IRC logs for #automotive for Tuesday, 2018-01-09

*** leon-anavi has quit IRC00:00
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*** Mcavendish has joined #automotive00:59
*** mdurnev has joined #automotive01:09
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*** martinkelly has joined #automotive01:26
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*** amine_ahd has quit IRC03:02
*** amine_ahd has joined #automotive03:03
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*** Mcavendish has quit IRC04:05
*** kooltux__ has joined #automotive04:51
*** rajm has joined #automotive07:33
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*** erbo has joined #automotive07:53
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*** rajm has joined #automotive08:02
*** Figure has joined #automotive08:04
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*** [AD]Turbo has joined #automotive08:41
[AD]Turbohi there08:42
*** leon has joined #automotive09:02
*** leon is now known as leon-anavi09:02
*** toscalix has joined #automotive09:09
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*** rdale has joined #automotive10:03
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*** thaytan_ is now known as thaytan10:46
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*** fredw has joined #automotive13:07
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*** [AD]Turbo has quit IRC16:30
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*** kooltux__ has quit IRC17:22
*** leon-anavi has quit IRC17:35
*** AlisonChaiken has joined #automotive17:44
*** martinkelly has joined #automotive17:59
*** toscalix has quit IRC18:19
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*** iivanov has joined #automotive18:51
*** jlrmagnus has joined #automotive19:00
*** RzR has quit IRC19:00
*** RzR has joined #automotive19:01
*** RzR has quit IRC19:20
*** RzR has joined #automotive19:34
*** RzR has quit IRC19:35
*** RzR has joined #automotive22:05
RzRHi and hacky new year22:06
RzRany cool stuff from ces to share ?22:07
*** iivanov has quit IRC22:07
mranostayRzR: probably lots of rain22:18
mdpdefinitely lots of rain23:47
RzRso we should go to #boats ;)23:56

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