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warter | good morning | 04:52 |
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leon-anavi | morning | 07:18 |
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jobol | leon-anavi, hello | 07:32 |
leon-anavi | hi jobol | 07:33 |
leon-anavi | how are you? | 07:33 |
jobol | leon-anavi, back from vacation Q__Q | 07:34 |
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jbocklage213 | @dl9pf: Hi, any progress on https://jira.automotivelinux.org/browse/SPEC-193 ? (concerning the app-fw staging area) | 08:00 |
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dl9pf | jbocklage213: looking ... | 08:25 |
dl9pf | whats your uid in gerrit ? | 08:28 |
jbocklage213 | jbocklage, i guess | 08:29 |
jbocklage213 | ah! I can see it now! https://gerrit.automotivelinux.org/gerrit/gitweb?p=staging/tizen-application-manager.git;a=summary | 08:30 |
jbocklage213 | very good | 08:31 |
dl9pf | jbocklage213: you should be able to push already. I need the uid of Kazumasa Mitsunari (or email fwiw). | 08:32 |
jbocklage213 | @dl9pf knimitz | 08:36 |
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dl9pf | jbocklage213: tnx | 09:21 |
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CTtpollard | leon-anavi: do you know if any updates are on the way for rvi sota/core? | 09:37 |
leon-anavi | I have to ask ATS developers | 09:38 |
leon-anavi | do you have any particular updates in mind? | 09:38 |
CTtpollard | nope, just in general | 09:38 |
CTtpollard | I see GDP is still using the tip of meta-rvi | 09:38 |
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leon-anavi | дн | 09:40 |
leon-anavi | ok | 09:40 |
leon-anavi | I will ask around and I will provide feedback | 09:40 |
CTtpollard | :) | 09:41 |
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CTtpollard | not sure if you check the logs asafshohet, but yes poky changed the spec of the rootfs (in 1.8 I think?) to .ext4, so the agl rootfs you dowloaded must be quite old | 13:34 |
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toscalix | Back from ALS. I enjoyed the event. Some good technical talks. | 14:07 |
toscalix | Good energy in the event. | 14:07 |
toscalix | AGL new release was announced there. I liked the AGL demo | 14:07 |
toscalix | improved from the CES one | 14:08 |
toscalix | The GDP talk was well attended | 14:09 |
toscalix | about 35 / 40 people I believe | 14:09 |
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indes | does anyone know of a third party agl build for pi? | 17:39 |
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khem | indes: third party ? you can build yourself to using the yocto platform isnt it ? | 18:33 |
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indes | khem: probably | 18:42 |
indes | was hoping to find a prebuilt to get something running in seconds ;) | 18:42 |
khem | indes: I think genivi does publish prebuilt imgs | 20:02 |
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robin__ | how to generate core dump file on porter board? | 20:49 |
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blcArmadillo | Hello, I loaded the demonstrator from https://www.automotivelinux.org/software/download in virtualbox to get an idea of what capabilities it has. I could only find a qml interface that appears to use mock data. Is there some way to pair a phone to the demonstrator or does it not have bluetooth support? | 21:42 |
khem | robin__: install gcore and set ulimit -c unlimited | 21:44 |
khem | then gcore <pid> | 21:45 |
khem | or kill -ABORT <pid> | 21:45 |
robin__ | how to install gcore ? I am not familiar with AGL linux. | 21:46 |
blcArmadillo | I guess what I'm most interested in is what sort of bluetooth support does AGL have? | 21:53 |
blcArmadillo | Does it have support for A2DP and AVRCP? | 21:53 |
blcArmadillo | Is it using bluez? Looking around in the demonstrator I saw some headers for bluez but it didn't look like a limited version. | 21:54 |
blcArmadillo | but it looked like a limited version* | 21:54 |
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