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leon-anavi | morning | 05:59 |
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[AD]Turbo | ciao all | 07:43 |
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zeenix | Hi | 08:59 |
zeenix | anyone going to guadec in manchester by any chance? | 08:59 |
leon-anavi | hi zeenix how are you? | 09:00 |
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zeenix | leon-anavi: yo yo! I just came back from vacation in Canada with family. | 09:01 |
zeenix | leon-anavi: it was nice but i caught a cold on the way back so been recovering mostly | 09:01 |
leon-anavi | hope you had a great time and hope you will recover soon | 09:03 |
CTtpollard | zeenix: most of Codethink :P | 09:15 |
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leon-anavi | CTtpollard, this is the advantage of having a conference in your town ;) | 09:37 |
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zeenix | leon-anavi: thanks | 10:06 |
zeenix | CTtpollard: would be awesome to meet you all. I hope Rob Taylor also joins | 10:07 |
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gunnarx | Remind me, the GUADEC conference is not yet taken over by The Borg Foundation right? | 11:23 |
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leon-anavi | is the agl weekly call on today? | 12:21 |
fury | the borg foundation? :D can I opt to be assimilated? | 12:23 |
fury | or is resistance futile? | 12:23 |
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leon-anavi | agl weekly call is on and it has just started :) | 13:01 |
gunnarx | it's too late for you fury, haha | 13:03 |
gunnarx | you won't know it until it's too late. Just look at people around you... zombies :) | 13:04 |
CTtpollard | brains | 13:05 |
gunnarx | seriously supporting the independent meetups and conferences is really important for FOSS/Linux diversity, imho | 13:05 |
gunnarx | ...and I'll be in manchester, hacking on flatpak probably | 13:06 |
* CTtpollard nods | 13:07 | |
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gattler | Hi all | 13:54 |
leon-anavi | hi gattler | 13:57 |
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zeenix | gunnarx: did you manage to get flatpak apps working on GDP? | 14:17 |
gattler | Is anyone around here aware of open-source code to implement shared gpu in a virtualized setup? | 14:21 |
gattler | I've seen some work in the xen embedded group, but I find it hard to find some actual code | 14:22 |
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gunnarx | zeenix, sorry back-to-back meetings (and still). | 15:47 |
gunnarx | Basically some analysis so far, oscar has the main ticket on defining flatpak sub-tickets. Although I have a fair idea what I want to do and how... There's quite some vacations now but I'm sure we'll make progress in the sprints that follow | 15:49 |
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zeenix | gunnarx: cool | 15:50 |
CTtpollard | I will probably be at Guadec on the friday | 15:51 |
CTtpollard | it's less than 1km from my house, I don't really have an excuse | 15:51 |
zeenix | gunnarx: let me also remind Krisztian about the task of making meta-flatpak more generic | 15:52 |
gunnarx | ok, what's the "problem" with it now? | 15:53 |
zeenix | gunnarx: I don't know/remember the specifics but Krisztian said it's kinda specific to their own IoT yocto project | 15:56 |
zeenix | also I didn't manage to build it with actual apps support | 15:56 |
gunnarx | I wouldn't worry a lot about it. We'll start with bwrap and go from there. I'm not yet sure how far we'll reuse the flatpak application standard. | 15:58 |
zeenix | hmm.. turns out Intel decided to merge the meta-flatpak into https://github.com/intel/intel-iot-refkit | 15:58 |
gunnarx | Yes, it's part of some yocto test suite looks like | 15:58 |
gunnarx | odd choice... but maybe I misunderstood some meails | 15:59 |
gunnarx | emails | 15:59 |
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kazumasa | Hi | 16:39 |
CTtpollard | hi kazumasa | 16:41 |
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kazumasa | AGL F2F meeting on video available now? | 16:44 |
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kazumasa | \quit | 17:08 |
mranostay | use the other slash :) | 17:08 |
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hitendra | Hi all, I want to build the AGL image with certain kernel configuration options set e.g. CONFIG_OF_OVERLAY=y what is the best way to do it? Is it by updating the /xdt/build/m3ulcb/tmp/work/m3ulcb-agl-linux/linux-renesas/4.9.0+gitAUTOINC+098ccf1c9b-r1/linux-m3ulcb-standard-build/.config file? | 17:09 |
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hitendra | or should i be updating meta-rcar/meta-rcar-gen3/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-renesas/m3ulcb/defconfig? | 17:14 |
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jobol | mranostay, that's fast! thanks | 17:21 |
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mranostay | heh just random chance | 17:22 |
fury | hitendra: probably another config fragment similar to how the extra USB devices are configured (did you ever get it to recognize that wifi dongle, btw?) | 17:23 |
hitendra | Nope, working with wired connection for now :) | 17:25 |
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fury | sheeit. I don't have that dongle or that board, otherwise I'd try to be of more assistance. But yeah, the config fragment strategy is the way to go, as far as I know, when you want to override a config from the default setting. Pretty sure editing the defconfig would either get overwritten or could potentially block you pulling new changes | 17:29 |
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smurray | hitendra: https://gerrit.automotivelinux.org/gerrit/#/c/10077/ is the change that worked with my dl-722wn | 17:33 |
hitendra | smurray: I have the same, but never worked for me | 17:36 |
smurray | hitendra: that's strange, worked right off when I tested it | 17:36 |
hitendra | I tried couple of times with different settings, none of them worked, i've put it in backlog for now, moving on with the wired connection :) | 17:47 |
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khilman | for anyone familiar with the renesas BSP: any ideas why no shell shows up after root login? | 18:29 |
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khilman | scroll to the end of this full boot log to see the details: https://build.automotivelinux.org/job/ci-platform-meta-agl-verify-CIBT-m3ulcb-nogfx/50/console | 18:29 |
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hitendra | hi all, can I disable SMACK for AGL? what kernel config fragements are needed to disable SMACK? | 21:58 |
hitendra | Hide/remove /xdt/meta/meta-intel-iot-security/meta-security-smack/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-%.bbappend ? | 22:02 |
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