IRC logs for #automotive for Sunday, 2017-06-11

*** Mosley has joined #automotive00:03
Mosleyanyone in for some TT talk?00:04
*** Mosley has quit IRC00:26
*** Mosley has joined #automotive00:26
*** jeremiah has joined #automotive01:15
*** akilaw has joined #automotive01:18
*** jeremiah has quit IRC01:53
*** akila_w has joined #automotive02:38
*** akilaw has quit IRC02:38
*** akila_w has quit IRC03:20
*** akilaw has joined #automotive03:20
*** akila_w has joined #automotive03:24
*** akilaw has quit IRC03:26
*** Mosley has quit IRC03:31
*** akilaw has joined #automotive03:39
*** akila_w has quit IRC03:41
*** akila_w has joined #automotive03:42
*** akilaw has quit IRC03:45
*** akilaw has joined #automotive03:50
*** akila_w has quit IRC03:53
*** akilaw has quit IRC04:21
*** akilaw has joined #automotive04:22
*** mkelly has joined #automotive04:32
*** akilaw has quit IRC04:33
*** mkelly has quit IRC04:41
*** thaytan_ has joined #automotive05:35
*** thaytan has quit IRC05:39
*** voltbit has joined #automotive07:38
*** User3209 has quit IRC08:38
*** mario-goulart has joined #automotive08:58
voltbithello, I managed to build the last chinook but when I try to run qemu I get this:10:47
voltbitI built agl-demo-platform10:48
*** john3voltas has joined #automotive11:02
*** jlrmagnus has joined #automotive12:07
*** jlrmagnus has quit IRC12:09
*** voltbit has quit IRC12:20
*** thaytan_ has quit IRC13:54
*** thaytan has joined #automotive13:55
*** akilaw has joined #automotive14:19
*** jlrmagnus has joined #automotive14:21
*** jlrmagnus has quit IRC14:26
*** john3voltas has quit IRC14:34
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*** akilaw has quit IRC14:43
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*** jobol has joined #automotive14:52
*** jobol has quit IRC15:03
*** voltbit has joined #automotive15:09
*** akilaw has joined #automotive15:50
*** jlrmagnus has joined #automotive16:02
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*** akilaw has quit IRC16:10
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*** jonte has quit IRC16:28
*** voltbit has quit IRC17:08
*** voltbit has joined #automotive17:21
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*** akila_w has joined #automotive17:34
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*** akilaw has joined #automotive17:43
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*** akila_w has joined #automotive18:28
*** akilaw has quit IRC18:32
*** voltbit has quit IRC18:44
*** akila_w has quit IRC19:31
*** AlisonChaiken has quit IRC19:52
*** mkelly has joined #automotive20:03
*** praneeth has quit IRC20:23
*** praneeth has joined #automotive20:24
*** claneys has joined #automotive21:41
*** claneys has quit IRC23:02
*** mkelly has quit IRC23:12
*** mkelly has joined #automotive23:26

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