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warfront1 | is non software related chat welcome? | 01:57 |
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leon-anavi | morning | 07:04 |
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[AD]Turbo | hi there | 07:33 |
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amjad_ | hello | 08:10 |
amjad_ | is AGL ported on beagleboard or there any plans for it ? | 08:11 |
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leon-anavi | amjad_, as far as I know AGL has not been ported to beagleboard yet. | 08:18 |
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amjad_ | ok, could be a good project | 08:23 |
leon-anavi | yes, definitely | 08:24 |
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smurray | leon-anavi: actually, j-s has started the work on BBB support | 08:52 |
smurray | leon-anavi: err, dl9pf that is | 08:52 |
dl9pf | morning | 08:53 |
dl9pf | yes, there's a template for the beaglebone . but I cannot tell if the graphics works out-of-the-box | 08:53 |
dl9pf | might work meanwhile or need some investigation on the bsp side | 08:54 |
leon-anavi | nice | 08:56 |
CTtpollard | BBB yocto bsp hasn't played well with weston with me in the past | 09:14 |
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CTtpollard | maybe for a headless version :) | 09:21 |
dl9pf | CTtpollard: that's an idea, yes. | 09:25 |
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akilaw | hi guys | 10:21 |
akilaw | RzR are you there? | 10:22 |
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akilaw | https://pastebin.com/x9MdVndy | 10:28 |
akilaw | I tested this recipe in gdp | 10:28 |
akilaw | It added zebra-dbg_1.0-r0_core2-64.ipk | 10:29 |
akilaw | and zebra-dev_1.0-r0_core2-64.ipk | 10:29 |
akilaw | inside genivi-dev-platform/gdp-src-build/tmp/deploy/ipk/core2-64 | 10:29 |
akilaw | directory | 10:29 |
CTtpollard | akilaw: all that will do is download the git repo to the build host | 10:29 |
akilaw | ok CTtpollard | 10:29 |
akilaw | zebra-dbg_1.0-r0_core2-64.ipk | 10:30 |
akilaw | and zebra-dev_1.0-r0_core2-64.ipk | 10:30 |
akilaw | inside genivi-dev-platform/gdp-src-build/tmp/deploy/ipk/core2-64 | 10:30 |
akilaw | directory | 10:30 |
akilaw | I want to enable zebra on build targets | 10:31 |
akilaw | As a example on raspberrpi i want to run zebra kit | 10:32 |
CTtpollard | as I said before, I would look at other nodejs/npm packages in yocto to see how they're installed on the target rootfs | 10:32 |
CTtpollard | especially the ability to use inherits | 10:33 |
akilaw | here which RzR suggested https://github.com/TizenTeam/meta-ocf-automotive/blob/sandbox/pcoval/on/master/devel/recipes-devtools/node-rest-client/node-rest-client_2.5.0.bb | 10:34 |
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akilaw | will install the lib on targets? | 10:34 |
RzR | yes | 10:34 |
akilaw | ok RzR | 10:35 |
akilaw | Is this okey SRC_URI = "git://github.com/barmalei/zebkit.git;protocol=git" | 10:35 |
akilaw | without using the npm | 10:35 |
CTtpollard | akilaw: you can see that the recipe inherits npm | 10:35 |
RzR | why dont you use the npm:// ? | 10:36 |
RzR | src_uri | 10:36 |
akilaw | I got a proxy issue | 10:36 |
RzR | protocol=http can help | 10:36 |
akilaw | ok RzR I'll try | 10:36 |
akilaw | RzR where does the path defining happening in that recipe | 10:37 |
akilaw | https://github.com/TizenTeam/meta-ocf-automotive/blob/sandbox/pcoval/on/master/devel/recipes-devtools/node-rest-client/node-rest-client_2.5.0.bb | 10:38 |
RzR | SRC_URI = "npm://registry.npmjs.org;name=node-rest-client;version=${PV}" ? | 10:39 |
RzR | I assume npm:// is http://npm.org alias | 10:39 |
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akilaw | ok RzR i'll build and check it | 10:40 |
RzR | good luck | 10:41 |
CTtpollard | akilaw: your recipe will not build anything for the target | 10:41 |
akilaw | CTtpollard which means? | 10:41 |
akilaw | By using method RzR suggesting can't I build zebra on gdp targets? | 10:42 |
CTtpollard | your recipe is telling bitbake how to download the package source, nothing more | 10:42 |
RzR | you can like any regular linux distro | 10:42 |
akilaw | yeah | 10:43 |
RzR | I epxlained how to crossbuild the yocto way | 10:43 |
akilaw | now I'm trying to do this inside raspberrypi 2 | 10:43 |
akilaw | testing a sample app using zebra | 10:43 |
RzR | this should work too | 10:43 |
RzR | but dont use bitbake in that case | 10:43 |
RzR | just add npm to image | 10:43 |
RzR | and pull it from ssh | 10:44 |
RzR | I mean from target's shell | 10:44 |
akilaw | But I need add it to the gdp RzR | 10:48 |
RzR | then read my hints again ;) | 10:49 |
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akilaw | my gsoc task is adding this html5 js framework to gui in gdp | 10:50 |
akilaw | just like replacement to qt | 10:50 |
RzR | so try to build gdb w/ node-rest client | 10:54 |
RzR | once u have that do it again with your project | 10:55 |
RzR | logic is same | 10:55 |
RzR | or should be same | 10:55 |
akilaw | yeah I have build gdp inside the server | 10:55 |
akilaw | You means logic is the same both zebra and node-rest client | 10:55 |
RzR | yes | 10:55 |
RzR | you cam try with poky and qemu | 10:56 |
akilaw | ok RzR i'll folow it | 10:56 |
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leon-anavi | dl9pf, is it still possible to submit patches to CC 3.0.4? Yesterday I experienced the issue with phone dependency on homescreen on CC. It is fixed in the master branch. | 13:05 |
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akilaw | what is core2-64-poky-linux ? in genivi-dev-platform/gdp-src-build/tmp/work | 15:48 |
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zeenix | akilaw: about to leave but that's a target architecture. All build artifacts specific to that arch will go under there | 16:46 |
akilaw | ok | 16:46 |
zeenix | actually it's the name describing the whole target | 16:46 |
akilaw | If I want to build zebra for raspberrypi | 16:46 |
zeenix | core2 is the CPU, 64 for 64bit, poky is the distribution and linux is the kernel | 16:47 |
akilaw | ok zeenix i got it | 16:47 |
zeenix | akilaw: i'm not where where exactly that will end up cause your packages should be arch independent if they are pure javascript | 16:47 |
akilaw | So i saw when zebra dependencies in that folder | 16:48 |
akilaw | yeah i got your point | 16:48 |
akilaw | pure javascript could run arch independently | 16:48 |
akilaw | I think with the help of RzR I got the way to fix the zebra recipe file | 16:49 |
zeenix | akilaw: i'm pretty sure this is docoumented in yocto manual. I admit that's pretty hard to read through but if you have specific questions and don't get a (good) answer in time from good folks here, might be good idea to search through that manual | 16:49 |
zeenix | that's good to hear :) | 16:49 |
zeenix | RzR is very helpful person | 16:49 |
akilaw | yeah he helped me a lot | 16:49 |
fury | lots of very helpful people hanging out here :D | 16:50 |
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fury | I hope to know enough to help someday too | 16:50 |
akilaw | thats true fury | 16:50 |
akilaw | yeah me too | 16:51 |
RzR | I am sure there is someone that know less than anyone in here, who can help all of us someday ;) | 16:51 |
akilaw | yeah i think thats called community bond | 16:51 |
akilaw | :-) | 16:51 |
RzR | that said asking in #yocto could help too | 16:52 |
RzR | akilaw, do you know in which layer your recipe could land ? | 16:53 |
akilaw | meta-genivi-dev currntly I'm trying | 16:54 |
akilaw | genivi-dev-platform/meta-genivi-dev/meta-genivi-dev | 16:55 |
akilaw | zeenix suggested me to write the recipe there | 16:55 |
RzR | why not | 16:56 |
RzR | this is a good start | 16:56 |
akilaw | sure | 16:58 |
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leon-anavi | hi fury | 17:31 |
leon-anavi | I have updated SPEC-650 | 17:31 |
fury | I just saw :D I’ll give it a shot when I get back to the office in about 10-20 mins. Thanks! | 17:31 |
leon-anavi | Indeed the problem is in the generation kernel7.img | 17:31 |
leon-anavi | OK, keep in mind that my hot fix is still pending for a review in Gerrit therefore it has not been merged yet. | 17:32 |
fury | Yeah, I’ll do the repo download thing | 17:32 |
fury | How did the generation of the image break in the first place? That’s weird O_o | 17:32 |
dl9pf | leon-anavi: hi ! | 17:33 |
dl9pf | what is the u-boot command to boot the Image ... bootz or booti ? | 17:33 |
leon-anavi | hm... | 17:35 |
dl9pf | and doesn't meta-updater still rely on the uImage, too ? | 17:35 |
dl9pf | https://github.com/advancedtelematic/meta-updater/blob/morty/classes/sota_raspberrypi.bbclass | 17:36 |
leon-anavi | yes, afaik meta-updater still relies on uImage. | 17:36 |
dl9pf | if uImage -> Image is the fix ... fine . we'll have to change it in both | 17:36 |
leon-anavi | The provided change is just a hot fix to make the regular image boot and work. | 17:36 |
leon-anavi | As of 8 June, "SOTA was temporarily disabled becaused it caused build errors" | 17:37 |
dl9pf | it is enabled in master since last friday iirc | 17:37 |
leon-anavi | therefore for the moment the fix for changing from uImage to Image on rpi3/2 should not have negative impact on agl-sota. | 17:37 |
dl9pf | anton pushed a patch | 17:37 |
dl9pf | yes, roger | 17:38 |
fury | https://gerrit.automotivelinux.org/gerrit/9657 | 17:38 |
leon-anavi | ok, yes, sorry, actually since 8 June it has been enabled again | 17:38 |
fury | whoops | 17:38 |
leon-anavi | anyway for the moment I believe the best is to switch to Image until we resolve the issues with agl-sota on Raspberry Pi. | 17:39 |
fury | man I wish I could SSH into my build server from here to start a bitbake :) I need to develop an AGL build web app that can control that kind of thing remotely | 17:40 |
dl9pf | ok ... so Image it is , that means we also need to care for templates/machine/raspberrypi3/test/hwtest.short.environment | 17:40 |
leon-anavi | fury, couldn't you do it with openvpn and then ssh? :) | 17:40 |
dl9pf | fury: try "peervpn" ;) | 17:41 |
fury | I don’t think the network at work supports OpenVPN, but I’ll check with IT when I get there | 17:41 |
fury | On windows laptops it’s some kind of sonic wall thing | 17:41 |
fury | oh, it’s something I could install on the build machine to VPN to it? | 17:44 |
leon-anavi | dl9pf, I am not sure what changes are needed in hwtest.short.environment, apart from replacing uImage with Image. | 17:44 |
dl9pf | updated the changeset | 17:45 |
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dl9pf | what about https://git.automotivelinux.org/AGL/meta-agl/tree/meta-agl-bsp/classes | 17:47 |
dl9pf | do we still need our own copyies of the classes ? | 17:47 |
leon-anavi | thanks | 17:48 |
leon-anavi | I am not sure about the copy of the class | 17:48 |
leon-anavi | I was wondering about the same | 17:48 |
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fury | bwarharhar I figured it out. Sonic wall VPN doesn’t like me SSHing from my phone I guess, so Remote Desktop to my windows PC, then open that SSH client. | 18:04 |
leon-anavi | afk for running | 18:06 |
leon-anavi | see you tomorrow | 18:06 |
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fury | Have a good one :D | 18:06 |
fury | Whoops too slow | 18:06 |
fury | Prolly coulda spent less time just driving to the office, but now I know I can do it in a pinch | 18:07 |
fury | Had to last week from WWDC too :P | 18:07 |
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