IRC logs for #automotive for Wednesday, 2018-11-07

*** alicef has joined #automotive01:04
mranostaywaltminer: can we still ask what everyone's favorite oil brand is though? :)01:06
waltminerI guess os01:09
waltminerI like Yamalube for my motorcycles. Full synthethic01:10
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*** mturquette has joined #automotive03:28
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waltminerit isn't bad enough that I am up at nearly midnight for this midnight, but I have to stare at a video of smurray and mranostay to make it even worse04:20
mranostayHey now that isn’t nice :)04:21
*** iivanov has joined #automotive05:19
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*** Net147 has joined #automotive05:44
*** AlisonChaiken has joined #automotive05:45
*** fredw has joined #automotive06:29
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*** webreformer has quit IRC07:16
*** buspirate has joined #automotive07:23
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*** leon-anavi has joined #automotive08:01
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waltminermorning leon-anavi12:35
leon-anavihey :)12:36
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*** psnsilva has joined #automotive13:31
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*** RStanley has joined #automotive14:01
RStanleyHello, good morning14:01
waltminergood morning14:03
waltminerhaving problems with gotomeeting getting app fw EG call started.14:03
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*** wildlander has joined #automotive17:55
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