IRC logs for #automotive for Thursday, 2016-03-10

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westonhi all.03:27
westonIs there any support for AGL in iMX6 and iMX8?03:28
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CTtpollardhi leon-anavi08:09
leon-anavihi CTtpollard08:09
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zakariaGood morning everybody :-)09:57
zakariakooltux: following instructions given by Tarnyko, to install wgt packages. i successfully install the annex wgt from
zakariakooltux: but launching the application with dbus-send failed : it gives me :10:07
zakaria$dbus-send --session --dest=org.AGL.afm.user --print-reply /org/AGL/afm/user org.AGL.afm.user.start 'string:"webapps-annex@0.0"'10:08
zakariaError org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.AGL.afm.user was not provided by any .service files10:08
zakariakooltux: any idea ?10:08
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kooltuxzakaria, hi11:35
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kooltuxzakaria, can you check that the afm-* daemons are running ?11:36
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kooltuxzakaria, you should have 1 AFM system daemon and at least 1 AGM user daemon (started in systemd user session)11:37
kooltuxeverything is fresh so it's possible that the daemons do not start correctly at startup time11:37
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kooltuxyou should be able to start them by hand, if you set the DBUS_* variables correctly11:38
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zakariakooltux: afm-* daemons are running : afm-system-daemon afm-user-daemon and afb-daemon11:56
zakariakooltux: and i set the DBUS_* variable through :  eval $(dbus-launch --auto-syntax) command11:56
chbaeHi. all12:01
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gunnarxThink I saw a quick simple commandline tool to extract data from JSON somewhere... Can anyone help?12:41
gunnarxLike, give it a JSON file and some kind of search path and it will spit out the data...12:41
jobolgunnarx, yep12:45
jobolI copied it some time ago12:46
gunnarxwhoa, bash implementation :)12:51
gunnarxjobol, I had expected python or something :)   Does it work well you think?12:52
jobolyes it does but it is obviously not python12:52
gunnarxok cool, I'll try it out.12:52
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gunnarxdamn network problems13:03
gunnarxjobol, this with some grep and awk worked for a quick thing here.  Thanks13:04
jobolgunnarx, happy to help13:05
gunnarxsomeone might want to put it in production though, so for that I'd  like to find something maintained, maybe packaged for fedora/debian, with a known origin/license13:05
gunnarxso still open to new suggestions.13:06
jobolgunnarx, well i'll find the origin...13:07
gunnarxOK, thanks.  Some license info there also.13:09
gunnarxI just realized I only googled to find, when in fact github-search would be a better idea...13:10
gunnarxThanks Paul, yes that's the one I was thinking of I think13:24
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kooltuxtoo late maybe: sometimes, I simply use nodejs with inline script to process json... more verbose, but still easy13:36
kooltux(and maintained :))13:37
* paulsherwood used to like nodejs... but colleagues are now complaining about its complexity13:43
paulsherwood(esp npm)13:43
kooltuxsure ! nodejs without npm could be a good option :)13:44
kooltuxanyway, gunnarx is now able to parse JSON :)13:45
kooltux(from cmdline of course !)13:45
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CTtpollardchbae: Hi, missed you in the scrollback13:52
CTtpollardgunnarx: cheers for bringing the vtc1010 email to genivi-projects13:58
CTtpollardpardon, me personally13:58
CTtpollardbut all the same for highlighting it13:58
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gunnarxoh, I guess I forgot genivi-projects.  Anyway the point was to use the right list in the future13:59
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paulsherwoodis there some easy way to discover what version of a component is specified in a set of bitbake recipes, without running bitbake?14:24
paulsherwoodeg, i want to know what version of weston is in poky14:25
paulsherwoodwhat is it? :)14:25
CTtpollardpaulsherwood: it's in the recipe file name
paulsherwoodin the *file name* ?????14:26
paulsherwoodso you're saying that because poky has meta/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston_1.8.0.bb14:28
paulsherwoodpoky has 2567c93f81309c91c7c9b247ea04122563f34de1 (which corresponds to the 1.8.0 tag)14:28
paulsherwoodprecisely. no patches?14:28
CTtpollardwhich version of poky are you looking at?14:29
CTtpollardmaster has 1.9, and is carrying 5 'patches'14:30
paulsherwoodreally? what's the filename then?14:30
paulsherwoodhow did you discover that?14:31
CTtpollardwell, for this situation I went to their cgit and looked, if I was working I would have just greped or navigated to the recipes-graphics and looked14:32
CTtpollardbecause I don't have a master of poky checked out right now14:33
paulsherwoodthis is very odd...14:33
paulsherwoodmy poky clone has remote: git://
paulsherwoodit claims to be uptodate but only has meta/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston_1.8.0.bb14:34
CTtpollardweston1.8 is in poky jethro(2.0) I think14:35
paulsherwoodbut in anycase ...  just because  a file is called doesn't mean it's actually 1.9, unless bitbake is magically parsing the filename and looking up tags based on the result14:36
paulsherwoodah, yes... i'm on jethro. thanks for that14:37
CTtpollardpaulsherwood: in the case of the recipe, it's taking the version suffix (PV), and adding that to the source uri it's fetching from14:37
CTtpollardSRC_URI = "${BPN}-${PV}.tar.xz \14:37
paulsherwoodand it's parsing PV from the filename?14:38
* paulsherwood is laughing here14:39
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leon-anaviI am reading the contribution guidelines for GENIVI and I saw a requirement for CLA. Do I need it even for contributing patches to GDP?14:39
CTtpollardthere's a few ways to do it across different recipes14:39
paulsherwoodso to try 1.9, just rename the bb file?14:39
CTtpollardpaulsherwood: so instance here, they take PN to get the git url, and give it a specifc src_rev which is the commit for the version14:40
leon-anavisorry for bothering you with the question above at the middle of the another discussion.14:40
paulsherwoodCTtpollard: ack, thanks14:40
paulsherwoodleon-anavi: it's no bother :)14:41
CTtpollardpaulsherwood: or here, they take PV and use it as a git tag
paulsherwoodi don't know the answer, though14:41
leon-anaviok :)14:41
paulsherwoodCTtpollard: do you know if CLA is required?14:41
paulsherwoodtoscalix is probably still asleep :)14:41
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CTtpollardI think it's dependent on if the contribution is personal or through a company14:42
CTtpollardon behalf of a company is probably a better way to phrase it14:43
leon-anaviI was planning to contribute stuff with my Konsulko email14:43
CTtpollardpaulsherwood: so on your question, sometimes it's as easy as changing the the version number in the filename, but in the case of that weston recipe, it is comparing the checksums so it won't work14:44
CTtpollardbut right now I can't remember if that would just throw a warning or would actually halt the process14:45
CTtpollardand carried patches might not apply cleanly, etc14:46
CTtpollardleon-anavi: I'd direct you to jeremiah1AFK but as his nick states... I'd send your patch explaining your query about the CLA and I'm sure it will get picked up15:10
CTtpollardin the cover letter or something15:10
gunnarxtl;dr  If your company has signed a CLA, you must be on the approved submitters list.  If it has not, you submit using FOSS license conditions, follow standard due diligence and provide COO / Signed-off15:12
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leon-anaviCTtpollard, 10x, gunnarx yes, I read the article and decided to ask for confirmation here. Just to be sure this requirement is still valid.15:59
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gunnarxleon-anavi, No, the way you wrote the question "I saw a requirement for CLA" is misleading.  There is no requirement to use a CLA, which you seemed to indicate.16:21
gunnarxIt certainly could be misunderstood if someone is reading16:23
gunnarxSo let's make sure there is no misunderstanding.  Can you spell out what requirement you mean when you ask if it is still valid?16:23
leon-anaviok, may be I have misunderstood the requirement.16:23
gunnarxmaybe :)  What's your understanding now?16:23
leon-anavican I contribute a patch to GDP using my company email if the company has not signed CLA?16:24
gunnarxYes, I think I wrote that above.16:24
leon-anaviok, thank you for pointing it out and sorry for my confusion.16:24
gunnarxOf course "company email" may not be strictly what matters.16:25
gunnarxThat only indicates that the code appears to come from your company, and as a way to identify you as a person.16:25
gunnarxAnd as a person you must confirm what the typical COO says you are confirming16:26
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gunnarxDo you know the principles of COO, Certificate of Origin?16:26
leon-anaviI am afraid not16:26
gunnarxHere is a good introduction
leon-anavithank you for the link I will have a look16:27
gunnarxThe convention in open source projects is that when you add a Signed-off-by line, you are promising what the COO says, that you are allowed to submit code and that it has a compatible license and so on16:28
gunnarxIn other words, you should read and understand the COO, then you should accompany your patch with a Signed-off-by: line as "proof" of this.  Hope that's clear (it's standard practice, not GENIVI specific)16:29
gunnarxApparently the right acronym is DCO, not COO.  My bad. :(16:30
leon-anaviok, this is easy, I will make sure that I am submitting signed off git commits (when I have sth to commit).16:30
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leon-anavigunnarx, thank you very much for your time and helping me understand this part of the contribution guidelines.16:30
gunnarxyou are most welcome, hope it was helpful and maybe for someone else also16:31
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gunnarxAs we agreed the CLA is only a "concern" for those companies that have signed it with GENIVI.  For other companies and individuals, there is *no* need for CLA to contribute to projects.16:32
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