IRC logs for #automotive for Tuesday, 2020-01-14

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LiXiaomingdl9pf:  can not find pi 4 image in  anything wrong ?03:52
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dl9pfNo. But will add it.15:05
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walzertHello could someone give me a hint for the converting of canoe xml to json? In the pastbin I have some content of my mapping as example and the part of my canoe xml . I used following command "python3 -m openxc.utils Powertrain.xml mapping.json signals.json" .15:58
walzertIf I'm not using  -m openxc.utils I got the error "    from .structures import Signal, Message" so openxc seems to be installed in the right way16:03
smurraywalzert: I'd recommend posting to the mailing list, the couple of guys who I believe would know the answer to that are on it16:09
walzert@smurray: thank you16:09
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JPK61hi, i'm working on my html5 app and want to create my own can messages. however, i don't really understand the instructions. i see it like this: you define your own messages in the signals.xml and convert them together with the mapping.json into a signal.json. from the signal.json i generate the application-generated.cpp and with this the new23:07
JPK61agl-service-can-low-level.wgt. is that correct? but where do i get the mapping.json from?23:07
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