IRC logs for #automotive for Monday, 2018-01-08

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*** Mcavendish has joined #automotive02:08
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*** rajm has joined #automotive08:18
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*** leon is now known as leon-anavi08:33
*** [AD]Turbo has joined #automotive08:42
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CTtpollardmorning leon-anavi :)10:11
CTtpollardfosdem soon!10:11
*** jacobo has joined #automotive10:15
leon-anavireally soon :)10:44
*** crised has joined #automotive10:49
crisedDo you guys change the oil filter in every oil change?10:49
leon-anavihi crised welcome to the channel. It is dedicated to the software development of GNU/Linux distributions for the automotive industry such as Automotive Grade Linux (AGL) and GENIVI Development Platform (GDP).10:56
crisedleon-anavi: Thanks, and it's great to know about such products10:57
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mdpleon-anavi: couldn't it be for Android distros too? :P12:47
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leon-anavino, no, no :)13:20
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mranostaycan we talk which brand of oil we use? :)15:17
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mranostayleon-anavi: what is the vegan choice of motor oil btw? :)15:40
leon-anaviI am not authorize to answer (primary because I am not a vegan) :)15:41
mranostayleon-anavi: i mean oil is an animal product... just millions of  years old fossils :)15:42
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* leon-anavi ignores mranostay :)15:50
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*** crised has quit IRC23:35
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