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leon-anavi | morning | 06:57 |
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[AD]Turbo | hi there | 07:39 |
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Tartarus | dl9pf: Is there a 4.0.0 build, or post 3.99.3 build? | 14:58 |
Tartarus | I'm doing a clean master now | 14:59 |
dl9pf | Tartarus: it is just in the last stages in jenkins | 15:02 |
Tartarus | dl9pf: OK, we'll see if that, or mine, finishes first :) | 15:02 |
Tartarus | SPEC-776 is being extra funny | 15:02 |
dl9pf | could be missing driver for pointing device or missing option in weston.ini (we usually have pointer off as we use touchscreen) | 15:04 |
Tartarus | dl9pf: Oh, it's much more fun than that :) | 15:13 |
Tartarus | Lemme finish confirming what I got yesterday first tho | 15:13 |
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dl9pf | heh | 15:14 |
dl9pf | you make me curious now | 15:14 |
Tartarus | dl9pf: Well, in the likely event your build finishes before mine, throw the vmdk up into your vbox setup | 15:27 |
Tartarus | I really want to know what you see | 15:27 |
dl9pf | https://download.automotivelinux.org/AGL/upload/ci/dab/4.0.0/qemux86-64/qemux86-64/ | 15:28 |
dl9pf | Tartarus: https://transfer.sh/AnAwI/AGL-4.0.0.vbox | 15:37 |
dl9pf | grub -> splash -> black screen with non-blinking cursor | 15:37 |
dl9pf | rename the file to webm | 15:38 |
dl9pf | https://transfer.sh/vOTDn/AGL-4.0.0.webm | 15:38 |
Tartarus | interesting | 15:39 |
Tartarus | downloaded myself now too, shoving at my test setup | 15:39 |
jobol | good week-end | 15:40 |
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Tartarus | dl9pf: Welp, another datapoint on my what the heck list | 15:46 |
dl9pf | lol | 15:46 |
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CTtpollard | gunnarx: enjoying the manchester weather yet? | 16:45 |
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gunnarx | I'm inside atm but otherwise, yes :) Walked 200m at lunch, and got wet of course | 16:47 |
CTtpollard | gunnarx: don't walk too far or else you'll end up in my house | 16:49 |
gunnarx | oh dear | 16:57 |
gunnarx | I live somewhere with a lot of Chinese restaurants | 16:58 |
gunnarx | looks like an interesting city so far | 16:58 |
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khilman | for anyone interested in renesas m3ulcb boot failures, CI has been booting to a login prompt, hangs after login attempt. Looking for ideas of what may be going on. | 19:25 |
khilman | https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/1ug0AUv5/ | 19:26 |
khilman | full boot log also available here: https://build.automotivelinux.org/job/ci-platform-meta-agl-verify-CIBT-m3ulcb-nogfx/125/console | 19:26 |
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dl9pf | Tartarus: clean build: scrambled screen | 20:45 |
Tartarus | dl9pf: interesting... | 20:46 |
Tartarus | What's your build env? | 20:46 |
dl9pf | that build box is | 20:47 |
dl9pf | cat /etc/debian_version | 20:47 |
dl9pf | 8.9 | 20:47 |
Tartarus | Is that a pre-release stretch? | 20:48 |
JEEB | it's the latest debian 8 | 20:50 |
Tartarus | ah, k | 20:50 |
Tartarus | my chroot is only 8.6, updating | 20:51 |
dl9pf | latest jessie | 20:51 |
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dl9pf | but I can do another on an opensuse 42.2 fwiw | 20:54 |
Tartarus | Well, I did: repo init -b dab -u https://gerrit.automotivelinux.org/gerrit/AGL/AGL-repo | 20:55 |
Tartarus | and then: source meta-agl/scripts/aglsetup.sh -f -m qemux86-64 agl-demo agl-devel agl-netboot | 20:55 |
Tartarus | And bitbake agl-demo-platform, and my image is OK | 20:55 |
Tartarus | lemme see if I can put it somewhere for you tho | 20:55 |
dl9pf | Tartarus: for 'exactly 4.0.0' use: "repo init -b dab -m dab_4.0.0.xml -u https://gerrit.automotivelinux.org/gerrit/AGL/AGL-repo" | 20:57 |
dl9pf | but it should be the same as you have right now | 20:57 |
dl9pf | yes, cmdline is the same | 20:57 |
dl9pf | difference: i build -crosssdk | 20:58 |
Tartarus | ok, kicking that off now | 21:00 |
Tartarus | ah, hmm, ok, trying transfer.sh :) | 21:01 |
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