IRC logs for #automotive for Thursday, 2017-06-29

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mranostayfury: afm-util runners01:26
mranostayget the pid and afm-util kill pid01:26
furycool... figured it was some sort of parsing of afm-util ps (runners)...can i parse that from the command line by any chance?01:27
mranostayprobably could write some awk script01:27
furylooks like json01:27
smurraydoesn't it have a stop command? Thought I saw that at one point02:01
furyit does but you have to give it a pid02:02
furyrather than just sending the app id02:02
furyand stop is pause, not kill/terminate02:03
furyi need to get rid of the process entirely before i reinstall the wgt02:03
furynot sure of an automatic way to do that, because installing the wgt doesn't automatically kill the existing version02:03
furywould be nice if it did, but not sure if that causes some unfortunate side effects02:04
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furyafm-util run app_name@0.1 returns the pid of the current running instance of that app02:23
furythat's pretty neat02:23
furyif only i could get that without starting it if it isn't already started02:23
furycause afm-util kill `afm-util start app_name@0.1` might cause things to go wonky02:23
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furygot it02:36
furypgrep -f afb-daemon.*app_name02:36
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hitendraHi does anyone know how to burn the SD card image for m3ulcb from MAC OS?02:40
hitendraI checked the docs, but it refers to commands that work for Linux e.g. create ext4 filesystem02:40
hitendrawhich does not work on Mac OS02:40
mranostayi'd recommend you get a linux VM running if you don't have macports installed :)03:07
furycan i do a dbus-send to tell windowmanager to showAppLayer for a certain pid?03:13
furyroot@raspberrypi3:~# dbus-send --session --print-reply --dest=org.agl.windowmanager /windowmanager org.agl.windowmanager "string:showAppLayer \"10511\""03:13
furyError org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownInterface: No such interface 'org.agl' at object path '/windowmanager'03:13
mranostayno clue03:14
furybasically to replicate what the home screen does03:14
furydunno how to translate that c++ code to a command line call03:14
mranostaydo note there are dbus policies that can bite you03:14
mranostaybut yeah using the cli tool for dbus makes me lose hair too03:17
hitendra@mranostay, thanks! I thought of the same, using VirtualBox to run ubuntu and load the SD card, thanks!03:18
hitendrado you know of any way to disable the homescreen and restore the plain old weston desktop in AGL built from Master branch?03:20
hitendraThe instructions in docs no longer work03:20
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[AD]Turbohi there07:37
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furyhi guys15:48
furyhow's it hangin?15:48
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* mranostay waves to the fury 18:48
mranostayhopefully not a furry18:48
* mranostay is sure which is more odd fury having that clip or they made a Ice Age 418:50
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furyi have qt creator building in XDS and then uploading to remote target, killing existing process, and reinstalling, seems like I got everything except starting the app and debugging18:51
furyi think starting the app would require an interface added in home screen for me to say "hey, start up this app"18:51
furycause i couldn't figure out how to replicate the dbus calls that homescreen makes18:51
furyand homescreen controls its own app launcher vs. app area visibility18:52
furyhehe. i've had that clip on standby for a long time18:53
furydidn't even know about it til about a year or so ago tho18:53
furysomeone pointed it out to me and i was like "this is perfect"18:53
furynot sure if i've ever watched any of the ice ages18:53
furyi think to do it 'right' (or at least more righter than the hackjob i have now) i would probably make a new qt creator plugin for deploying to AGL18:55
furybut that is currently beyond me18:55
furyjust looking at all the files in the remotelinux plugin that's there now for deploying to generic linux devices18:55
mranostayheh i couldn't even vote when the first movie came out :)18:55
* mranostay feels old18:55
furyme either :P18:56
furyarguably i still can't vote, cause i keep not voting for democrat or republican and therefore my vote feels meaningless18:57
furybut i hate politics anyway :P18:58
mranostayheh WA and OR make it too easy to vote so i have no excuse :)18:58
mranostayfury: i just vote to annoy people :)18:59
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mranostayfury: best is to pick some weirdo 3rd party that only exists in your state :)19:04
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furyi'm starting a new party19:04
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mranostaydl9pf: so breaking off the two services into their own repos is the best plan right?19:45
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dl9pfmranostay: -Econtext20:59
mranostaybluetooth and wifi services from the settings application21:00
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dl9pfwifi-service + bluetooth-service ?22:01
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