IRC logs for #automotive for Friday, 2017-05-05

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akilaHi everyone. I'm Akila Wickramarachchi from Sri Lanka. My proposal Incorporate Zebra into GDP for HTML5-based UIs has been selected by the google.02:36
akilaI like to have the help of the community to finish this project02:37
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mranostaydl9pf_: hmmm weirdly rpi3 doesn't boot anymore.. hangs at "Starting kernel..."19:36
* mranostay tries 4.4 again19:37
dl9pf_mranostay: might be not the kernel but the partition/filesystem19:40
dl9pf_b/c CI booted with 4.9, but of course no change in the sdcard+u-boot19:40
mranostayok will check19:40
dl9pf_but I could reproduce the issue ...19:41
dl9pf_rainbow screen followed by black screen and nothing on the serial - right ?19:41
dl9pf_at least we should see u-boot, so that is the first issue19:42
mranostayah think it is the silly dts issue again with 4.919:43
mranostaywill test 4.4 just to confirm the bbclass changes work first19:43
mranostaydl9pf_: so where is the command line options for AGL stored? i don't see it hardcoded in config.xml or the like19:51
dl9pf_cmdline options for ?19:53
mranostaydl9pf_: the apps19:54
mranostaythings like hvac have the port and key secret set.. wondering where that is from19:54
dl9pf_thats a question for kooltux or jobol19:54
dl9pf_might be thrown @them from the appfw19:55
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dl9pf_mranostay: lol ... my latest build is even stuck at the rainbow screen20:41
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mranostayah lovely21:18
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dl9pf_so the .wic does not work and also the plain rpi-sdimg .21:49
mranostaygot 4.4 working for me.21:50
dl9pf_master ?21:50
dl9pf_care to mail me the manifest -r  ?21:50
dl9pf_is the the plain rpi-sdimg ?21:50
mranostayah yeah that is only thing i'm testing21:51
dl9pf_just booted a 4.4 here and got
mranostayah you need to comment those lines in config.txt21:56
mranostayif you don't have a panel attacted21:56
dl9pf_ah ... ok, attaching panel ...21:56
mranostayah wait weird works for me without the commented in config.txt21:57
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dl9pf_no, fails also with panel. let me try a fresh build. but 4.4 seems better than 4.921:59
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