IRC logs for #automotive for Wednesday, 2017-05-24

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jobolhi all, is Matt Porter here?09:10
CTtpollardmdp ^09:17
jobolCTtpollard, thank you09:27
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akilawgd morning11:04
akilawhi all11:04
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mdphi jobol11:15
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furystream corking... <thatguy> but what if i WANT to play multiple streams at a time </thatguy> :P14:17
furylike if i'm playing radio or something, my phone is paired, text notification comes in, it plays over bluetooth14:18
smurrayfury: AFAIK you're supposed to be able to configure that in the giant audiomanager xml config file14:18
furyah, ok14:18
mdpfury, an OEM system will make decisions for you..because they know best at integration time14:19
mdpfury, in a sane system, it would be a settings option exposed to the user14:19
furyhmm. grey area i guess. i sure wouldn't want the radio to keep playing if i go over to the bluetooth source and hit the play button14:20
furybut i do want a notification to come in and mix over what i am playing14:21
furyi guess that depends on if the phone sends an avrcp notification that it's playing media, you can be sure that it's actual media, not just a notification sound14:21
furythat'd be the only case where i'd want it to stop the previous stream and only play the new one14:21
smurrayfury: if you're brave, see meta-agl-demo/recipes-multimedia/audiomanager-plugins-config/audiomanager-plugins-config/configuration.xml14:23
furythere's a thin line between brave and crazy :D14:23
smurrayfury: note that there is active discussion on potentially replacing audiomanager + module-router with something else14:23
furyi crossed over it several times when doing my bluetooth app some time ago14:23
furyeventually had to just give up and not let the system "take" the source from android phones because they were so unreliable in the AVRCP notifications. only iphones were 100% consistent, if it's playing music or something like that, it always sets AVRCP playback status14:25
furysounds good :D is the something else something new, or something existing that we'd adopt?14:25
smurrayfury: there's a proposal for an pure ALSA based solution, was discussed at the AGL F2F last month, look at
smurrayfury: there's going to be some more strategy discussion / decisions at the July F2F in San Fran14:30
smurrayfury: so nothing firm yet14:31
furyoh man. wonder if i can swing a trip over there. i was in san fran last year for apple wwdc but it was insanity14:33
smurrayfury: there was some discussion on the mailing list about the audio stuff, if you have input on your requirements, probably worthwhile to post there14:34
smurrayheh, I believe I'm going, as mdp conveniently has a family vacation booked at that time14:34
furycool, i'll dig into the archives and take a looksee... i'm signed up to the mailing list, but i had to rule them out of my inbox, which is unfortunately a good way to miss out on all the interesting bits :D14:35
mdpsmurray: AGL is clearly not consulting my calendar before scheduling events :(14:39
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furyare navigation and poi supposed to be blank?14:53
furyi think i just crashed the whole thing14:53
furyopened up dashboard, just saw 1 mph, 100,000.5 miles...then tried to go back to home screen and now i've got blinking cursor14:53
furyfailed, out of memory14:54
dl9pf_fury: what board ?14:55
furypi 314:55
furyfwiw, it's been on all night, so i wonder if maybe there's a memory leak somewhere or something14:55
dl9pf_navigation and poi need additional data (like 2 gig tarball). There should be a script in /usr/AGL/14:55
furyoh cool14:55
dl9pf_rpi3 has a memory restriction on the GFX which came in lately (cma memory restriction)14:56
dl9pf_we had to restrict gfx mem to 255M and now the more apps you start, the more mem ...14:56
dl9pf_that is an issue on the pi's right now. will be solved once the cma changes that undo that limitation land in the repos14:57
furyjust making sure i hadn't discovered anything new :D14:57
dl9pf_definitely ... we should add a note to the rpi3 troubleshooting section about that ...14:58
furyfound the scripts in /usr/AGL/apps, aww, no US map data? :P14:58
dl9pf_no, its pre-rendered and only japan and UK available ...14:58
dl9pf_format of these tarballs unfortunately not available14:59
furyi've always wanted to go to japan and the UK14:59
dl9pf_and POI needs navigation as dependency and an api key for the webservice used14:59
dl9pf_doc is in the app iirc.15:00
dl9pf_once it works its a nice demo :/15:00
furyhehe i like nice demos15:00
furyno space left on device15:08
furyguess i shoulda expanded the partition before i started downloading15:08
furycan i do that online in agl, or do i need to plug the sd card into a PC and parted/resize2fs?15:08
smurrayI think it may be doable while running, but am not 100% positive15:10
furyi prolly should just download it on my build machine anyway so i don't lose it next time i flash the sd card15:11
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furyso i may have more torches in the air than i can safely juggle...but while i'm doing all these other fun things i'm working on just making a hello world AGL app. and this may be a stupid question, but...when i open an AGL app in Qt Creator and go to the .qml file and hit design, all I see is a blank window where i would expect the designer view to be15:41
furysomewhat resembling of the app that gets shown on AGL15:41
smurraycan't help you there, sorry.  All my QML hacking has been to existing apps via just editting the .qml files15:42
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furyquick question - once i've got the map data extracted to the rootfs, what's the bitbake command that will redo the rootfs including that map data dir? bitbake -c do_rootfs or something like that?16:02
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dl9pf_we usually just extract it to the folder on the rootfs either to the sdcard from your host or on the live target.16:08
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dl9pf_maybe an optional recipe would be nice ... but we cannot just throw 2*2GB it into every filesystem we build16:09
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furyi think i broke my sd card16:13
furynow it'll only mount read only16:13
akilawhi all16:14
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CTtpollardhi akilaw16:14
akilawI want know something about meta-genivie-dev folder in GDP16:14
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akilawour plan is to build zebra (HTML5 Framework) inside GDP using a recipe16:15
akilawi already created a file recipies-zebra inside the meta-genivie-dev folder16:16
* mdp tests the afm global user fix16:18
akilawi saw many recipe files inside the meta-genivie-dev16:19
CTtpollardakilaw: yep16:20
furydl9pf_: is there a way to edit it so it makes a larger partition for the sd card image so i can just drag and drop those files onto it16:20
dl9pf_yes, there is an OE variable ...16:21
furyall of my sd cards are 8 gigs or bigger... i presume that'll make the .rpi-sdimg and whatnot humongous so i may want to rethink that16:22
dl9pf_i can't just remember the name ... sec16:23
dl9pf_should do the trick16:23
furyi should bookmark that page, this is about the 4th time i've come across it today :D16:24
furythanks :D16:24
dl9pf_or or check
CTtpollardakilaw: so what is your question?16:24
akilawCTtpollard Can you bit explain me the architecture inside the meta-genivie-dev16:25
CTtpollardakilaw: it follows a quite standard yocto layer structure, which contains package/image recipes, appends & various configuration files16:27
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CTtpollardit's used by genivi-dev-platform along with many other layers16:27
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akilawsorry about my internet connection16:34
CTtpollardakilaw: <CTtpollard> akilaw: it follows a quite standard yocto layer structure, which contains package/image recipes, appends & various configuration file16:36
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CTtpollardakilaw: if you're adding a new recipe, put it in an appropriate directory & add it to the package lists16:37
CTtpollardor if you're just testing it, added the recipe to local.conf so bitbake knows to do it16:37
akilawlocal.conf inside meta-genive-dev?16:38
akilawwhere could i find packge lists?16:39
akilawI found local.conf.sample16:40
CTtpollardlocal.conf is generated by genivi-dev-platform.git16:40
akilawinside gdp-src-build right16:41
akilawso bitbake then know to do it16:42
akilawThank you CTtpollard16:43
akilawi will try this and ask you about it16:43
CTtpollardthere's a recipe file for genivi-dev-platform. that recipe includes all of the package groups & base image inherits16:43
CTtpollardanything beyond that needs adding manually16:43
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furyfollowing the instructions here - i scp'd the widget i made from the templates and installed, it said "added", but afm-util start gives me Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed: "can't start"16:48
furyMay 17 14:55:15 raspberrypi3 systemd[600]: afm-appli-xxxxxx-qml@0.1.service: Service lacks both ExecStart= and ExecStop= setting. Refusing.16:49
furyMay 17 14:55:15 raspberrypi3 afm-user-daemon[630]:  ERROR: can't start user unit afm-appli-xxxxxx-qml@0.1.service [/usr/src/debug/af-main/1.0-r0/git/src/afm-urun.c:194]16:49
furyguessing i need to use a template that has an ExecStart and ExecStop?16:49
smurrayfury: I'd suggest posting to the ml, the guys who producee all that are on it, not on here as much16:49
furysounds good :D16:49
furyhmm. i forget how to post to the mailing list lol16:49
furymail to
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smurrayfury: yes, that should do it16:52
akilawCTtpollard where is the recipe file for  genivi-dev-platform16:56
akilawAdding manually means do we need to create a separate script or can we edit the old recipe16:57
CTtpollardakilaw: within meta-genivi-dev16:57
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akilawok got it CTtpollard16:57
mdpdl9pf_: we might consider some permissions workarounds in the mediaplayer and phone recipes for -rc1 and save permission install fixes for -rc2.17:01
mdpdl9pf_: if that sounds ok, I can whip up a trivial patch..oh and this is wrt my test results in SPEC-61717:03
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dl9pf_I'm ok with that if ppl can write apps and test them with these permissions.17:14
dl9pf_then we don't need to rush this.17:14
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dl9pf_Anyone hit that one, too?:17:15
dl9pf_WARNING: pulseaudio-9.0-r0 do_package_qa: QA Issue: ELF binary '/home/scratch/build-raspberrypi3/tmp/work/armv7vehf-neon-vfpv4-agl-linux-gnueabi/pulseaudio/9.0-r0/packages-split/pulseaudio-server/usr/bin/pulseaudio' has relocations in .text [textrel]17:15
smurraydl9pf_: yes, I've seen that, haven't had a chance to debug17:18
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dl9pf_ok, so it is not just me ... likely a missing -fPIC somewhere ...17:21
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mdpdl9pf_: it doesn't help app developers..they would have to manually run cyad when deploying to the target.17:33
dl9pf_eek ...17:33
mdpit's only a solution so the built-in stuff actually runs17:33
mdpdl9pf_: it's been like this since chinook..we're just the first people to actually use dbus signals in a critical manner17:34
mdpsettings was purely polled back then17:34
dl9pf_first penguin ;) ...17:34
mdpanyway, fine with me to wait for the real fix from jobol..just offering it as an option if -rc1 needs to go out17:35
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dl9pf_hmm, not happy as ppl should be able to write+test apps .  Ok ... then we need to document the workaround/exactstepts for $customapp ... at least a snippet we can add to the release notes17:37
mdpyeah, that's the only could be documented..and it's limited to those that use dbus signals only.17:38
mdpI'm still not entirely clear on the overall strategy of allowing anybody to use methods but blocking signals via cynara..but whatever. that's for the security EG ;)17:39
mdpdl9pf_: aside from having to whack cyad directly, the app devel flow is fine for me.17:40
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khemdl9pf_: textrels is a different issue than general -fPIC, in particular this issue in pulseaudio is in some local assembly file not caring to be PIC enough19:07
dl9pf_khem: interesting19:10
khemdl9pf_: I dont make notes, but I remember it was some DSP/neon code19:11
khemI could have fixed it but it wasnt hurting me19:12
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dl9pf_makes sense, neon is enabled on that target19:13
dl9pf_khem: seems not just neon ... also x86_64 affected ... build-intel-corei7-64/tmp/work/corei7-64-agl-linux/pulseaudio/9.0-r0/packages-split/pulseaudio-server/usr/bin/pulseaudio' has relocations in .text [textrel]19:28
dl9pf_well, we can put it on the list after next week ...19:29
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khemyeah I meant mmx/neon19:40
khembasically asm code19:40
khemin that area19:40
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