IRC logs for #automotive for Monday, 2017-06-05

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furyHi guys00:43
furyHow's it hangin?00:43
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smurrayfury: currently zipping along at 300 km/h on the shinkansen to Osaka03:21
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akilawhello peoplw16:22
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furyHi guys16:52
furyHow's it hangin?16:52
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mranostayfury: how is it in the Apple hive?18:52
furyThey finally did a 120 hz screen, like I told them to do years ago :D18:52
mranostayfury: sure they were waiting for your input :P18:53
mranostayseems yawn from the press releases so far... another iOS and MacOSX18:54
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furyI kinda like ARKit, looks pretty spiffy18:54
furyiPad is finally getting some special features...dock, drag and drop, files18:55
furyI told them to make CarPlay open source, too, but dunno how that's gonna go :P18:56
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furyFunny, just bought an iPad Pro a week or two ago, I wasn't expecting another new one so soon18:58
furyGuess I should pay more attention to the rumor sites :P18:59
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furyNow I kinda wanna get my hands on one of Toyota's new AGL based head units. But I can't buy a 2018 Camry :(19:48
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smurrayfury: I'm reasonably confident  the 2018 Camry will look nothing like the demo they were doing at ALS23:49
smurrayfury: I took the ALS demo as more of a demo of work to integrate mainline AGL, it's very likely given development time that the Camry is based on older AGL with a lot more custom stuff added23:50
furyIs there video evidence of their ALS demo?23:50
smurraythere should be a video kicking around, maybe check the AGL site's press links23:51
furyApple's kinda blowing my mind with some of the development tools they're announcing. Wireless deployment/debugging seems pretty neat. I want to do that in AGL :P23:51
furyThen again I kinda already did that with TestFlight23:52
furyI was sitting in the keynote uploading a build and then downloading it from the TestFlight app23:54
furyDude, the future is amazing23:55
furyI was just yesterday marveling over the fact I was sitting in a seat 30k feet in the air browsing the internets23:55
furyWill prolly do the same on my way back, but prolly developing an app. Is there a mile high sierra club?23:56
furyI guess android has had that for a while, so old news, but still pretty nifty23:59

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