IRC logs for #automotive for Tuesday, 2018-11-06

*** wildlander has quit IRC00:20
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*** jobol has joined #automotive08:48
*** [AD]Turbo has joined #automotive08:53
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*** toscalix has joined #automotive09:02
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*** dravine has joined #automotive14:11
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*** RStanley has joined #automotive15:24
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*** jobol has quit IRC15:57
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RStanleyHello, can someone help me understand how to use AGL's afb logging macros?16:19
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toscalixwaltminer: did you see the mail about the logger? It is back16:45
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waltminertoscalix yes I did. I will change the topic18:49
waltminerRStanley ping jobol next time he is on or Sebastien18:52
waltminerDid you check the doc site?18:52
RStanleySure, thanks - I'm looking to enable more verbose output, looks like AFB_ERROR is the only one that shows in journal. Do you know if this is enable via system.conf?18:54
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*** waltminer changes topic to "" Welcome! Discussion about open source software for vehicles. No help for mechanical issues should be accepted from anyone on this channel. IRC logs at""21:59
*** waltminer changes topic to "Welcome! Discussion about open source software for vehicles. No help for mechanical issues should be accepted from anyone on this channel. IRC logs at"21:59
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