IRC logs for #buildstream for Friday, 2018-08-17

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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tristan/notifications->master: _frontend/ Notify session completions) #672 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #538 ("ostree mirror fallback breaks assertion") changed state ("closed")
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qinustyAnyone fancy lending a set of eyes to double check I'm not missing something simple? I've got some unexpected behaviour on a test of mine. is the test output, are my changes. The test runs `bst fetch delaymock.bst` which uses the plugin in08:21 , however the output is indicating the use of
tristanqinusty, I think that implementing "cli_run_in_process()" is quite a task08:24
* qinusty realises that it's quite hacked together, but can't understand where is coming from08:24
tristanqinusty, I was thinking of giving that to tiagogomes after the release, i.e. the task of making it possible to test interactive aspects of BuildStream08:25
qinustyAh, I'd just fixed a regression so attempted to write a test for it08:25
tristanqinusty, I can say right away, that the lack of files leading up to the test plugin you added can be confusing to pytest08:26
qinustyAlso, only fails on CI08:26
qinustynot locally08:26
qinustyand only when CI runs a sequence of tests, not when configured to run the single test08:27
tristandoes it pass locally, when you run all the tests in one batch ?08:27
tristanor only when you run *that* test ?08:27
qinustyI think so, I can't exactly recall because I did it yesterday. But I'm fairly sure it did.08:28
tristanWhat is happening is pytest is going to import everything, and then start running tests08:28
tristanWhat often happens if you fail to include files in all the directories leading up to a python file in the tests directory, is a cryptic import error08:29
tristanin this case, it looks like something very weird is happening, and plausibly effected by the subprocessing of the test08:30
tristanqinusty, you might have better luck if you used the entry point I initially added to allow docs to build properly08:31
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jjardon/pyproject->master: Some minor setuptools improvements) #639 changed state ("opened"):
tristaninstead of forking the process and running it in a harness08:31
tristanthen of course, might need extending in order to collect the resulting coverage reports (and ensure they are happening)08:32
jjardonHi, Is there a way to execute buildstream as my user (so it can download stuff from restricted git repos). Or if not, is there any way to configure it to use specific credentials?08:34
tristanqinusty, it's worth trying running the test through subprocess instead of multiprocessing anyway; using an invocation like `python3 -m buildstream [args...]`08:34
tristanqinusty, it can be informative to future test harness improvements08:35
tristanjjardon, credentials should be out of band and not involve BuildStream config08:36
tristanjjardon, for instance for a git repo, it should work so long as you have the ssh key08:36
tristanof course, it is a bad idea to add private repos to public projects, you will need to share private keys with every user that needs to build the project08:37
jjardontristan: I have the ssh key and buildstream refuses to clone08:37
jjardontristan: Its not a public project; and that's not needed, everyone in the project have ssh access to that repo08:38
tristanjjardon, maybe you are not using the ssh:// url format ?08:38
jjardontristan: /o\ maybe let me check08:38
tristanjjardon, I'm not sure about all the details of how the auth works with https://08:38
tristanjjardon, oh - that or you need to have your ssh-agent activated first08:39
tristanjjardon, if your ssh key also requires a password, you would need the agent running (that happens fairly transparently on a lot of mainstream distros nowadays)08:40
tristancan be tied into login08:40
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jjardontristan: nah, I was using the https URL instead the SSH one, sorry for the noise!08:46
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qinustyIs there any way to easily clear all the .pyc files? I keep getting HINT: remove __pycache__ / .pyc files and/or use a unique basename for your test file modules....08:51
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #385 ("Should notify when build fails") changed state ("closed")
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tristan/notifications->master: _frontend/ Notify session completions) #672 changed state ("merged"):
jjardontristan: btw, any chance we can progress on ? I think is a good enough stop-gap solution for now08:52
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (Qinusty/531-fetch-retries-on-terminate->master: WIP: Prevent jobs retrying on terminate) #662 changed state ("opened"):
tristanjjardon, oh... I reviewed an MR from laurence for that purpose I think09:02
tristanit's not the same ?09:02
tristanjjardon, ok so... I also want this solved, yours looks a bit different... but really along the same lines, lemme find the other09:04
tristanI'll comment on 657, where you also commented09:05
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WSalmontristan if you get a chance it would be great if you could confirm you are happy with my tweak to so we can get it merged out the way :)09:08
tiagogomesqinusty `find . -name '*pyc' -delete`09:13
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jmac/remote_execution_client->master: WIP: Remote execution client) #626 changed state ("opened"):
tristanWSalmon, I just added one comment there... but now I realize this is a review of a *backport* (?!)09:19
tristanWSalmon, these changes we made certainly need to be made on master as well09:19
tristanWSalmon, I'm very curious how it could have possibly passed CI with `reason = "foo"` instead of `reason="foo"`, it would seem that is the first time we have a keyword argument specified with spaces09:20
WSalmontristan, well we already merged version 1 of this in to master so i was gona wait for you to be happy with this and then update !628 to match what we come up with in !621 Its not how it should be done but i thought i was following your lead09:21
WSalmonsee !58009:22
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WSalmonRE: linting oh yes my bad, will fix09:23
WSalmonalso like you said about the CI how odd09:23
tristanWSalmon, ok, so to expedite this, please fix that final comment (regarding coding style), apply that to bst-1.2, and make sure to port the changes back to master09:23
tristanWSalmon, don't wait for review to apply the changes to master09:24
tristanMaybe pylint/pep8 doesnt lint for kwargs like that, although they do get very picky about variable assignments requiring one space on either side, and no spaces after commas in literal lists09:25
tristanso it is surprising :-S09:25
* tristan would prefer a single space after every comma in a literal list, but whatever, consistency is key :)09:25
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (willsalmon/580-backport->bst-1.2: Add warning to git track if track and ref are not present) #621 changed state ("opened"):
WSalmontristan, ^09:31
tristanWSalmon, yup, please go ahead and pull the trigger on these :)09:33
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #385 ("Should notify when build fails") changed state ("opened")
tpollardDoes anyone have time to get this approve please?
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jjardon/doc_releases->master: Add section about current releases) #661 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jjardon/doc_releases->master: Add section about current releases) #661 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jjardon/license->master: docs: Add license: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License) #336 changed state ("opened"):
tiagogomesErm. Provenence for project.conf shows the wrong file: Error loading project: /home/tiagogomes/repos/buildstream/buildstream/data/projectconfig.yaml [line 8 column 0]: Dictionary did not contain expected key 'name'09:42
tristanjmac, do you remember the issue number or title that tiagogomes is talking about ^^^^^ ?09:43
tiagogomesCould this be a regression of the junctions work or it as always like this09:43
tristanAs I recall, this happens whenever we expect something that is not found anywhere09:44
tristanOr similar09:44
jmacActually I'm not sure I'm familiar with this one. I was thinking of the yaml integer conversion issue, but it's not that09:44
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jjardon/license->master: docs: Add license: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License) #336 changed state ("opened"):
tristanjmac, ok, I was pretty sure you raised the issue initially09:44
tristanI might be misremembering09:45
jmacLooking now09:45
jmacAha, yes09:45
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jjardon/license->master: docs: Add license: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License) #336 changed state ("opened"):
jmacI'm not familiar with the actual fix unfortunately09:46
tristanAh, closed !09:49
tristantiagogomes, valentind ... want to please talk about issue 253 and reopen if necessary ?09:50
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (willsalmon/APIFix->master: Updating the no track or ref fix to match the buildstream style) #628 changed state ("opened"):
* tristan has to flee the scene of the crime...09:50
tiagogomesI think it is a bit different. It is better to open a new one09:52
valentindtristan, was there a new report?09:52
tristanjuergbi, can we close ?09:52
tristanlooks like that issue just failed to be closed09:52
valentindtiagogomes, How do you reproduce the problem?09:53
tiagogomesvalentind just required 'name' key from a project.conf09:54
tristanI seem to recall thinking that we were going to need to enhance the low level yaml APIs to fix this09:54
tristanAnd I think that valentind's patch only handles unresolved variables09:55
valentindWell, in this case yes. I think it is different.09:55
tristanI see09:55
valentindWell, when something is missing, where is it missing from.09:55
tristanI am under the impression that it is the same issue, and that valentind only fixed a surface wound that was related09:55
tristanvalentind, Exactly... the "where is it missing from" gives rise to the idea that _yaml doesnt have enough context to work that out09:56
tristanwhich is why I seem to recall thinking that this couldnt be fixed without adding some additional context to the _yaml codepaths09:56
tristanbut memory is foggy at this point; I do recall the unresolved variables being fixed09:57
valentindtristan, if you wanted to fix it generally, then we would need swap some provenance after composition.09:57
tristanvalentind, maybe that would work09:57
tristanvalentind, but that seems destructive09:57
valentindWell, for variables it was a different case.09:57
tristan_yaml composition needs to preserve the location from whence everything was loaded, that is the point of provenance09:58
tristanOk looking at the issue, I think I know what happened09:59
tristanjmac, filed the issue; and I thought it was the issue that tiagogomes is reporting now09:59
tristanvalentind, found out that jmac's issue was addressable at the variable level09:59
valentindNow I remember. This was really a bug in We were showing the provenance where we were looking for the variable rather than showing the provenance of where the missing variable was used.10:00
tristanthis did not make the issue tiagogomes is reporting go away, but the issue did get closed10:00
tristanAlright, whatever... tiagogomes please open a new issue and mark it related to 253 so that some of the conversation there is close at hand10:01
* tristan has to go meet people for dinner10:01
tiagogomesThe old issue mentions "undefined variables". So what I am reporting seems like a new issue, but possibly related to 25310:01
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #242 ("Allow building as non-root inside the sandbox") changed state ("closed")
tristanYup, there is a little box after you file an issue with a "+" sign, lets you add related issues :)10:02
tiagogomesI'll do it after some coffee :)10:02
tristanyeah hehe10:02
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (Qinusty/531-fetch-retries-on-terminate->master: WIP: Prevent jobs retrying on terminate) #662 changed state ("opened"):
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tlsahow can I tell why buildstream is not getting stuff from the cache server?10:21
jmactlsa: Did you get a warning line near the start of your build saying it couldn't contact the cache server?10:25
tlsa[00:00:00][][] SUCCESS Initializing remote caches10:26
jmacOK, good start. Is it possible the cache doesn't contain anything?10:27
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #591 ("Missing required key on project.conf causes wrong provenance file name on error message") changed state ("opened")
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (willsalmon/580-backport->bst-1.2: Add warning to git track if track and ref are not present) #621 changed state ("merged"):
jmacI'm not familiar with that server unfortunately10:28
tlsaneither am I :)  It seems to be what freedesktop-sdk uses10:28
jmactlsa: Is your project set up to push artifacts to the cache?10:29
tlsaI don't know how to tell10:29
jmacTypically, you would have "artifacts:<cr>  push: true" in your project.conf if set up to push10:30
finnadds68 ^^10:30
jmacAnd also a client certificate/key pair10:30
tlsano, I don't have that10:30
jmacRight, not a problem, it's just that if you did push then the cache would definitely not be empty10:31
tlsamy project isn't freedesktop sdk, but its intended to piggyback off the freedesktop-sdk artifacts10:31
valentindNice try tlsa!10:31
jmacSo the best suggestion I can offer at the moment is to contact whoever set up testcache and ask them to manually look for the artifacts you're trying to retrieve10:32
valentindtlsa, is there any relation to freedesktop-sdk though?10:32
finnYou could always set up your own artifact server10:33
valentindYes, I would recommend that. It is not that difficult.10:33
valentindMe, adds68 and jjardon can add client certificates for the push. But we do not even do that ourselves. It is only the CI that pushes.10:34
finntlsa, depending on your needs, I was tempted to write an artifact server this afternoon10:34
finnit would rely on non-encrypted calls10:34
finnso no certs10:34
adds68tlsa, the cache will only pull for elements that match exactly, so if you are using freedesktop-sdk it should pull that from out cache, also providing that you are using the same version of bst as us, as currently the cache keys unstable10:34
tlsaI am using 1.1.6 of bst10:35
adds68tlsa, to pull from our cache server you also do not require any certs, as we are verified by Lets Encrypt10:35
tlsaand this .bst  file:
adds68tlsa, that should work correctly, it is my understanding that junctions will still use the cache10:37
adds68tlsa, do you have "artifacts" configured in your project.conf ?10:38
tlsahmm, unfortunatly it wants to build everything locally.  Currently its on bootstrap-junction.bst:gcc-stage1.bst10:38
jjardonadds68: yes, we have10:39
jjardonAnd the logs shows it connects successfully to the cache server10:39
tlsa[00:00:00][90c0b9b4][ pull:bootstrap-junction.bst:gcc-stage1.bst] SUCCESS freedesktop-sdk-bootstrap/gcc-stage1/90c0b9b4-pull.27280.log10:41
tlsait says it pulled it, but now its building it10:42
valentindtlsa what version of bst do you use?10:43
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (willsalmon/APIFix->master: Updating the no track or ref fix to match the buildstream style) #628 changed state ("merged"):
tiagogomestlsa valentind the cascache doesn't know if an artifact is cached in the sever or not. So failing to pull (because the artifact did not exist, is treated as success)10:52
tiagogomesThough, it probably should shown as skipped if the number of bytes downloaded was 010:53
valentindI just wondered if there were different keys used.10:54
valentindtlsa, what architecture are you using?10:54
jjardontiagogomes: that would help immensely debugging problems with the artifact server10:55
tlsavalentind: aarch6410:55
valentindtlsa, an you are not building with qemu?10:56
tlsavalentind: buildstream running natively on an aarch64 system, building for an aarch64 target10:56
valentindJust asking, because if you do not set the bootstrap architecture, then it might not take the right one, and have differences with the cache.10:57
tlsahow do I set the bootstrap arch?10:58
tlsai ran with `bst -o target_arch aarch64 build linux.bst`, but that -o may be redundant10:58
valentindtlsa, the option is bootstrap_build_arch10:59
valentindSo you would have to set that in the junction.11:00
tlsawhat do you mean by set it in the junction?11:01
tlsaoh, in my freedesktop-sdk.bst, under config: options: ?11:02
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (Qinusty/531-fetch-retries-on-terminate->master: WIP: Prevent jobs retrying on terminate) #662 changed state ("opened"):
tlsanah, that hasn't helped11:05
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #592 ("Allow testing of interactivate code paths within BuildStream") changed state ("opened")
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (Qinusty/531-fetch-retries-on-terminate->master: Prevent jobs retrying on terminate) #662 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #471 ("Missing track parameter in sources should raise appropriate error") changed state ("closed")
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tpollard/483->master: plugins/ Warn if ref is not in given track) #564 changed state ("opened"):
tlsaupdate: with same .bst files, and same config, but using buildstream 1.1.5 it is downloading and using artifacts from freedesktop-sdk12:13
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adds68tlsa, so it was the cache keys! :D12:44
valentindDid not we update to 1.1.6?12:44
tlsaapparently freedesktop-sdk has been updated to 1.1.6, so it's a mystery why it didn't work with 1.1.612:45
coldtomi don't think the pipeline got past i58612:47
coldtomyeah, there was an ostree error in the i586 pipeline, so it never reached aarch64 on the 18.08 branch12:50
coldtomis it possible to mount a disk image in the build sandbox?12:51
jjardoncoldtom: thats for the flatpak runtimes, no the bst cache12:51
jjardoncoldtom: the build with 1.1.6 got build in all the arches:
valentindDo not the branches push to artifacts?12:55
tiagogomesCan someone explain to me why 'sources' is allowed on the top level of project.conf even if it not in the list passed to node_validate12:57
valentindtiagogomes, it is extracted and removed before validation I think.12:58
valentindWhat I remember.12:58
tiagogomesaah why is it extracted?12:59
valentindNo idea.12:59
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valentindYou will have to look at the logs.13:00
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coldtomis there a way i can mount a disk image in the sandbox?13:14
qinustyCan I get a review on
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jmacqinusty: Sure, I'll do it13:16
jmacLooks pretty simple13:16
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (Qinusty/531-fetch-retries-on-terminate->master: Prevent jobs retrying on terminate) #662 changed state ("opened"):
qinustyYeah, I've opened a separate issue for the test for it since we don't really have the framework for testing interactive parts of buildstream in place yet13:16
jmacqinusty: Yes, I'm happy with that - rebase it and merge it13:17
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (Qinusty/531-fetch-retries-on-terminate->master: Prevent jobs retrying on terminate) #662 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #593 ("Error after apparently successful build") changed state ("opened")
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #531 ("Fetch jobs resume despite "terminate" option on CTRL-C") changed state ("closed")
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (Qinusty/531-fetch-retries-on-terminate->master: Prevent jobs retrying on terminate) #662 changed state ("merged"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tiagogomes/issue-287->master: Add validation of configuration variables) #678 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (jonathan/cache-cache-size->master: Jonathan/cache cache size) #679 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #593 ("Error after apparently successful build") changed state ("closed")
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tpollard/591->master: buildstream/ Report if project.conf is missing name) #680 changed state ("opened"):
tpollardtiagogomes: I've sent an MR to 'fix' #591 that you raised today, hopefully it's ok15:48
tiagogomestpollard awesome! I wasn't working on it but next time assign first the issue to yourself so we don't end up doing the same work :)15:50
tpollardtiagogomes: ouch, yeh sorry15:51
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tpollard/483->master: plugins/ Warn if ref is not in given track) #564 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (Qinusty/message-helpers->master: Continued work on improving BuildStream messaging API) #670 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tpollard/591->master: buildstream/ Report if project.conf is missing name) #680 changed state ("opened"):
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jmacRight, I think remote execution is done sufficiently for a review. Gitlab appears to be down at the moment, so I'll push it later in the weekend.17:02
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tpollard/591->master: WIP: buildstream/ Report if project.conf is missing name) #680 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (tpollard/591->master: WIP: buildstream/ Report if project.conf is missing name) #680 changed state ("opened"):
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