a fix11:16
tristanExcept, it's not rendering well11:16
tristanThe boxes show up with round edges, but then are clipped with a little black box11:17
tristanBut I think the fix is still correct11:17
tristanWith blueidea, they work wonderfully11:17
tiagogomesI don't think you can simply add 'markdown.extensions.codehilite' to 'extensions'11:22
tristanCrap, it didnt work11:22
tristantiagogomes, that's not all I did11:22
tristanIt worked locally :-S11:23
tiagogomesYou only need to add `'css_class': 'highlight'`11:23
tristantiagogomes, I followed this:
tristanIt should both list the extensions, AND add their configuration11:23
* tristan does a clean build and sees if some stale rubbish caused it to work11:24
tiagogomesDid you tried with the theme we are using, probably that's the problem11:24
tristanStill works locally11:25
tristantiagogomes, Nope11:25
tristantiagogomes, With the current theme we use, it does round edge boxes which are still better than nothing11:25
tristanWith blueidea, it's high contrast invert black boxes which are much sexier11:26
tristanBoth work11:26
tiagogomesperhaps the container image needs pygments?11:26
tristanThe current theme has these black corners around the round edge boxes11:26
tristanMaybe, what is that ?11:26
tristanCan we install it in CI ?11:26
tiagogomesSome dependency11:26
tristanInstead of manufacturing a new image11:27
tiagogomesah yeah, that's what I meant11:27
tristanI wonder if I have that11:27
tiagogomeswhat `pygmentize -L` does on your machine11:27
tristanYep, have that11:28
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toscalixtiagogomes: do you know why does not require me approval to be merge?11:31
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* tristan runs test with pygments11:32
tristantiagogomes, fixed, notice that the boxes still dont render well, though11:34
tristanThey appear intended to be round edged, but have some black pointy edges11:34
tristanThat'll still work once we find a decent new theme, though11:34
tiagogomestoscalix your approval? I am confused, you created the MR11:34
tristanAnd probably work much more nicely than this theme11:34
tristantoscalix, I disabled that this morning while fixing stuff, wasnt going to wait around11:35
tristanI've fixed dozens of things in the last 30 minutes which would have been impossible if using the "Approvals" feature11:35
tristanI *also* added the setting to ensure linear history, this thing was setup to allow server side merge / commit11:36
tristantiagogomes, Are you hunting for a decent theme ? I have a SotK sitting in #pelican who suggested as a starting point to find themes with support for MENUITEMS11:38
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tristanFancy seeing him there ;-)11:38
tiagogomesIs not very difficult to tame any theme to support MENUITEMS11:39
toscalixit would be good to keep track of the technical work done on the website on this ticket
tiagogomes-          {% for page in pages %}11:39
tiagogomes+          {% for title, link in MENUITEMS %}11:39
tiagogomes-          {% for page in pages %}11:40
tiagogomes+          {% for title, link in MENUITEMS %}11:40
tiagogomes-            <li class="list-inline-item"><a href="{{ SITEURL }}/{{ page.url }}">{{ page.title }}</a></li>11:40
tiagogomes+            <li class="list-inline-item"><a href="{{ link }}">{{ title }}</a></li>11:40
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tristantiagogomes, have you tried that ?11:51
tristantiagogomes, anyway can I leave theme selection in your hands now ?11:51
tristanI like blueidea but... honestly I havent tried a bunch of them11:52
tristanI'm sure there is better11:52
tristanLet me get a fix in for that crash, at least it's a partial fix11:52
tristanAnd look at WSalmon's issue if I can still find it in my million open browser tabs...11:53
bethwtristan, I guess that's 512 if that helps in your search11:54
tristanbethw, I dont know, I found the browser tab11:56
tristanbethw, but it seems that doesnt mention that issue11:56
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* SotK waves11:58
SotKI saw in the logs your theme problems involve weird code blocks and took a look to see whats causing it11:59
bethwtristan, then ignore me, I'm thinking of something else12:00
SotK sets a grey background and border (with radius) on the <pre> elements, but sets a dark background on the <div> that wraps it (without any radius)12:01
SotKso your dark corners are the dark background from pygments not covered up by the opaque grey <pre> because of the border-radius12:01
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tristan/fix-cache-exclusivity->master: _scheduler/queues: Mark build and pull queue as requiring shared access to the CACHE) #775 changed state ("opened"):
SotKassuming you want dark boxes just remove the border and background properties from .highlight > pre in style.css12:02
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tristan/fix-cache-exclusivity-1.2->bst-1.2: Tristan/fix cache exclusivity 1.2) #779 changed state ("opened"):
tristanSotK, For now; I think that basically we agree that we need to choose a theme because the current one sucks12:05
tristanSotK, And that should be done before tweaking CSS manually12:05
tristanSotK, I assume you've seen already, e.g.: ?12:06
tristanYeah I would guess since you've seen the blocks12:07
tristanBut another problem is that h2, h3, etc are hardly distinguishable12:07
tristanAnd we've already tweaked that; so - still it's better to find a saner theme first12:07
SotKyeah, if you uncheck border and background in your browser inspector the blocks actually look pretty nice12:07
SotKbut I agree with your analysis of the theme :)12:08
SotKI've yet to find a pelican theme that I like enough to recommend for general use, thats why I just write custom ones when I want a pelican thing12:09
SotK(or more accurately, design a mockup in plain html/css and then convert that to a pelican theme)12:09
tristanYeah I liked blueidea, it had smaller text in the code blocks and highcontrast invert on the them, which is sexy12:09
tristanh1, h2, ... also seemed saner; but - I havent tried a lot - I actually just looked on the page for one that looked okay and tried that one heh12:10
tristanThe menubar is so 90s, can't believe I find myself saying that - I still think complex application UIs should have menubars, some reason I feel differently about web pages :-S12:11
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SotKheh, I'm not religiously opposed to simple menu/navigation bars but I prefer them when they look nice12:18
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (willsalmon/outOfSourecBuild->master: WIP: out of sourec builds) #776 changed state ("opened"):
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WSalmonsorry bethw and tristan i did want you to look at the message was just saying this is all very wip but it also now says that it is related to #51212:21
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qinustyCan I get a review of
tristanqinusty, I'm seeing whitespace changes and fixing of links12:26
tristanWith the addition of some more interesting links12:26
tristanqinusty, is that all this changes ?12:26
* qinusty cannot actually merge himself12:26
tristanqinusty, done, lemme add you to the website project...12:27
tristanWSalmon, I especially dislike that you are staging the sources not in %{build-root} anymore, but I think this might be alright so long as the contract is very very clear12:28
tristanWSalmon, gimme a sec...12:28
qinustyCheers, I do think that people should have their MRs atleast looked over for the website though. Rather than self merging. It can help reduce the number of grammatical/readability issues12:28
tristanqinusty, Added you12:29
tiagogomestristan, the website with alchemy
tristanqinusty, I agree, but there is a limit to that - if we put you member that means we trust you wont do stuff you think might be destructive12:29
paulsher1ood.wub 3412:30
tristantiagogomes, I think you mean:
tiagogomesNo. I meant to download the tarball. But your way is better :)12:31
tristantiagogomes, Looks sober and nice to me :)12:31
tiagogomesthere are broken links in :(12:31
tristantiagogomes, Those might be fixed by qinusty's latest thing, not sure12:32
tristanWhere are the broken links ?12:32
qinustyIn the release article, there were 2 more I fixed12:32
tiagogomesGo to updates, open an article, and them try to use the nav bar12:32
WSalmontristan, my first thougth was to get the source to use the elements directory variable and reuse that as its directory variable unless it redeclared it but this methord was sugested as a cleaner way but i dont mind how i do it i was just looking for a nice consistent way..12:32
qinustygit grep shows none in my latest branch tiagogomes12:33
tristanWSalmon, yeah that thought is not gonna work, wrong order of interactions; sources just belong to elements12:33
tristanqinusty's branch changed some hardcoded URLs to proper relative ones, though12:33
tristanWhich is good12:33
tristanWSalmon, So basically, what I understand is you are adding core functionality to place the whole source staging area into a subdirectory; in order to avoid setting the directory in the Source itself12:34
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WSalmonyep the system works without that patch but i dont like having to set "diretory" twice.. i am open to not using that patch but it seemed nice, if you can sugest a better way i dont mind12:36
tristanWSalmon, It wont work.12:36
WSalmonwhat wont work?12:37
tristanWSalmon, You are ignoring that Element.stage() is just a build time thing; while Element._open_workspace() does not traverse that codepath12:37
tristanFrom what I can tell, at least; you wont get an open workspace with what you would expect12:37
tristanOr, have I missed the part where you also do the same thing in Element._open_workspace() ?12:39
tristanDoubt it12:39
WSalmondo you like this way of doing it enough for me to mirror the behavour in Element._open_workspace()? as i am going to have to fix the other opening workspaces bug around the build location? or do you not like this way of doing it?12:40
tristanWSalmon, As a matter of course, I _always_ dislike changes in the core12:42
tristanThose are high risk12:42
tristanWSalmon, here, I have found one edge case that you did not, and it took me < 10min... I dont know which edge case I will only notice in a few months12:42
tristanHowever, that is not to say there can never be core enhancements12:43
tristanWSalmon, The goal you are after is to have a very simple switch which enables this out of source directory build directory thing, so it's a bit of convenience12:43
tristanFor those cases where... I dunno, you really enjoy having a build directory that is not a subdirectory of the source directory ?12:44
tristanI don't recall all of the context here, but lets consider; is it really worth a core feature ?12:44
tristanWSalmon, for one, if we go down this road; expect scope creep - because we do have other problems which revolve around the same area12:45
tristanWSalmon, Builds behave differently when started from a workspace or from a build, I think actually you noticed or ran into this12:46
tristanWSalmon, and it is exactly *because* the workspace opening codepaths do not flow through the same codepaths12:46
WSalmonyep, i dont understand why they diverge so much but i am still getting to know the code base12:46
tristanWSalmon, i.e. the command-subdir is automatically created at build time by the core; while it is not created when opening a workspace12:46
tristanSo - One goal would be to streamline those codepaths without breaking any API12:47
tristanThat is difficult12:47
WSalmonyep thats what i was saying i will probs need to fix for this ticket12:47
WSalmonthe bug not the nessisarily the code path12:47
tristanWSalmon, if this comes with more and more branches, rather than existing branches flowing through the same common code path, that will be even worse12:48
tristanFixing the bug without fixing the complexity, creates new sets of problems12:49
tristanI am talking in the abstract; but what I would expect to see for this; is Stream.open_workspace() -> Element._init_workspace() -> Element.stage() -> Source.init_workspace() Implicitly knowing that we are in the context of opening a workspace12:50
tristan*Something* along those lines12:50
tristanRather than... Element._init_workspace() -> Source.init_workspace(), + Lets add duplicate lines of code here where we expect that Element implementations might have done things we dont know about12:51
tristanRemember that Element.stage() can do *basically whatever it wants*12:51
tristanWSalmon, When considering a merge request; my first consideration has to be: Does this bring the codebase together more as a coherent whole ? Or does it make things more complex and branchy ?12:52
tristanIf the latter; Then I certainly prefer having documentation informing the user how to achieve an out of source build, than introduce anything to the core12:52
qinusty will need toggling off and on merge12:56
qinustytristan ^12:56
tristanwhat ?13:03
tristanI dont understand, that wasn't merged ?13:03
tristanoh cancel automatic and rebase13:04
tristanqinusty, Gotcha13:04
tristanWSalmon, I have a suggestion - *first* fix the bug that workspace initialization does not pass through Element.stage() implementations13:04
qinustyGitlab \o/13:04
tristanWSalmon, After that, your approach will make more sense13:05
WSalmontristan, thanks for looking at this, i am looking again at how things get set up norm vs workspace, i will have a go13:06
tristanWSalmon, that will basically require some trickery13:06
tristanSuch that arbitrary Element.stage() implementations, when they call Element.stage_sources(), opens workspaces instead13:07
tristanWSalmon, Taking BuildElement for example, see it's Element.stage() implementation here:
tristanWSalmon, Notice that we *cannot* change BuildElement to support this, and it already calls Element.stage_dependency_artifacts():
tristanWSalmon, So, we probably need to create a virtual Sandbox() for the purpose of doing this, and cause stage_dependency_artifacts() to be a no-op, *maybe*13:09
tristanWSalmon, in fact, what we are interested in here; is the result of an Element implementation's stage() operation; but *only* the %{build-root} portion of the sandbox13:10
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tristanWSalmon, some elements, like script elements, stage dependency artifacts into the %{build-root}, this fix will make them workspaceable13:10
tristanwhich is nice13:10
* qinusty remembers he can't run a buildstream test suite locally :/13:10
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tristanWSalmon, Maybe the virtual directory stuff going into master can help make staging outside of %{build-root} a no-op transparently13:11
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tristanWSalmon, Also, a big problem with this whole idea is that dependency artifacts are expected to have all possible file attributes set inside the build sandbox, eventually including fancy things like xattrs; which are either unsupported on the user's filesystem outside of the container, or the user does not have permission to own13:12
tristanWSalmon, So it's possible that the whole plan doesnt make sense; or alternatively, we explicitly disallow the staging of artifacts into a workspace13:13
tristanWSalmon, All of these things need to be analyzed and considered13:13
tristantiagogomes, I am very much liking this theme, are you going to merge it ?13:18
tiagogomesI was lunching13:21
tiagogomesThe Alchemy right?13:22
tristanI think I'm going to hit the road soon too, starting to be that time13:22
tristantiagogomes, yeah the link you posted of the artifact13:22
tristantiagogomes, (A) It's clean and sober, so uncontroversial, (B) It makes the code blocks look nice, (C) It makes the h[1-5] tags look sensible, (D) It even makes the literal text look nicer than the old theme13:23
tristanAll benefits afaics13:23
tristanAnother plus, is the header bar is no longer green !13:23
tristanThe downsides I see to this theme are only: (A) The main site header "BuildStream, the software integration tool" Is HUUUUUGE... (B) The 5 menu items are quite small13:24
tiagogomesIt doesn't give a fantastic look, but it is a big step from the former one in terms of aesthetics13:25
tristanNo it doesn't but I think that until we have something modern; this is aesthetically nice for a neutral and simple / basic site13:25
tiagogomesyeah, that's why I've chose it13:26
tristanWe'll have to focus on the content after this I think, and fix those broken links (you said there were broken links ?)13:27
tristanOne thing that is a bit annoying; we either dont have any link to the documentation (oops ?) - Or it is hiding somewhere deep like an FAQ that nobody will look at13:27
tristanI would argue that a toplevel menu item leading the user directly to would be a great idea13:28
tiagogomesThe links broken are not in the markdown. Is something else with the template instantiation. If you open an article and then try to use the nav bar, you will see the links are broken13:30
tristanAh, the "articles" are the last thing I've been looking at, I even missed them in the previous link-fixing iteration13:31
tristanlets see, how do you "arrive at an article"13:31
tristanShould "Updates" not be called "News" ?13:32
tristantiagogomes, Technically, that is the markdown; and is related to absolute vs relative URLs13:33
tiagogomesI don't think so. The nav bar is not generated by markdown13:33
tristanIt would be nice if there was some sort of {site-root} substitutable thing in the links so that they are equally viewable locally13:33
tristanAh the navbar too13:33
tristanYeah, crap13:33
SotKyou want to update the hrefs in so that they are like "/{{ link }}"13:34
tiagogomesah, I didn't spot the others13:34
tristanSotK, So the problem I had was that, all the links were being noted like: [FAQ](/faq.html), instead of [FAQ](faq.html)13:35
tristanSotK, Fixing that, made the site viewable locally; *mostly*, but breaks the links in subfolders13:35
tristanI think that what it *should* be, is [Link Name]({project}
tristanThat currently breaks because, we have this obnoxious "pages" subdirectory13:36
tristanSo those [FAQ]({project} translate to http://domain/pages/faq.html13:37
tristanBut - the html file is actually at http://domain/faq.html13:37
tristanSotK, I *think* that if we nuke this `pages/` subdirectory and place all of the md files where they are expected to be found on the actual site, and use the "{project}" format for links, then the site will be properly relocatable (viewable from a file:/// url) and all the links will work13:38
tristanSotK, tiagogomes; is that a pretty accurate assessment ?13:38
tiagogomestristan, we need to add a forward slash as I had put in the beginning, so that it always starts at the root of the website13:39
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tristantiagogomes, Does the {project} thing work or doesnt it ?13:39
tristantiagogomes, That forward slash makes all links point to file:///faq.html, etc13:39
tristanIf it does not for you, I don't know what you did13:40
tiagogomes'pages' is a special directory where pelican looks for static pages. Everything outside of it is an article13:40
tristanBut `make html` doesnt work for me that way13:40
tiagogomesFrom an article:
tristanNo no, lets not have to run the server jaysus13:41
tiagogomesI use make serve13:41
tristanI want to just generate a static set of html that is relocatable without any tinkering, it's not supposed to be difficult13:41
tristantiagogomes, That browse artifacts trick on gitlab worked, because of that simplicity13:41
tristanI think the {project} translation is broken and can be fixed, because valentind had some links like that; only problem is that they were pointing to pages/foo.html instead of directly to foo.html13:42
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tristanSo, *maybe* the problem, is that those pages should actually be published at
SotKsetting PAGE_URL in might fix that13:43
SotKlike: for example13:44
SotK(though that generates things like ``)13:44
mablanchjuergbi: Thanks for the review of !626. Regarding the commit split of the CASCache work, do you want me to keep the _push_refs_to_remote() refactoring or not? It has been introduced before we add the push_* and pull_* helpers and is not really necessary any-more (except if you have future plans that may use it).13:44
SotKbut if you do something like '{slug}.html' for PAGE_URL and PAGE_SAVE_AS it should eliminate the "pages" bit I think (it does for the page object's "url" in templates anyway)13:46
SotKI've also always used `make serve` or equivalent and haven't used the {project} stuff13:46
SotKhm, {project} doesn't seem to exist in the version of pelican I have here13:51
juergbimablanch: it's probably still sensible even if not strictly needed. it might be useful in the future if we make CASCache a bit dumber, i.e., move the logic out that decides when to use which remotes13:54
tristanSotK, I'm not entirely sure it was {project}, going from memory here13:54
mablanchjuergbi: Ok, I'll keep it, thank you.13:55
tristanSotK, I did look at an issue that proposed supporting it in MENUITEMS, lemme check13:55
SotK{filename} is a thing which seems to do similar13:55
tristanThat's it13:56
tristanSo just s/{project}/{filename} in all the stuff I was saying above, that's what I'm talking about13:56
tristanIt put the pages/ directory into the formatted URL, which lead me to think, better just not put the pages into a pages/ subdirectory in the first place13:56
tristanOr rather, publish them to a pages/ subdirectory; make 'em match13:57
tristanAnd presto, you have a relocatable site13:57
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tiagogomesI think the markdown needs to be in a pages subdirectory. I think is awful14:06
SotKok, I tested it out, setting PAGE_URL and PAGE_SAVE_AS to not include `pages` in the url is indeed honoured by {filename}14:06
SotKand yeah, you need to have pages in a pages subdirectory, or else pelican will treat them as articles14:08
qinustyAnyone had these issues before ? pytest is not having fun...14:10
qinustyApparently all of the files we have within our test folders are causing the issues? Are they necessary?14:11
SotKI don't believe it to be possible to have pelican generate links that are like "foo/../bar/faq.html" without manually typing something like that in the markdown, which is I think what would be needed to have it working file:// uris14:12
SotKand that's never going to work with the navbar links14:12
SotK(or more accurately, something like "../faq.html")14:14
toscalixqinusty: available?14:16
qinustyTrying to solve some issues I've been having in general with my test suite, but not getting anywhere. So yep14:17
KinnisonquI have that issue before, I just dumped my .eggs and reran the tests and it recovered for me14:17
Kinnisonqinusty: ^14:17
KinnisonI can type, honestly14:17
qinustyI dumped my pytest-* eggs14:17
qinustybut I'll dump all and see what happens14:17
toscalixqinusty:  there are several pages that requires conetnt, but from all of them, there is one we cannot make some noise without which is the feature page14:18
toscalixsadly it is a page that it will require me a lot of effort and, together, we can do it this afternoon14:18
toscalixsince it requires some technical knowledge about the tool14:18
qinustyI can try and help, but I've not actually contributed to any of the key features in this release, primarily bugfixes on smaller features and implementing features for 1.414:19
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (willsalmon/outOfSourecBuild->master: WIP: out of source builds) #776 changed state ("opened"):
qinustye.g I've not actually used Includes or source mirroring14:19
toscalixqinusty: it would a good start if can format the tables, taking the download page as example14:20
qinustyCan do14:20
toscalixI will concentrate on the last couple of sections14:20
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* qinusty is unsure what we want in these tables toscalix, they're formatted okay14:59
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toscalixtiagogomes: somehow the new theme changed how the tables are rendered15:00
toscalixI do not see the lines now15:01
tiagogomesIs that a problem?15:02
toscalixtake a look. I think so15:03
tiagogomesIt doesn't look fantastic but not broke either. We can't be switching theme again15:05
qinustyIt's a small CSS change, decide what we want and we can implement it15:05
toscalixThe tables should have borders15:06
toscalixthe first row (header) should be centered (minor issue)15:06
qinustyHow thick should the borders be? How much padding should be included on each cell?15:07
tiagogomesIsn't tables with borders so 90ies15:07
toscalixI lthink it would be too much detaild from my side.15:07
toscalixbut borders.... I think tables should have a way to differentiate rows, at least15:09
SotKmy broad recommendation: indicate separation firstly with space and then with background colouring if needed (alternate colours for table rows for example), with lines/borders as a last resort15:09
toscalixif you want to use colours... fine15:10
SotK("space" meaning logically linked things should be visually close together, separate things should be noticably more separated in space)15:11
toscalixanother minor point on this theme is the ToC. The previous theme was better on that15:11
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toscalixthis theme looks nicer15:12
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #628 ("Remote-execution execution flow optimisation (technical debt)") changed state ("opened")
toscalixanyway, back to the feature page15:14
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jmac/remote_execution_client->master: WIP: Remote execution client) #626 changed state ("opened"):
qinustyHow does this releases page magic work valentind?15:27
tiagogomesIt uses a home backed extension: get_releases.py15:29
qinustySo it needs a web server?15:29
qinustyNo, during generation15:30
qinustytoscalix, what are we putting in these feature tables? I assume tristan or valentind will populate them at some point15:34
toscalixqinusty: in general, each page includes info in the template and the related ticket, in this case
toscalixIf it is not clear enough, I will develop further15:35
qinustyIt is fairly clear, however I cannot populate this information accurately.15:35
toscalixthe ticket should include a couple of examples to other projects15:35
toscalixqinusty: I have the same problem15:35
toscalixwe simply need help from somebody with a deeper knowledge of the tool15:36
toscalixvalentind: did a list of the features15:36
toscalixthat should be included in this table15:36
toscalixah, great, he add them to the ticket15:36
toscalixI love when people use the tickets :-)15:36
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qinusty thoughts toscalix?16:16
tiagogomesyikes, now tables do really look bad :|16:19
toscalixtiagogomes: they look bad but the content is clearer16:23
toscalixI think it is better now16:23
toscalixqinusty: from the feature page, we will try to route readers to BuildStream in Detail, which include the description of the features, the impact, why they are important, etc.16:24
toscalixhopefully the developers of each feature will fillout that section16:24
toscalixon BuildStream in Detail16:25
toscalixqinusty: I like the fact that you added a detail column16:27
toscalixwith a short explanation of the features16:27
toscalixI would keep though the v1.0 v1.2 columns16:27
mablanchjuergbi: There is a comment on !626 that was left with no answer. Sorry to bother you again, but if you could have a quick look: :)16:27
toscalixif the feature is totally new in v1.2 you put in the column new feature16:28
toscalixbut usually features are not fully implemented in a single release16:28
persiaHrm?  Most of the features in 1.2 weren't started until after 1.0, as far as I remember.16:29
toscalixso that table is the opportunity to provide a short explanation about the steps taken in that feature16:29
persiaSimilarly, I don't think most of the features expected for 1.4 have precursors in 1.2/16:29
toscalixafter 3 or 4 releases you end up having a nice story to tell about the evolution of the key features that makes the product cool16:30
paulsher1oodtoscalix: should "Portfolio" be "About"16:30
toscalixpersia: which tell us something too. On the other side, some features we are introducing now will be enhanced the next release16:31
toscalixpaulsher1ood: if you think about BuildStream as product, yes. If you think about it as a community... no16:31
* paulsher1ood has *never* seen Portfolio used in this context16:32
toscalixso we have a community page and a portfolio page16:32
tiagogomesI am not a big fan of the name. I associate portfolio with artists16:32
paulsher1oodplease can you provide a link to another project that uses the word as a link in this context?16:32
toscalixpaulsher1ood: I think the name can be improved, yes.16:32
SotK"portfolio" made me confused too16:32
persiaWhich page are we looking at?16:32
paulsher1oods/Portfolio/About/ then16:33
toscalixAbout though.... many might expect content about the people/org behind the project16:33
paulsher1oodany page mentioning "Portfolio"16:33
paulsher1oodtoscalix: no web page is perfect16:33
paulsher1oodif there is some specific meaning you intend in the concept "Portfolio" i'd like to understand it, but otherwise "About" would be usual in english sites16:34
toscalixthat page describes the toolset and the different deliverables16:34
persiaYeah.  That's clearly an "about" page.16:35
persiaAnd people with expectations that "about" being a marketing platform for some sponsor can go educate themselves about community initiatives.16:35
toscalixsome people put products16:36
toscalixor services16:36
toscalixand about is "who we are"16:36
persiaAlso, I don't consider "releases", "snapshots", and "master" as deliverables.  There should just be "BuildStream".  Folk who need newer than the latest release for some reason (and operate at risk) should consider snapshots.  Those who need today's changes are are willing to operate at more risk (please, not for production), can use master.16:36
persiaThat page is "about buildstream".16:36
SotKproducts and services suggest sales pages to me16:37
toscalixSotK: it was just an example16:37
toscalixpersia: about BuildStream would work16:37
persiaTo me, "portfolio" implies a selection of things.  If we wanterd to highlight a bunch of example systems developed with buildstream, or lots of cool projects, that would make sense to me as "portfolio".16:37
paulsher1oodyup, even16:37
persiaNow if the community grows, and lots more people use BuildStream, I'd be delighted to see a "BuildStream Portfolio" page linking to as many users as let us do so.16:38
paulsher1oodi'll make a change16:38
toscalixpaulsher1ood: there are many links pointing to that page16:38
toscalixand is referred to as portfolio in several places. Take that into account16:38
persiaThen it's a big change, affecting many files.16:39
toscalixpersia: there was some structure design behind the web :-)16:39
toscalixcritical paths....16:40
* persia doesn't understand how changing a pagename affects structure, but does understand that big changes to fragile things need to be handled carefully16:40
persiaDoes pelican have a test that can be configured to fail whenever dangling links are defined?16:40
toscalixgitlab makes easier to know what needs to be changed....but still16:40
toscalixpersia: that question has popped up several times. I have not read a clear answer. We have no pelican expèrt around here, I am afraid16:41
toscalixtiagogomes: is doing his best, I am happy about it16:42
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toscalixqinusty: do you have a clear idea on what to do next about the page? I have been on 3 or 4 things in parallel and might have lost you16:46
SotKI don't know of anything that checks that, but my knowledge is not exhaustive16:46
SotKif you use links to source files with {filename}, the generation command gives a warning which you can make fatal16:51
SotKif the source filename changes that is16:51
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (richardmaw/fix-chroot-sandbox-devices->master: WIP: fix chroot sandbox devices) #781 changed state ("opened"):
toscalixqinusty: I am afraid I will keep working on the feature page tomorrow. I simply have no brains to come up with nice texts16:52
toscalixwell... nice under my own standards :-)16:52
qinustyOkay, best to get someone who implemented the feature to detail it. They'll describe it in its true light16:53
toscalixqinusty: yes, so do not worry about it on this page. Just remove the link to the tech docu for now16:55
toscalixand keep working on the tables. Scroll up a little. I did some considerations to what you showed me.16:56
toscalixI will over them again in detail on the MR16:56
toscalixonce we aredone with feature page, we move onto bst in detail16:57
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SotKI assume a MR fixing all the broken links would be appreciated?20:46
tristanSotK, I'd like to try my hand at making a relocatable site possible, such that you dont have to do `make serve` and can put the site anywhere and it will "just work" regardless of it's path20:51
tristanThat kind of patch would be much, much more appreciated :)20:51
tristanIt's really surprising to me, sphinx does this perfectly fine; I dont see why a simple markdown converter as popular as pelican can't do it20:52
SotKI'll see if I can mess with the template to get it to work like that then21:08
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* SotK makes it work, but its pretty ugly21:29
SotKheh, or I thought I did21:34
SotKoh, I did, I just have too many tabs open21:34
tristanSotK, Yay \o/21:36
* SotK makes it less ugly and works out how to use gitlab21:50
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SotKthat only makes the test builds properly relocatable actually, since the production build hardcodes as the SITEURL22:10

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