IRC logs for #automotive for Tuesday, 2016-07-19

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khemrobin__: gcore is generally part of gdb00:41
khemblcArmadillo: it should be bluez500:42
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dl9pftoscalix: who has admin-powers for genivi git and could look at:10:30'...10:30
dl9pffatal: read error: Connection reset by peer10:30
dl9pfseems like the gitd is down10:30
toscalixdl9pf: jeremiah is the one10:30
dl9pfjeremiah: ping  ^^^^10:30
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toscalixdl9pf: I think this is the new place for the repo
dl9pfok, so gitd down and old url10:32
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CTtpollarddl9pf: where are you getting that error from, bitbake gdp?10:34
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dl9pfno, agl. seems like the src_uri did not get updated.10:36
CTtpollardwe're slowly trying to migrate each genivi GDP recipe to it, I think it's just audiomanager left now10:37
CTtpollardbut that's an ongoing process10:37
dl9pfyep will grep and change the links. seems like we did not catch the issue due to hot download folders.10:39
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c0rnelI can not access genivi repos using git:// , only http://12:22
c0rnelanybody else is seeing this?12:22
CTtpollardc0rnel: that is a re-ocurring problem, with GDP we had to switch all recipes to git fetch over http12:32
CTtpollardbut, most recipes should now be pointing to github12:32
leon-anavic0rnel, which repositories? The ones in GitHub?12:32
CTtpollardgenivi is moving away from git.projects12:32
leon-anaviit could be a simple issues with SSH keys.12:32
c0rnelleon-anavi, no, the "old" repos, as poointed in meta-ivi yocto layers12:33
CTtpollardc0rnel: which recipe please12:33
c0rnelCTtpollard, dlt-daemon and node-state-manager came to mind now, but i expect all to fail12:34
CTtpollardc0rnel: and which version of meta-ivi? those should have been patch for at least one release cycle now12:34
c0rnellet me look12:34
c0rnelCTtpollard, <project name="meta-ivi" remote="yoctoproject" revision="e42777ef74b476ed6702b036818bcffd4fe0d768"/>12:38
CTtpollardwhat project is this in?12:39
CTtpollardas the http commit is active in the 9.0 and 10.0 branches in the yoctoproject upstream (meta-ivi has now moved to github however)12:40
CTtpollardwell, it looks like you need to find what version of meta-ivi baseline you're using, and update to the tip of that branch12:41
CTtpollardhead of master is 10.0.1, so you might need to pick a release branch relevant to your system12:41
c0rneli am at the tip of master, as far as i can tell12:41
CTtpollardthis is the log of master in the old upstream you're pointing to
CTtpollardthis has the http change in there12:42
c0rnelthis is strange12:43
c0rneli don't see this for example in node-state-manager12:44
CTtpollardand this system is not GDP/AGL?12:44
c0rnelthe local copy i've cloned it today12:44
c0rnelalso not in dlt-daemon12:44
* c0rnel does not know what is GDL/AGL12:44
CTtpollardyour commit of meta-ivi is definitely not the head of that remotes master branch12:45
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c0rnelCTtpollard, as said, i've cloned it today and it says it's up to date12:45
c0rnelnot from github, but from yocto project12:45
c0rnelare the new updated repos announced somewhere?12:46
CTtpollardah, your remotes name is yoctoproject12:46
CTtpollardso I presumed otherwise12:46
c0rnelsorry, i was not clearly saying it12:47
CTtpollardok, your commit is from 29th feb, so it is old12:47
CTtpollardall I can advise is that you clone master again, or specify the release branch you want12:48
c0rnelreally i am not at the top :(12:48
CTtpollardthe current release is the 10.0 branch12:48
CTtpollard11.0 is experimental12:48
c0rneli mean12:48
c0rneli am at the top on a local copy, but not on my working project12:48
c0rnelon my up to date local copy, the git:// is still there12:48
CTtpollardyes it still clones using git, but over http12:50
CTtpollardif you look at the recipes, it will set protocol=http on the end of the string12:50
* c0rnel is looking again :)12:50
CTtpollardyocto takes http at the start of a uri to mean wget, not git12:50
c0rneloh, right, it's over http!12:51
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c0rnelthanks CTtpollard12:51
CTtpollardso you use http:// uri for binaries etc12:52
c0rnelCTtpollard, so if we want to use the new github repos, the recipes must be changed, right?12:53
CTtpollardc0rnel: I'm not sure how many of the recipes in meta-ivi are now switched to point at github12:54
JacDomhello guys, have you managed to set up QtCreator to work with Qemu on GDP ivi 9 or 10?12:55
CTtpollardc0rnel: with meta-genivi-dev, we've mostly got the bulk switched over, except Audiomanager due to policy issues with github and the maintainers12:56
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CTtpollardJacDom: I've not personally used the Qtcreator, but I've seen it working with GDP912:57
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CTtpollardit was a hands on session at the previous genivi AMM#12:57
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c0rnelCTtpollard, thank you, and where i can get this layer? (i assume it's a yocto layer, please correct me if i'm wrong)12:58
CTtpollardc0rnel: yeh sure, it's a yocto layer that builds ontop of meta-ivi to provide the genivi-dev-platform12:59
CTtpollardwhich is a git submodules based project
c0rnelthank you very much CTtpollard13:00
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CTtpollardc0rnel: happy to help13:02
CTtpollardJacDom: what issues are you having?13:03
* c0rnel can't find dlt-daemon and friends there13:03
JacDomCTpollard: With connecting to Qemu13:04
JacDomi can connect to it via ssh and even send files, but for some reason Qt can't connect with it13:04
CTtpollardc0rnel: as I said, GDP builds on top of meta-ivi, so we use their recipes for core genivi baseline components13:04
CTtpollardJacDom: hmm, I've not seen it be demoed with qemu in person. you might want to ask this on the genivi-projects mailing list.13:05
c0rnelCTtpollard, hopefully now i get it, thanks again13:05
JacDomCTpollard: It's not a big issue since i have Eclipse set up :)13:06
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CTtpollardc0rnel: hopefully the protocol=http change should fix your fetch errors anyhow :)13:07
JacDomalso guys is Raspberrypi3 supported on ivi 10?13:07
c0rnelCTtpollard, right :)13:08
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toscalixfor our current release GDP-ivi913:36
toscalixif you want the latest software in GDP, then build directly MAster13:37
c0rneltoscalix, thank you13:37
gunnarxc0rnel did you clone before?13:39
c0rnelgunnarx, no13:40
c0rnelgunnarx, but my main concern is accesing genivi repos13:40
CTtpollardJacDom: yup13:40
gunnarxjeremiah - you there?  The old GDP repo should be removed regardless.  Right CTtpollard?13:40
CTtpollardI see no need for it being there anymore, all of those old branches are tags in github now13:41
CTtpollardif they're really needed somewhere13:41
CTtpollardwell, the useful branches13:41
JacDomCTtpollard: is it worth transitioning from IVI 9?13:41
CTtpollardJacDom: instinctively yes, unless you have hard dependencies on ivi9 / yocto 1.813:42
gunnarxYou are right by the way, git:// protocol is not working for me either on git.projects...   Oh well, we're transitioning away from it gradually.13:43
JacDomCTtpollard: Ok then, i will try to build image and sdk for Raspb3 today13:48
JacDomCTtpollard: Also do you have any resources for development on genivi? Besides the how-to's on wiki?13:49
CTtpollardgunnarx: it's not worked for a long time afaik13:51
CTtpollardafter many attempted to chase it up via the LF13:51
toscalixJacDom: not yet, no13:53
toscalixrajm: from what I see in the main blocker for chbae to finish the support for dragonboard 410c is gone, right?13:59
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rajmYes that's correct, we can't test that build here without the hardware but I assume chbae's will be ok14:01
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leon-anavihi jeremiah14:07
jeremiahc0rnel: Are you having issues with reaching GENIVI repos?14:11
jeremiahc0rnel: Happy to help if you are14:11
c0rneljeremiah, yes14:11
c0rneljeremiah, i've switched to http as instructed by CTtpollard14:11
c0rneland it's working now14:11
gunnarxjeremiah, related - would you remove the old GDP repo from git.projects?  Just to avoid anyone cloning it.14:11
jeremiahgunnarx: Yes, I'll do that ASAP14:12
jeremiahc0rnel: Ah, okay, super.14:12
c0rneljeremiah, still, i know some guys which would be happy to still be able to access those over git :)14:13
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jeremiahc0rnel: You mean using the git: protocol?14:20
c0rneljeremiah, yes, using git protocol14:20
jeremiahThat is less than ideal for a lot of companies because that pushes up against corporate firewalls.14:20
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c0rneljeremiah, ok14:22
c0rnelso is there a plan to drop git:// support?14:22
CTtpollardthe plan is to xfer all relevant repo's to github, and in turn and related yocto layer / system to fetch from there14:23
c0rnelroger, CTtpollard14:24
jeremiahYep, that's the plan14:24
gunnarx(however, our recipes have been adjusted to prefer http:  as it is easier to succeed for some corporate firewalls)14:25
jeremiahBut, if you look at our 'archive' or 'mirror' at you'll see that we want to deprecate git:// protocol access14:25
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jeremiahWe want to move to only http to provide anonymous read access which is the most easily consumed by robots behind corporate firewalls14:26
rjekCorporate firewalls don't allow things like ssh out because you might use that to exfiltrate data!14:27
rjekBut they're quite happy to let HTTPS out to Dropbox and Google Drive.14:28
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jeremiahAlisonChaiken: GENIVI has a CfP for its event in California in October -- care to submit something?16:59
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AlisonChaikenThanks for reminding me, jeremiah.   Unfortunately I haven't heard yet the fate of my ELCE abstract.18:08
AlisonChaikenI don't want to give two completely different talks in one month.18:08
AlisonChaikenCertainly we should have some folks attend the meeting, at any rate.18:09
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khemjeremiah: do you want some Yocto Spiel :)18:42
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