IRC logs for #buildstream for Sunday, 2017-05-14

*** brlogger has joined #buildstream01:40
*** gitlab-bst has joined #buildstream01:41
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*** tristan has joined #buildstream08:12
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tristanThanks foot !08:13
ironfootYou need to tell me what kind of notifications you want. I didn't modify a lot the example configuration file09:24
tristanironfoot, it should mostly be in the gitlab config, we should have commit notifications, issue status notifications and merge request status notifications09:25
tristanThose are the only ones supported by the bot09:25
tristanBut other bots out there (mostly in ruby), only support the commit notifications09:26
tristanIt's a pretty shitty bot to be honest, but much better than nothing :)09:26
tristanCould at least do pretty colors :)09:26
tristanthere is an open request for this to be built-in for gitlab09:27
tristanmarked with tags like 'patches welcome'09:27
gitlab-bstpush on buildstream@master (by Tristan Van Berkom): 4 commits (last: cmake build element: Added cmake libdir definition to defaults)
* tristan pets gitlab-bst 11:28
tristangitlab-bst, you should have told me about the closing of issue 25... but that's alright :)11:30
tristanironfoot, when I find time, I may add some additional features to that bot... some things which would be nice would be to have it also respond to messages in the channel, say telling me the url and title of a given issue or MR when it's mentioned :)11:31
tristananyway, I think we can get the MR and issue status change notifications for free, that's already implemented11:32
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jjardon[m]Oh, nice; Not sure how this bot has been implemented, but the IRC bot integration can be done with irker as well:
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