IRC logs for #buildstream for Tuesday, 2018-05-29

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finnHey, for the RWAPI & REAPI implementations, I'm thinking of going for BuildGrid unless anyone manages to persuade me otherwise by the end of the day08:24
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toscalixagenda for this afternoon's meeting sent09:52
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (chandan/add-argument-bst-pushreceive->master: _artifactcache/ Add Click type for CLI argument 'repo') #476 changed state ("opened"):
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tlaterfinn: The name for our buildfarm implementation might be a thing to quickly raise during the 3 pm meeting :)11:25
* tlater does suggest going with "BuildGrid" by default, and asking for objection rather than suggestion11:26
finnssander already agreed on BuildGrid11:26
finnBut you can still raise it briefly if you want :)11:26
tlaterHeh, just announce the new buildstream project then ;)11:27
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toscalixtlater: hot topic section11:31
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (juerg/googlecas->master: Remote Execution CAS-based artifact cache) #337 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #409 ("bst-artifact-receive: CLI should not throw stacktrackes when repo argument is invalid") changed state ("opened")
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (chandan/add-argument-bst-pushreceive->master: _artifactcache/ Add Click type for CLI argument 'repo') #476 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (chandan/add-argument-bst-pushreceive->master: _artifactcache/ Add Click type for CLI argument 'repo') #476 changed state ("opened"):
finnconfig files for the bots (which tell them how many devices they have etc.) - this ok in YAML format?12:12
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tlaterfinn: How will the bots be configured?12:14
tlateris this a cluster thing where you'll need to configure many at the same time?12:15
finnSo at the moment a bot will register with the server, telling the server what resources it has. The server then registers this bot. I don't think the API specifies how bots are to be configured12:16
* tlater may know too little about the actual process, but doesn't think configuring each bot with a yaml file individually scales12:18
finnHow else would the bot know what devices it has?12:18
finnI'd thought providing a default config to each bot would be sensible, the default can be changes or added to12:19
tlaterYeah, I'm fairly sure I just don't know what the bots need to know in enough detail :)12:19
tlaterIt would be nice if the server could just tell them how to act, though.12:19
finnA worker is a machine, physical or virtual. It could be a self-contained computer or it could include devices such as printers or phones. Workers run a bot which communicates with a central service to request work. It makes more sense to me, to have a configuration file per worker.12:24
finnThey'll have to run a "bot" anyway12:24
tlaterWell, assuming we need configuration files for all bots, I think yaml makes the most sense since that's the general buildstream config format12:26
tlaterUnless the server implementation uses something else?12:26
finnWhat do you mean by the server implementation using something else?12:30
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cs_shadowThis CI failure - - seems unrelated to the change. Any ideas why it might be caused before I hit rebuild?12:32
finnThe API just states: "In the REAPI, the worker message is used to describe the requirements, whereas in RWAPI, it is used to describe the capabilities" - the capabilities are probably better described per bot which are loaded into the bot client before it registers with the server12:35
tlaterfinn: Does the server have to be configured?12:41
tlatercs_shadow: jmac recently ran into this as well, iirc12:42
tlaterWe think it's a rare issue caused by leftover state from previous test cases12:42
finntlater, no, apart from the obvious things like what address to make calls on12:43
tlaterIt would be nice if someone could figure out why it happens in detail, but it's probably very hard to debug12:43
tlaterfinn: So it won't need a configuration file at all?12:43
tlaterIn that case, yaml seems fine12:43
finnThe server? Probably not, though I haven't thought about how you'd expose the ports etc12:44
tlaterAs long as they use the same format it's fine :)12:44
cs_shadowtlater: I guessed so. I'll hit the rebuild on this one and will keep an eye out for it in future12:47
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (135-expire-artifacts-in-local-cache->master: WIP: Resolve "Expire artifacts in local cache") #347 changed state ("opened"):
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (caching_build_trees->master: WIP: Caching buildtrees) #474 changed state ("opened"):
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: merge request (caching_build_trees->master: WIP: Caching buildtrees) #474 changed state ("opened"):
Nexusregarding "Source code available in environment in order to debug.13:30
Nexuswhat is the background for this task, is there more to it than just maknig the sourcecode accessable in a workspace?13:31
Nexuse.g. in what scenario should it be available? All the time, when a flag is active, when a flag isn't active, on a failed build? etc13:31
tlaterNexus: If you're in a `bst shell`, and you're trying to run, for example, gdb, you need the source code to actually debug13:32
* tlater thinks the relevant element being workspaced is probably what should enable this.13:32
tlaterYou do raise an interesting note with the failed build in this case13:34
tlaterThough I guess it doesn't matter much if opening the workspace automatically stages the source next to the artifact without a rebuild13:34
* tlater isn't sure whether that happens13:35
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Nexustlater: is this assuming that the build for that element failed of suceeded?13:57
tlaterNo, we want sources in either case, a successful build may still be buggy13:58
tlaterAnd a failed build may still have working binaries13:58
laurencenb all - monthly meeting has started over in #buildstream-meetings14:01
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toscalixjuergbi: it seems a bug we thought it was closed might have showed up again. It is
toscalixI would appreciate if you take a look anytime soon at least to say of we are talking about the same issue or a different one16:11
toscalixmay I assign it to you so you remember which one is it?16:11
toscalixdone, thanks16:13
tlaterI'm trying to write a plugin that only stages direct dependencies of an element16:17
tlaterLooking at stage_dependency_artifacts, it seems to unconditionally use dependencies with recurse=True16:18
tlaterSince I'm using a plugin I can't change that - is there any way around this? Reimplementing stage_dependency_artifacts isn't an option since it carries a fair bit of functionality.16:19
juergbitlater: i.e., stage_artifact would be too low level for you?16:24
juergbiisn't the main part of stage_dependency_artifacts about overlap etc. handling which doesn't make sense if you don't include dependencies?16:25
tlaterOh, yeah, that is a point16:25
juergbiI probably need more context for a better answer16:25
juergbibtw: also see Filter element16:26
tlaterTa, haven't had a look at that yet at all16:26
tlaterjuergbi: The problem is mostly that I'd like to have a pipeline with a base platform that isn't part of `bst checkout`, but can be used for `bst shell`16:30
* tlater has run into this a few times and doesn't seem to find a way around this16:31
gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #405 ("bst is still pushing artifacts it just have pulled") changed state ("closed")
cs_shadow@tlater maybe one solution could be to add a `--deps [all,none]` option to `bst checkout`. That way when you only want to checkout the output of the given element(s), you would run with `--deps none`16:33
cs_shadowadmittedly, this isn't very tidy16:34
tlaterIt also only works until runtime dependencies become part of what I'd like to deploy16:34
tlaterNot that deployment is buildstream's problem, but preparing an artifact ready to deploy should probably be16:35
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* tlater wonders if making platforms a special thing would make buildstream neater overall 16:41
tlaterWe could then also warn if there was no base platform and suchlike16:41
cs_shadowalthough I haven't come across such a project before but I imagine it's possible to have a project without any base platform, where you basically just copy stuff around until you have something that resembles a base platform17:00
tlatercs_shadow: Would that something then not amount to the "base platform"?17:01
* tlater agrees that buildstream's flexibility here is very nice, but finds that it's a bit in the way sometimes 17:01
cs_shadowtlater: Maybe but everything that it depends on will not have a platform17:01
cs_shadowi agree that for most practical use cases, treating the platform in a more special may result in a nicer DX17:03
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #405 ("bst is still pushing artifacts it just have pulled") changed state ("opened")
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gitlab-br-botbuildstream: issue #410 ("Dog-Fooding: Build BuildStream with BuildStream") changed state ("opened")
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