IRC logs for #automotive for Wednesday, 2016-05-25

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CTtpollardgood morning07:17
paulsherwoodmorning CTtpollard07:20
CTtpollardhi :)07:22
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fredcadetegood morning07:34
fredcadeteenjoy the F2F, AGL guys07:35
fredcadetedon't be distracted by IRC talk07:35
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CTtpollardhangout works :)07:36
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rZrCTtpollard, thx I am in07:45
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TarnykorZr: hi. do you hear us in the call ?07:48
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rZrTarnyko, yes07:50
rZrTarnyko, it's working well07:50
rZrTarnyko, even without subtitles ;)07:50
rZrTarnyko, at break, can u turn cam to the display screen ?07:52
rZrkooltux, ^07:52
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CTtpollardjeremiah: good point on the list about v3 already being included in GDP08:13
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dl9pftoscalix: not that I know of (qt)09:13
dl9pftoscalix: ask walt09:13
toscalixdl9pf: I will, thanks09:13
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dl9pfwaltminer: <toscalix> wrote on monday ... dl9pf: have you guys taken a decision about qt in AGL ?10:20
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CTtpollardhi chbae :)11:15
chbaeCTtpollard: hello :)11:20
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CTtpollardchbae: would you have a problem with requiring bash to build gdp?11:25
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chbaeCTtpollard: Not affect but got an error when I run init.sh11:26
CTtpollardchbae: ?11:26
chbaeCTtpollard: No problem.11:27
chbaechanghyeok.bae@scmbuild1~/work/ivi/genivi/genivi-dev-platform (jethro) $ . basename: invalid option -- 'b11:27
CTtpollardchbae: I've seen that also11:29
chbaeCTtpollard: yes but others are fine.11:31
CTtpollardchbae: locally in my bash shell the basename call works, in my gdp builder (ubuntu server) it doesn't, however it is still using a bash shell11:34
fredcadeteUbuntu uses dash as the system shell and bash as the login shell11:35
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CTtpollard'ps -p $$' reports bash on both systems?11:36
fredcadetewhich means that if your gdp builder is running as a service, scripts that do #!/bin/sh will use dash, and it will fail if the script includes a bashism11:36
fredcadeteit will report that if you are in a login shell11:36
fredcadetethe quick workaround is to change that script to have #!/bin/bash11:37
fredcadetethe real solution is to not use bashisms :)11:37
CTtpollardfredcadete: it is reporting that (so presume login shell), but then I run basename and it complains (so I then presume dash?)11:38
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fredcadetein that case maybe the issue is not a bashism11:39
CTtpollardyeh it's odd11:39
fredcadetewhat's the bad basename call?11:39
CTtpollard'basename "$0"11:40
CTtpollardbasename: invalid option -- 'b''11:40
fredcadete$0 is "-bash"11:41
fredcadetethat's the problem11:41
CTtpollard*locally tom@pollard:~$ basename "$0"11:43
CTtpollardsorry if these are dumb questions btw :)11:43
fredcadetepoky/oe-init-build-env has at the top shell code to check that it has been sourced. it is ugly as hell but it's known to work11:43
fredcadetethese are not dumb questions, it is just arcane software11:44
fredcadetenot the easiest to get right11:44
jonathanmawhrm, latest issues with upgrading to meta-ivi10 is a build failure in libepoxy due to not having libX11. Let's see what I need it for and whether I can stop it needing libX1111:46
fredcadeteCTtpollard: haha, try this:11:47
fredcadeteecho $0 (you get bash)11:47
fredcadetessh tom@localhost11:47
fredcadeteecho $011:47
fredcadeteyou get -bash11:47
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CTtpollardfredcadete: ah ok, the comments in oe-init-build-env specify that it won't work by default with dash11:47
CTtpollardfredcadete: :S so the ssh session is causing it?11:48
fredcadetemaybe?? I am out of my depth as well11:48
CTtpollardfredcadete: thanks for the help, as always11:48
fredcadeteno problem11:48
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fredcadeteby the way, do you know of the TEMPLATECONF option to oe-init-build-env11:49
CTtpollardfredcadete: not the full ins and outs11:50
CTtpollardbut it looks useful potentially instead of using the .inc method I tried?11:51
fredcadetebasically, oe-init-build-env checks this environment variable; it should be a directory containing local.conf.samble and bblayers.conf.sample that will be used to set up11:51
fredcadeteit is less powerful than your .inc method11:52
fredcadeteor it can be used in tandem11:52
fredcadeteI don't know11:52
fredcadetenevermind, I was thinking if there was a way of avoiding a custom, but it's also used for git submodule stuff11:53
fredcadeteso it has that added value as well11:54
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jonathanmawaha! Found the original reason for libepoxy in meta-genivi-dev,
jonathanmawI think I can get away with using the libepoxy in poky, so I'll give that a try.12:01
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* nisha waves12:19
nishaanyone around who can help me with an issue I am having with my SOTA server?12:20
chbaenisha: sorry. I thought that you need leon12:55
nishachbae, anyone who can help :)12:56
nishaI'm sure I'm just missing a prerequisite that I don't know of12:56
nishacause that's what the error says :P12:57
nisharequirement failed: Key store file certs/client.jks does not exist!12:57
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CTtpollardchbae: joining the hangout at 3?13:43
CTtpollardsorry, in 17 mins I should say13:43
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jeremiahIs anyone in the Tools Team meeting?14:06
jeremiahtoscalix: Are you around?14:06
toscalixjeremiah, the tools team meeting is after the gdp call14:06
jeremiahAh, its 14:00 UTC!14:06
jeremiahOr sorry,14:06
toscalixdid I make a mistake with the announcement ?14:06
jeremiah16:00 UTC14:06
jeremiahtoscalix: Nope!14:07
toscalixah, thanks god14:07
jeremiahI made the mistake14:07
jeremiahI confused UTC and CEST ;)14:07
jeremiahBTW, I think your summation of the situation of the GDP was spot-on toscalix.14:07 took me a while to write it14:08
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toscalixI appreciate your comment, thank you14:08
jeremiahIt was important to get all the facts out there in one place.14:09
jeremiahSo thanks for writing it.14:09
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CTtpollardhey joelreplogle !14:14
CTtpollardI trust you got home from Paris ok then :)14:15
joelreplogleYes indeed ;-)14:16
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toscalixGDP call in 3 min14:57
toscalixleon-anavi-cloud: added you topic14:57
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leon-anavi-cloudtoscalix: ok14:58
leon-anavi-cloudI am at AGL f2f but I will try to join14:58
toscalixit is the second topic, you can leave afterwards15:00
leon-anavi-cloudTrying to connect15:02
scrumbIs the current call about tools or is that later?15:17
pedroalvarezscrumb: I believe that one starts at 16:00 UTC, so in 40 minutes15:18
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* paulsherwood waves at scrumb 15:54
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* scrumb waves at paulsherwood16:00
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toscalixjoelreplogle: jeremiah: would you please start the meeting for me?16:03
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gmacarioHi there! Gianpaolo joining the TT meeting16:04
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toscalixwe have no meeting in webex since we changed the time but I completely forgot about webex16:05
steve_ltoscalix: I could do it.. the 11am TT one?16:05
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