IRC logs for #automotive for Saturday, 2017-05-06

*** martinkelly has quit IRC00:10
*** martinkelly has joined #automotive00:10
*** martinkelly has quit IRC00:15
*** martinkelly has joined #automotive00:23
*** Qilibrun has quit IRC01:57
*** AlisonChaiken has joined #automotive05:30
*** mdurnev has joined #automotive06:29
*** mdurnev has quit IRC09:22
*** clopez has quit IRC09:31
*** clopez has joined #automotive10:01
*** caiortp has joined #automotive11:04
*** nisha_m has joined #automotive11:06
*** caiortp has quit IRC11:10
*** fagan has joined #automotive11:40
*** MarcWeber has joined #automotive14:53
MarcWeberWhich would be the best community to ask what would be the problem about changing batteries in e-cars? If loading them takes much time why not allow gas stations to replace them?14:53
*** praneeth has quit IRC16:55
*** praneeth has joined #automotive16:55
*** jlrmagnus has joined #automotive17:02
*** mkelly has joined #automotive17:19
*** jlrmagnus has quit IRC18:50
*** akila has joined #automotive18:52
akilaGoogle has informed that I have been selected to the gsoc 2017 Incorporate GM data & SDK into GDP for HTML5 and JS access project.18:53
akilaNow i'm so familiar with the zebra code base. So can you help me to move forward with the project.18:53
*** akila has quit IRC19:34
*** jobol has joined #automotive19:49
*** jobol has quit IRC19:55
*** mranostay has quit IRC22:15
*** mranostay has joined #automotive22:15

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