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CTtpollard | good morning | 08:13 |
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rjek | get out, rjekalso. | 12:18 |
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CTtpollard | sure told him | 12:18 |
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* CTtpollard is looking forward to finally having raspi support properly in GDP | 12:37 | |
CTtpollard | *Yocto | 12:37 |
CTtpollard | with meta-ivi9 and poky 1.8, it will be possible | 12:38 |
paulsherwood | yup... iirc Baserock GDP was demonstrated on raspi at Korea AMM | 12:38 |
paulsherwood | but it's not perfect, by any means | 12:38 |
pedroalvarez | yup | 12:38 |
pedroalvarez | lot of things have been merged on linux upstream | 12:39 |
CTtpollard | I have it built, but as always having issues with the vc4 drivers and mesa | 12:39 |
pedroalvarez | We might want to try again with kernel 4.5 | 12:39 |
paulsherwood | +1 | 12:39 |
rZr | CTtpollard, do you have 3D support ? | 12:45 |
rZr | I am trying this RPI as background task for tizen , I will keep you updated | 12:46 |
CTtpollard | rZr: we have a 'non-supported' repo available that used the tizen fork with the vc4 driver | 12:47 |
CTtpollard | now that we support newer versions of meta-ivi & poky, we're hoping to support it properly | 12:48 |
rZr | we're nearer that's sure | 12:48 |
rZr | but unsure it is 100% ready to be used | 12:48 |
CTtpollard | ofc | 12:49 |
paulsherwood | well, the usecase is development/innovation - some rough edges are allowed, i think? :) | 12:49 |
CTtpollard | +1 | 12:49 |
CTtpollard | in a perfect world we could just drop the layer in and build, but ofc it's never that easy | 12:53 |
rZr | and if it was that way we would be jobless ;) | 12:54 |
CTtpollard | ;) indeed | 12:54 |
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chbae | hello | 14:16 |
CTtpollard | hi chbae | 14:17 |
chbae | I read GDP wiki pages and did GDP ivi9-beta build for qemux86-64 | 14:19 |
chbae | and sent 1 small patch to genivi-projects and you. :) | 14:19 |
CTtpollard | chbae: when did you send this chbae? :) | 14:21 |
chbae | just some second ago. | 14:21 |
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CTtpollard | I'll keep an eye out on my mailbox :) | 14:22 |
chbae | ok. then I looked into meta-genivi-demo shortly and I thought that the layer needs to re-arrange recipes. | 14:26 |
chbae | ex) navit is existed as bb file but the recipes already exists in meta-openembedded layer. So it needs to be bbappend. | 14:27 |
chbae | As you know, it’s good way to maintain layers and useful to upgrade yocto and genivi version. | 14:28 |
CTtpollard | chbae: have you checked that the recipe in meta-oe is the same as genivi-demo? | 14:28 |
CTtpollard | genivi-demo has higher priority, so it could well be done on purpose | 14:29 |
chbae | not exactly same. | 14:29 |
chbae | right genivi-demo has higher and So we can be done on purpose as you said. | 14:29 |
chbae | but bbappend is better option. | 14:30 |
CTtpollard | chbae: I'm sure people will give their opinions if it is highlighted on the list with your reasoning. I agree that as a rule of thumb an append to existing recipes is better | 14:30 |
chbae | ok. :) then when we upgrade yocto version, navit may be automatacally upgraded. | 14:32 |
chbae | bbappend is good for mainatance. Also I’ll check another recipes. | 14:32 |
chbae | I’m one of yocto experts and system/release engineer. Do you have any expection about GDP maintance? I also can handle git/gerrit…. | 14:34 |
CTtpollard | chbae: I'd hopefully like to see gerrit in the future, but for now we used git patches to the genivi-project mailing list | 14:40 |
chbae | yes. I see. | 14:40 |
CTtpollard | chbae: I've still not received your patch that you mentioned | 14:40 |
CTtpollard | we also have a go.cd server, to help with maintenance | 14:41 |
chbae | To: jonathan.maw@codethink.co.uk, tom.pollard@codethink.co.uk | 14:41 |
chbae | CC: genivi-projects@lists.genivi.org | 14:41 |
chbae | Title; [meta-genivi-demo][PATCH] navit: Fix LICENSE warning | 14:41 |
CTtpollard | I wonder if it is stuck in a mail server somewhere | 14:42 |
chbae | Hum. I didn’t see http://lists.genivi.org/pipermail/genivi-projects/2016-February/thread.html | 14:43 |
chbae | I’ll send you direct by gmail. your mail address is tom.pollard@codethink.co.uk right? | 14:43 |
CTtpollard | yes, and place cc the list if you can | 14:44 |
CTtpollard | *please | 14:44 |
chbae | I sent you directly. | 14:44 |
CTtpollard | I have an email from you to the list from a gmail account recently that I can see | 14:45 |
CTtpollard | got it, forwarded it to the list | 14:47 |
CTtpollard | chbae: all looks well to me, I've seen bitbake give the warning, would be nice to remove that :) | 14:49 |
chbae | yes. :) I’ll check my environment again. | 14:50 |
chbae | Do you have any burden for GDP maintance and release? because I would like to work with your team. ex) I can handle genivi version upgrade and so on.. | 14:51 |
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toscalix | chbae: from what I understood, you are familiar with rpi2 | 15:06 |
toscalix | making the current gdp-ivi9 beta work on rpi2 would be an outstanding contribution | 15:06 |
chbae | yes. I have rpi2 and minnowboard max :) | 15:06 |
toscalix | we will support you | 15:06 |
toscalix | we would publish the workl as an official target | 15:07 |
toscalix | for gdp | 15:07 |
chbae | cool. someone can work for rpi2? | 15:07 |
toscalix | it is already planned but expected until april. You help would make it possible sooner than that | 15:07 |
chbae | Ok. that’s good. I can join it. | 15:07 |
chbae | Who is leading the task? and please let me know the jira number. | 15:08 |
CTtpollard | I'm working on the raspi2 build when I can | 15:08 |
toscalix | try to write some bullet points as initial plan for the work to be done, from your point of view, we create a task in jira....and that's it | 15:08 |
toscalix | maybe CTtpollard can provide you some of those bullet points, based on his experience | 15:09 |
CTtpollard | chbae: I'm trying to adapt from here: https://github.com/amirna2/genivi-manifest | 15:09 |
CTtpollard | into an official gdp branch, now that we support meta-ivi9 and poky1.8, a lot of the changes/hacks made by amir are not needed anymore | 15:10 |
chbae | yes. actually I built with the repository and tested on rpi2. :) | 15:11 |
chbae | it works but lots of crashes | 15:11 |
CTtpollard | yes, some of them should now be fixed | 15:11 |
CTtpollard | for instance, the audio manager monitor | 15:11 |
CTtpollard | but the kernel and drm driver is uses are at an experimental stage | 15:12 |
chbae | yes. however I didn’t understand test case of GDP and I need to study it firstly. | 15:12 |
chbae | parallelly, I can work with you and could you share your status? | 15:13 |
CTtpollard | sure | 15:14 |
chbae | Please share your status, how to build in rpi2, and what I need to do. Then I can follow up it tomorrow (KST :). and then let’s talk tomorrow again. | 15:16 |
chbae | I didn’t see rpi2 branch in http://git.projects.genivi.org/genivi-demo-platform.git. | 15:17 |
CTtpollard | chbae: I've merged your patch http://git.projects.genivi.org/?p=meta-genivi-demo.git;a=summary | 15:20 |
CTtpollard | chbae: I'm hoping to push the branch when I can, I'll make sure to make you aware :) | 15:21 |
chbae | cool thx :) that’s my first contribution in GDP. | 15:21 |
chbae | oops. the title is wrong :( | 15:23 |
chbae | my intention is “navit: Fix LICENSE warning” | 15:23 |
CTtpollard | chbae: I can fix that up | 15:24 |
chbae | ok thx. | 15:24 |
CTtpollard | chbae: here we go http://git.projects.genivi.org/?p=meta-genivi-demo.git;a=commit;h=c9d92c9e6bb2c16a01057078334a18f84c96b093 | 15:26 |
toscalix | chbae: http://www.genivi.org/contribute | 15:26 |
toscalix | please read this carefully | 15:26 |
chbae | ok. | 15:27 |
CTtpollard | ah, I thought you already had chbae, I apologise | 15:27 |
toscalix | chbae: make sure you understand what contributes mean. Ask if there is anything that is not clear | 15:27 |
chbae | I see. | 15:28 |
toscalix | every contribution counts...but you have to make sure you feel confortable with the general rights and obligations ;-) | 15:28 |
chbae | sure. | 15:29 |
toscalix | code-contribution-help@mail.genivi.org if you have questions or use this channel | 15:29 |
chbae | yes. | 15:30 |
toscalix | this page is specially important if you are contributing..."on behalf or an organization" | 15:30 |
toscalix | if you are not...everything becomes simpler, I guess | 15:30 |
chbae | I know that. I’m also contributingyocto project :) | 15:31 |
toscalix | ah, great. | 15:31 |
toscalix | I just did not assume you knew, just in case | 15:31 |
chbae | ok. | 15:32 |
chbae | now let me share your rpi2 build method and status. then I’ll follow up the work. | 15:32 |
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CTtpollard | chbae: great :) | 15:48 |
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chbae | CTtpollard: Will you share by mail? or here? | 16:03 |
CTtpollard | chbae: once I can push the branch, I'll announce it | 16:04 |
chbae | CTtpollard: OK thx. | 16:04 |
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jeremiah | toscalix: chbae: GENIVI has an official page on contribution: https://at.projects.genivi.org/wiki/display/PROJ/How+to+contribute+to+GENIVI | 17:15 |
jeremiah | In fact, I'd like to ask toscalix to see if he'd be willing to reuse that as the GDP contribution process. | 17:15 |
jeremiah | I'll send an email to make it more formal. | 17:15 |
toscalix | I think I was pointing to the old wiki. I will point to this one | 17:15 |
toscalix | ok | 17:16 |
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jeremiah | If anyone thinks there is something missing or lacking in the contribution process, please feel free to propose changes! | 17:16 |
toscalix | when talking about bug tracker.....we are little by little migrating to JIRA. We have already. It might be worth mention it | 17:17 |
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jeremiah | Oh, good point. | 17:17 |
toscalix | We=GDP | 17:17 |
jeremiah | Yes, the GDP is leading the way folks -- but it is not alone is using our shiny new JIRA | 17:18 |
toscalix | ah.... | 17:18 |
toscalix | great to hear | 17:18 |
jlrmagnus | Moorning | 17:19 |
jeremiah | If you're looking for current issues or getting involved in the GDP or a number of other GENIVI projects, please look here: https://at.projects.genivi.org/jira/secure/BrowseProjects.jspa?selectedCategory=all&selectedProjectType=all | 17:19 |
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jeremiah | jlrmagnus: 0/ | 17:19 |
jeremiah | moooooorning | 17:19 |
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jlrmagnus | Sorry for messing up your day yesterday with bunch of weirdo repo requests. | 17:19 |
jeremiah | jlrmagnus: Not at all! :-) | 17:20 |
jeremiah | They were far from weird | 17:20 |
jeremiah | I'm in a project that is using Ubuntu 14.04 as the development platform, so I look forward to use any eventual deb packages you folks come up with. :-) | 17:21 |
jlrmagnus | Can you ping Philippe about my proposal for how to integrate git.projects.genivi.org with github? | 17:21 |
jlrmagnus | Yeah. The RVI packaging is very nice. Debian packaging system, however, is a bit mysterious. | 17:22 |
jeremiah | Sure | 17:26 |
jeremiah | Debian packaging is a black art. | 17:27 |
jeremiah | I mean, build-depends-indep? Wha? | 17:27 |
jeremiah | But, it makes for an impressive system when you can just | 17:27 |
jeremiah | apt-get foo | 17:28 |
jlrmagnus | I agree. | 17:28 |
JEEB | their docs also either expect you to know things or are just about packaging stuff with DEBIAN dir | 17:28 |
jeremiah | jlrmagnus: Can you remind me about your proposal, where can I find it to re-read? | 17:28 |
jeremiah | JEEB: Indeed, and the writing is somewhat, well, dry | 17:28 |
jlrmagnus | I've only spoken to Philippe about it, after checking with my team. | 17:28 |
rZr | jlrmagnus, As deb maintainer, I can help you to push rvi in deb, | 17:29 |
jlrmagnus | rZr, That would be very nice of you. Let | 17:29 |
jlrmagnus | Let us check first that the quality pf the deb package is up to spec. | 17:29 |
jeremiah | rZr: I didn't know you were a DM, nice! | 17:29 |
jeremiah | Lintian will not let you make that mistake. :P | 17:29 |
jlrmagnus | Once we're happy with the level, I'd be very happy to have it as a debian package. | 17:29 |
rZr | dont repeat to the internetz I am suppose to maintain other distros ;) | 17:29 |
jeremiah | heh | 17:30 |
jlrmagnus | Linitian needs to be sternly overridden when you move away from your standard C/C++ setup. | 17:30 |
rZr | anyway we can do collab maintain of package | 17:30 |
jeremiah | rZr: This has always been the most successful approach in Debian in my experience. | 17:31 |
rZr | are your gpg keys in debian keyring ? | 17:31 |
jeremiah | Glad to hear you're open to it. | 17:31 |
jlrmagnus | jeremiah, The git proposal is that we move our RVI repos over to a github account owned by Genivi, and then have auto pushers from master and develop to mirror every commit up to git.projects.genivi.org. | 17:31 |
jlrmagnus | Genivi git server is master, but we can work out of github. | 17:31 |
jeremiah | jlrmagnus: That sounds like a good idea. | 17:31 |
jeremiah | I'll support you as much as I can. | 17:32 |
jlrmagnus | Ok. | 17:32 |
jeremiah | I've been pushing for an official GENIVI GitHub repo for a while now | 17:32 |
jlrmagnus | Who owns github.com/GENVI? | 17:32 |
jeremiah | But it has fallen on fallow ground. | 17:32 |
jlrmagnus | Ok. Let's do it. | 17:32 |
jlrmagnus | One sec. My boss is hanging over me. | 17:32 |
jeremiah | Dunno? I didn't know there was a GENIVI repo there. | 17:32 |
* jeremiah goes to check | 17:33 | |
jlrmagnus | GENIVI organization is in plkace. | 17:33 |
rZr | I know deb workflow , if you want to learn it I can guide you, if you're hurry I can review and try to upload for you and keep credits of course | 17:33 |
rZr | jlrmagnus, in return I'll need some hints from you on how to use it ;) | 17:33 |
jlrmagnus | rZr, Please keep the credits. | 17:34 |
jlrmagnus | We need to sync this with Rudi, who is doing the actual packaging. | 17:34 |
rZr | yea that's the idea | 17:34 |
jeremiah | So weird: https://github.com/genivi | 17:35 |
rZr | I'll do review, update changelog and upload parts | 17:35 |
jlrmagnus | Ok. | 17:35 |
jlrmagnus | I'll try to get Rudi onboard. | 17:35 |
gunnarx | jlrmagnus, you could also add the deb builds to Go CD if you like, pending any acceptance into Debian proper | 17:35 |
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jeremiah | gunnarx++ | 17:35 |
gunnarx | i.e. where are the build instructions!? :) | 17:35 |
jeremiah | gunnarx: Do you know who created this: https://github.com/genivi | 17:36 |
jeremiah | ? | 17:36 |
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jeremiah | All lower case, sheesh | 17:36 |
gunnarx | hmmm, let me check... | 17:36 |
jlrmagnus | If you give me access to that, I'll start transferring our repos asap. | 17:36 |
gunnarx | jeremiah, SDL project is there apparently | 17:36 |
gunnarx | github.com/genivigo is controlled by me for the time being tho :) | 17:37 |
gunnarx | github.com/genivi, I thought you would know :) | 17:37 |
jeremiah | But the sdl repos there are just "starred" by genivi. | 17:37 |
rZr | jlrmagnus, beside debian, yocto and tizen which distro does rvi support ? | 17:37 |
gunnarx | Ah, ok | 17:37 |
jlrmagnus | Tizen is out until we've fixed RPM packaging. | 17:37 |
jlrmagnus | Ubuntu 14.04 15.10 | 17:38 |
jlrmagnus | Debian 8.3 | 17:38 |
jlrmagnus | Raspbian | 17:38 |
jlrmagnus | Yocto. | 17:38 |
gunnarx | full disclosure, I'm also sitting on hub.docker.com/genivi for future use | 17:38 |
jlrmagnus | Gunnar, the domain squatter. | 17:38 |
jeremiah | nice | 17:38 |
gunnarx | I expect the go containers to go up there some time soon. | 17:38 |
jeremiah | I'm sitting on genivi.automotivegradelinux.org | 17:39 |
rZr | jlrmagnus, I have rpm from tizen ongoing but had issue to get some contrib repo created | 17:39 |
gunnarx | not squatting, happy to turn them over to a responsible maintainer any day | 17:39 |
rZr | jlrmagnus, that's still at bottom of my todo list ;) | 17:39 |
gunnarx | problem is the "responsible" part, you know jlrmagnus | 17:39 |
jlrmagnus | So who controls github.com/genivi? | 17:40 |
rZr | jlrmagnus, pass this url to rudi https://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=rzr@gna.org | 17:40 |
jlrmagnus | rZr, forwarded. | 17:41 |
jlrmagnus | gunnarx, It's like you don't trust me after I uploaded 4.7GB of Donald Trump photos to the last repo you gave me push rights to. | 17:41 |
jeremiah | oh the lulz | 17:42 |
gunnarx | jlrmagnus has a strange sense of humor, but we like him anyway | 17:42 |
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jeremiah | Are you a Swede for Trump Magnus? | 17:42 |
jlrmagnus | gunnarx, knows that this is all Swedish humor. | 17:42 |
jeremiah | morn rudi! | 17:42 |
gunnarx | jlrmagnus: missed it above ^^ so "access to that" means GoCD? If so, follow the instructions. They have been posted many times but here again : https://at.projects.genivi.org/wiki/display/TOOL/User+Account+for+Go+server | 17:42 |
rstreif | Hi guys | 17:42 |
jlrmagnus | jeremiah, I would never vote for him, but the entertainment value would be immense. | 17:43 |
jeremiah | lol, Gunnars mantra "follow the instructions" | 17:43 |
jeremiah | Hillary will crush him like a bug. | 17:43 |
gunnarx | FTI! | 17:43 |
jlrmagnus | ... with him as a president. Right up until the point nukes start flying. | 17:43 |
jeremiah | What nukes? He and Putin are pals | 17:43 |
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jlrmagnus | rstreif, Check the logs re rzr's offer to shift RVI in as a debian package. | 17:43 |
rZr | jlrmagnus, let me ask again is there a short kickstart tutorial to use RVI, as it might be unclear for debian users ? | 17:44 |
rstreif | If she gets nominated in the first place. Sanders is kicking her corrupt butt. | 17:44 |
gunnarx | Bring back Palin. Now there's entertainment. | 17:44 |
rZr | rstreif, yea I can stay around to help rvi to land in debian | 17:44 |
jlrmagnus | rZr, Sorry: Tatiana at our team is writing debian install documentation, including validating system installation. | 17:44 |
rZr | as I want to test it | 17:44 |
jeremiah | gunnarx: It would be fun yes, but she doesn't qualify the citizenship test given that her one language is not English. | 17:45 |
gunnarx | ah, bummer | 17:45 |
jlrmagnus | gunnarx, I was more interested in github.com/genivi than github.com/genivigo, for now. | 17:45 |
rZr | jlrmagnus, ok I also can be one to bother for testing adoption of rvi | 17:45 |
gunnarx | yes and? | 17:45 |
jlrmagnus | But once I've fully comprehended the glory of Go, I am sure that I will never look back. | 17:45 |
jlrmagnus | gunnarx, Sorry. Confused by parallel threads. | 17:46 |
rstreif | rZr, what's necessary to make RVI a Debian package? I know that there's a lot of documentation. | 17:46 |
gunnarx | I'm not expecting anyone to be interested in github/genivigo, it's just storage space | 17:46 |
gunnarx | go.genivi.org on the other hand | 17:46 |
jlrmagnus | Ok. But we are looking for a new RVI home to do active development against. Would genivigo fulfill that requirement? | 17:46 |
gunnarx | is a work of art | 17:46 |
rZr | rstreif, you need to build a deb from source , using pbuilder and make lintian happy, request some bugs | 17:46 |
rZr | I mean make a couple of requests using the bug tracker | 17:47 |
rZr | and sign your package w/ a GPG key connected to in deb keyring | 17:47 |
jlrmagnus | brb | 17:47 |
rZr | -in | 17:47 |
jeremiah | rZr: We could probably help him out by filing a ITP bug no? | 17:47 |
rZr | jeremiah, yea RFS / ITP is the 1st step | 17:48 |
gunnarx | jlrmagnus, let's book some minutes to go through it, let me know. Until then use the link I gave for user account. | 17:48 |
jeremiah | I already have a couple GENIVI bugs open in the BTS :/ | 17:48 |
rZr | rstreif, so let me reusume the last part is to find someone to upload your package to archive | 17:49 |
rZr | rstreif, that one could be very long if you're unknown to them | 17:49 |
rZr | rstreif, best is to join a team | 17:49 |
jeremiah | rZr: Well there is this: https://wiki.debian.org/Automotive | 17:51 |
rstreif | rZr, ok, we can build the package to Debian reqs but it has a dependency that is also not currently in the official Debian repos, esl-erlang from Erlang solutions | 17:51 |
jlrmagnus | gunnarx, ok. | 17:51 |
jeremiah | And it would be really cool to get help uploading this to archive: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=688586 | 17:51 |
rstreif | rZr, the problem there is that we require Erlang OTP 18.2 which has not yet made it into the official Debian repos, at least not for Jessie | 17:51 |
rZr | rstreif, try to push esl-erlang 1st | 17:52 |
rZr | in unstable | 17:52 |
jeremiah | rstreif: You can check for a backport of Erlang 18.2 | 17:52 |
rZr | jeremiah, I would suggest rstreif to join erlang team instead | 17:52 |
rZr | https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/ErlangPackagingTeam | 17:52 |
rstreif | rZr, jeremiah, it's Erlang Soluation who packages esl-erlang. There is a Debian package for Erlang, it just has not caught up yet with the latest version. It's probably just a matter of time. | 17:53 |
rZr | yea debian and time are tied concepts ;) | 17:54 |
jlrmagnus | rstreif, Standup in five... | 17:54 |
rZr | rstreif, http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-erlang-devel/2016-January/001940.html | 17:54 |
rZr | target unstable 1st | 17:55 |
rZr | if you have it landing in unstable you've done the most difficult part | 17:55 |
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jeremiah | When is GENIVI going to get a slack account? | 18:01 |
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rstreif | jeremiah, you are the GENIVI community manager. Maybe you can initiate the Slack account? | 18:05 |
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paulsherwood | one potential issue with slack is it doesn't get logged or published by default ... and there's a 10000 message limit for free channels | 18:08 |
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aeiche | Allright Automotive, I am trying to wrap my head around GDPs UI layer | 18:21 |
aeiche | Does anyone here have a good sense of how it works, and how I can integrate into it? | 18:22 |
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paulsherwood | radiofree: ^^? | 18:29 |
paulsherwood | aeiche: i fear the maintainers have already signed off for the day... | 18:31 |
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aeiche | Rats | 18:49 |
aeiche | well, that's not terribly surprising. | 18:49 |
paulsherwood | i know radiofree is still around, but he's afk | 18:51 |
paulsherwood | i'm thinking about asking GENIVI to consider integrating the AGL HMI, btw.... it's pretty awesome :) | 18:52 |
aeiche | We're actually working on that right now. | 19:07 |
aeiche | GDP's UI is a much different beast though than what we used internally, and what AGL did. | 19:08 |
paulsherwood | aeiche: iiuc no-one is claiming tht GDP's ui is sacred | 19:11 |
aeiche | No - I don't think anyone is | 19:11 |
aeiche | I've been told that the UI was discouraged for a while because GENIVI didn't want to dictate what the UI should be or how it should behave | 19:12 |
paulsherwood | true | 19:12 |
paulsherwood | so maybe if enough momentum builds on using the AGL ui instead... | 19:12 |
paulsherwood | jus sayin' :) | 19:13 |
aeiche | That's where we have to figure out how to do it. | 19:13 |
paulsherwood | ack | 19:13 |
aeiche | I'm sure there's someone here who is able & willing to help me, but I have to get up early enough to catch them :) | 19:13 |
murphy | hey is there currently a way top setup AGL and build a system for my jeep on my own? | 19:15 |
murphy | i dont wanna spend 2k on that new alpine system that supports ODBii | 19:16 |
murphy | plus i think it would be cool to have support for other stuff like rtl-sdr | 19:19 |
aeiche | hang on, afk | 19:23 |
aeiche | Okay, I'm back | 19:34 |
aeiche | murphy, You could definitely pull the code and build it | 19:35 |
aeiche | but AGL is not in a state where it would be safe to use in a vehicle. | 19:35 |
aeiche | And in most respects, it wouldn't offer much anyway. | 19:35 |
aeiche | Just recently, AGL announced the Unified Code Base, which is on the way to be an actual distribution. It's current functionality is limited to handful of technologies though | 19:36 |
radiofree | By ui layer do you mean Weston/ivi-extension | 19:59 |
radiofree | I.e the layer management | 19:59 |
radiofree | Or toolkit? | 19:59 |
aeiche | Good question | 19:59 |
aeiche | on AGL, and in some internal work that we've done here, we have a compositor that's running QML | 20:00 |
aeiche | I'm not entirely clear what GDP is doing, but it looks a little more complex :) | 20:00 |
radiofree | Agl is running the same compositor | 20:00 |
aeiche | okay | 20:00 |
aeiche | That's very encouraging. | 20:01 |
radiofree | However it's a monolithic qml app, rather than using any layering concepts | 20:01 |
murphy | so just keep monitoring the progress till its ready? | 20:01 |
radiofree | Qt5 works fine in wayland-ivi-entension | 20:01 |
murphy | i just really want a build s legit car system that does media and odb2 and nav | 20:01 |
radiofree | However you need to patch QtWayland (same as agl) | 20:01 |
aeiche | radiofree, Patch it for what? | 20:02 |
murphy | basically i want this http://www.alpine-usa.com/product/view/jeep-wrangler-radio-x009-wra/ | 20:02 |
murphy | but as something i can modify | 20:03 |
aeiche | murphy, If you can, jump in. We definitely need more individuals contributing. | 20:04 |
aeiche | I need to go grab lunch - I'll be back in ~1 hour | 20:04 |
jeremiah | We're going to offer GENIVI a Qt AS session at the upcoming AMM: http://www.qt.io/qt-automotive-suite/ | 20:04 |
aeiche | radiofree, are you going to be around later? | 20:04 |
jlrmagnus | Lively here today. | 20:04 |
aeiche | jlrmagnus, We replaced all the bots in the channel with real, live human beings. | 20:05 |
jlrmagnus | That's not healthy. | 20:05 |
rZr | jlrmagnus, back | 20:05 |
rZr | jlrmagnus, did you see the video I posted in list about new protocols ? | 20:05 |
jlrmagnus | The Iotivity video? | 20:06 |
rZr | yea | 20:06 |
aeiche | be back soon... | 20:06 |
jlrmagnus | I started looking at it, but got distracted. | 20:06 |
rZr | ;) | 20:07 |
jlrmagnus | I'll dig into it agaiin. | 20:07 |
jlrmagnus | However. I need lunch first. | 20:07 |
jlrmagnus | back in 15 min, and will view the video as my lunch entertainment. | 20:07 |
rZr | jlrmagnus, ok bon appetit, it's dinner time here too | 20:07 |
radiofree | the AGL ui certainly looks great | 20:07 |
radiofree | a combination of that + the layering concepts from ivi-extension would be a really neat demo | 20:08 |
radiofree | i.e you'd split top bar out, it's it's own layer, use some protocol to control the layers etc... | 20:08 |
jeremiah | Much of the IVI layer management is now in Qt and qtwayland | 20:08 |
* radiofree monitors the progress of the qtwayland patches | 20:08 | |
radiofree | up to patch set 12 https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/121297/ :) | 20:09 |
radiofree | aeiche: ^ | 20:09 |
aeiche | The fog is starting to clear on how this all works. | 20:10 |
aeiche | okay | 20:10 |
radiofree | aeiche: i may be around later, but now, dinner :) | 20:10 |
aeiche | seriously, I'm going to go get some food. | 20:10 |
aeiche | :) | 20:10 |
jeremiah | lol --> "We're writing to let you know that the group you tried to contact (UM-PD-Engineering-Electrical-Infotainment-OSS) may not exist, " | 20:21 |
jeremiah | radiofree: You mentioned once a technology coming into git that would obviate the need for things like gerrit I believe | 20:22 |
jeremiah | radiofree: Do you remember what that was? It sounded very cool | 20:22 |
jlrmagnus | jeremiah, I try to blind copy the wider PDX team here on all OSS communication. | 20:29 |
jeremiah | :-) | 20:33 |
jlrmagnus | rZr, very cool video. | 20:43 |
jlrmagnus | We are talking to various OIC parties about how to work together. | 20:43 |
jeremiah | Please tell me I'm wrong but it feels like IoT is going through a landgrab phase which is producing a lot of non-interoperable protocols. | 20:46 |
ulf` | jlrmagnus: +1 | 20:46 |
jlrmagnus | Yes. | 20:46 |
jlrmagnus | The protocols usually also require a stable connection to the device and/or the internet. | 20:47 |
jlrmagnus | Something which is rarely true in an automotive environment. | 20:47 |
jlrmagnus | We definitely need to integrate with IOT when it comes to home integration etc, but I (biased as I am) believe that RVI has a unique role to play in the connected vehicle world. | 20:47 |
ulf` | jlrmagnus: Just do IoTivity over SMTP | 20:48 |
ulf` | jlrmagnus: You can use Postfix | 20:48 |
ulf` | jlrmagnus: It will queue the packages ;) | 20:48 |
jlrmagnus | ulf`, You need to think out of the box: IoTivity over UUCP. | 20:48 |
jlrmagnus | Resend. Does not require IP. Handles narrowband connections/ | 20:49 |
ulf` | jlrmagnus: I like Postfix | 20:49 |
jlrmagnus | Yep. Nobody seems to care about the core bits, such as email, anymore. | 20:50 |
ulf` | That is because it's expected to work | 20:50 |
ulf` | Soon enough people who once knew how to configure MTA's will be gone | 20:50 |
ulf` | And there is a FORTUNE to be made knowing how to configure relays that don't spam :-) | 20:51 |
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aeiche | and I'm back | 21:10 |
aeiche | MQTT has kind of become the posterchild for DIY IOT stuff. | 21:12 |
rjek | heh | 21:22 |
rjek | MQTT ia nice, apart from all the hideous complexity | 21:22 |
jeremiah | ulf`: Exim > Postfix :-) | 21:38 |
jeremiah | ulf`: You know, I think you're right. Add to the non-spammy relay proper STARTTLS support IMAP and an uncluttered front end and you have a Gmail killer | 21:40 |
jeremiah | aeiche: Yeah, I'm seeing automotive companies adopting MQTT too | 21:41 |
rjek | One of the channels I am in is filled with Postfix hate today | 21:41 |
rjek | With good reason | 21:41 |
aeiche | jeremiah, Our first iteration of RVI used MQTT as a protocol. | 21:42 |
ulf` | jeremiah: nein :) | 21:44 |
jlrmagnus | aeiche, We had to leave that quickly though since it wasn't really adapted to what we tried to do. | 21:45 |
radiofree | jeremiah: hmm, not sure, maybe patchworks? also "git review" is nice (integrates with gerrit) https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Gerrit/git-review | 21:45 |
radiofree | i think phabricator looks pretty great | 21:47 |
radiofree | though the fact it's written in php seems to be a blocker for a lot of people | 21:47 |
aeiche | jlrmagnus, Right - but wasn't someone suggesting reimplementing it on top of what we did? | 21:47 |
jlrmagnus | Yes. We can easily do a pub/sub setup as RVI services. | 21:47 |
aeiche | k | 21:47 |
jlrmagnus | But with sturdier transport service, allowing resends over multiple data links. | 21:48 |
aeiche | radiofree, You were saying the GDP HMI is a QML App? | 21:48 |
radiofree | it's certainly Qt, not sure it's QML, AGL is QML | 21:48 |
aeiche | Yeah - the AGL stuff came out of JLR | 21:49 |
aeiche | most of it anyway, they've done some additional work since then | 21:50 |
aeiche | I'm trying to get that QML to run in the compositor on GDP. | 21:50 |
radiofree | the AGL? it's certainly possible | 21:50 |
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aeiche | Do you know where in GDP I can find the script that starts up the Qt App? | 21:53 |
radiofree | it's a systemd service | 21:54 |
aeiche | I was thinking I might be able to prevent it from launching, and launch the QML in it's place | 21:55 |
radiofree | a user service if i remember correctly, try /usr/lib/systemd/user/ | 21:56 |
aeiche | time to boot up the box and take a look | 21:56 |
radiofree | `systemctl --user status gdp-hmi-panel` should tell you the folder | 21:57 |
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aeiche | building time.. | 22:02 |
jeremiah | radiofree: I think phabricator is really great. And I agree that just because it is php is no reason to turn up one's nose. | 22:02 |
jeremiah | We use a bunch of Java tools in GENIVI after all. | 22:03 |
jeremiah | radiofree: I think it was git-review. I use that now, thanks for the recommendation. | 22:03 |
aeiche | php gets a lot of flak for it's growing pains. | 22:04 |
jeremiah | And its crazy namespaces :-) | 22:04 |
jeremiah | But I like it because its kinda perl-like. | 22:05 |
* jeremiah crawls back in his cave | 22:05 | |
aeiche | :) | 22:05 |
swiss | you only get to claim "growing paints" for so long with a language | 22:07 |
swiss | and what's a better setup than MQTT for basic pub/sub needs? | 22:08 |
waltminer | jeremiah are you in the USA now? | 22:08 |
paulsherwood | i think we all are :) | 22:09 |
paulsherwood | United States of Automotive | 22:13 |
paulsherwood | gnite :) | 22:13 |
waltminer | later gator | 22:13 |
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jeremiah | waltminer: Nope. Still in Sweden. | 22:24 |
jeremiah | waltminer: I'm moving back to the East Coast in June though, permanently. | 22:25 |
gunnarx | We stay up for you guys... Where did you all go? | 22:25 |
gunnarx | :) | 22:25 |
waltminer | I knew you were, just was not sure when | 22:25 |
jeremiah | Yep, Juneish | 22:25 |
gunnarx | You moving back the US Jeremiah? | 22:25 |
waltminer | West coast guys are probably at lunch | 22:25 |
jeremiah | gunnarx: Yeah. Gonna spend some time with the folks who are getting up there. :-) | 22:26 |
gunnarx | Yeah lunch between 12 and 2PM those guys... | 22:26 |
gunnarx | That's a loss | 22:26 |
jeremiah | Do you mean me? | 22:26 |
gunnarx | yes, kinda thought you would be a Swede forever | 22:26 |
jeremiah | If so, that is very kind of you to say. | 22:27 |
gunnarx | but it's in your blood now :) | 22:27 |
rjek | Hello! | 22:27 |
jeremiah | I will forever remain a Swede | 22:27 |
jeremiah | I love this country | 22:27 |
* jeremiah votes for Trump | 22:27 | |
jeremiah | Just kidding, I'm voting Cruz | 22:28 |
rjek | Get out, jeremiah. | 22:28 |
jeremiah | Now the Eurotrash comes out! | 22:28 |
rjek | haha | 22:28 |
jeremiah | :P | 22:28 |
rjek | Can we get that tea out of Boston Harbour? | 22:28 |
jeremiah | heh | 22:29 |
aeiche | I don't know who else pops in here who's on the West Coast, but I'd be willing to bet all the JLR people are in. | 22:29 |
rjek | What an awful waste. | 22:29 |
jeremiah | A waste of good Indian tea for sure. | 22:29 |
jeremiah | aeiche: I don't see too many UK based JLRians though | 22:30 |
jeremiah | Do they not have IRC in Birmingham? | 22:30 |
rjek | Is that a troll? | 22:30 |
aeiche | jeremiah, No, I think it's too late. | 22:30 |
rjek | I didn't know JLR are in Brum :) | 22:31 |
jeremiah | rjek: Heavens no. | 22:31 |
jeremiah | I have the deepest respect for UK infrastructure. | 22:31 |
rjek | Brum is Rover :) | 22:31 |
rjek | (Before Rover became Land Rover.) | 22:31 |
FelixH | Maybe they are busy with oil leaks | 22:31 |
jeremiah | But Gaydon, dude, that place needs fiber or something | 22:31 |
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rjek | Gaydon is beautiful, if you like the countryside. | 22:32 |
jeremiah | Gaydon is lovely. | 22:32 |
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rjek | But it is somewhat in the middle of nowhere. | 22:32 |
rjek | It has a handful of good pubs, so it's fine by me. | 22:32 |
gunnarx | Oops, just realized I was disconnected a while. IRC can do that to you I've noticed. You might be typing into thin air. | 22:33 |
rjek | Last time I was in Gaydon was for a tradeshow for an OS nobody has ever heard of: https://www.riscosopen.org/photos/projects/show/3 | 22:33 |
jeremiah | I've heard of Open RISC | 22:33 |
jeremiah | Dunno what it is but I've heard of it. | 22:34 |
rjek | "A Crowd at the NetSurf table" contains me. | 22:34 |
rjek | jeremiah: RISC OS is the original OS for ARM | 22:34 |
jeremiah | Okay | 22:34 |
rjek | (ie, the OS from the creators of ARM) | 22:34 |
rjek | The native OS. | 22:34 |
rjek | It's pretty dreadful, but fun in the same way AmigaOS is | 22:34 |
radiofree | careful now | 22:35 |
rjek | radiofree: :) | 22:35 |
jeremiah | rjek: Are you the one sporting the ponytail in the picture? | 22:35 |
rjek | No. | 22:35 |
rjek | Don't be ridiculous. | 22:35 |
jeremiah | heh | 22:36 |
gunnarx | Oh good, I was disconnected during my political rant. :) Phew. | 22:36 |
rjek | (guy leaning over with glasses central) | 22:36 |
rjek | gunnarx: I hate everything you agree with. Happy now? | 22:36 |
jeremiah | I have a man-bun so ponytails point and laugh at me. | 22:36 |
jeremiah | phew, glad we settled that | 22:36 |
gunnarx | rjek, sounds good to me, then I succeeded | 22:36 |
rjek | Hmm, 2007. No gray hair. Boo. | 22:36 |
rjek | gunnarx: :D | 22:36 |
* radiofree spots colleagues | 22:36 | |
aeiche | Anyone know what the difference is between meta-agl-demo and meta-agl? waltminer ? | 22:37 |
waltminer | jeremiah is waiting for trump to announce Palin as his running mate. Then he is all in | 22:37 |
rjek | radiofree: You may also spot Kinnison and tlsa and kyllikki | 22:37 |
jeremiah | Totally. Fun times. | 22:37 |
rjek | waltminer: ahaha | 22:37 |
waltminer | meta-agl-demo is supposed to be the demo apps and anything needed to run them not in the platform | 22:37 |
waltminer | meta-agl is the AGL platform code on top of poky (and meta-ivi-common) | 22:38 |
rjek | radiofree: I just noticed how red Kinnison looks. Blimey. | 22:38 |
waltminer | we stuck a few things into meta-agl-demo for convenience sake that will be moved to meta-agl or meta-ivi-common like the USB MOST driver | 22:38 |
aeiche | Ahh - so they're complimentary packages. | 22:38 |
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waltminer | yes | 22:39 |
aeiche | I assumed they were branches off the same trunk, one for Demo | 22:39 |
jeremiah|afk | gnite gents and lady, see you soon | 22:39 |
aeiche | :D | 22:39 |
aeiche | glad I asked. | 22:39 |
aeiche | cya jeremiah|afk | 22:39 |
waltminer | :) | 22:39 |
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gunnarx | oh good, I was staying up just to beat jeremiah. can go to bed now | 22:40 |
aeiche | :) | 22:40 |
waltminer | you still have 21 minutes unto you turn into a pumpkin | 22:40 |
waltminer | 20 minutes now | 22:40 |
gunnarx | wut? | 22:40 |
gunnarx | we don't have pumkins in Sweden | 22:40 |
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waltminer | didn’t you read Cinderella? | 22:41 |
gunnarx | maybe that's why we need to turn into them? | 22:41 |
rjek | gunnarx: What do you do in late October? | 22:41 |
waltminer | shovel snow | 22:41 |
jlrmagnus | gunnarx, Saw the V90 leak today. Nice car. | 22:41 |
gunnarx | No, I watched the 3D movie instead | 22:41 |
waltminer | bwahahahaha | 22:41 |
gunnarx | jlrmagnus, oops | 22:41 |
jlrmagnus | It seemed fairly well-orchestrated by Volvo. | 22:42 |
rjek | gunnarx: :) | 22:42 |
gunnarx | no, they paid me good money for those pics | 22:42 |
jlrmagnus | lol | 22:42 |
jlrmagnus | We have an F-Pace in the shop 30 feet from me, in case you want hot, sweaty, inside pics. | 22:42 |
* rjek does not want to know | 22:42 | |
gunnarx | jk, there is not a lot I wouldn't do but that's one thing | 22:42 |
rjek | jlrmagnus: ! | 22:42 |
jlrmagnus | jlrmagnus checks his budget allocation and wonders if he can use it to bribe Gunnar. | 22:43 |
gunnarx | unlikely you can afford it | 22:43 |
rjek | Is that out to tender? | 22:43 |
jlrmagnus | You don't know our budget... | 22:43 |
gunnarx | and you don't know my price | 22:43 |
jlrmagnus | We'll get a new XJ tomorrow, which means that our old one needs to go. And weirdly enough it has disappeared from the system. | 22:44 |
jlrmagnus | Shitty beta release of our infotainment software included. | 22:44 |
gunnarx | ok... now I am getting mildly tempted | 22:44 |
rjek | You know, it's much too late for this sort of inter-business intrigue. | 22:44 |
gunnarx | fortunately I have strong character | 22:44 |
jlrmagnus | 1600 watt stereo for that dansbands-music. | 22:44 |
aeiche | wow - way to support the product Magnus... | 22:44 |
jlrmagnus | Quiet aeiche, I want to see what the new XC60 looks like. | 22:45 |
* rjek awaites Stephenie Meyer's new novel, "#automotive of the night" | 22:46 | |
gunnarx | rjek, to answer your question - in late October we participate in a watered down attempt at mimicking an american Halloween. | 22:48 |
gunnarx | It's a disgrace. | 22:48 |
gunnarx | Some kids go around knocking on doors. | 22:48 |
jlrmagnus | Allhelgonahelgen? | 22:48 |
rjek | gunnarx: We do similar. I go to the pub in order to avoid them. | 22:48 |
aeiche | Man, really? | 22:49 |
gunnarx | Half the doors open and are like "what the hell are you on about kids, get off my lawn" haha | 22:49 |
aeiche | Kids are the best part of Halloween | 22:49 |
aeiche | granted, not all kids | 22:49 |
rjek | Friend of mine from years ago answered the door "trick", and proceeded to spray pig blood. Only got arrested once. | 22:49 |
gunnarx | that sounds extreme | 22:50 |
rjek | Hilarious from a distance, though. | 22:50 |
jlrmagnus | Wow. Child therapy invoice: astronomical. | 22:50 |
rjek | jlrmagnus: National Health Service. No invoice. | 22:51 |
gunnarx | socialist! | 22:51 |
* rjek nods | 22:51 | |
jlrmagnus | Ahh. Yes - Vague memories of my carefree days of socialist health care in Sweden. | 22:51 |
gunnarx | we need to stop the political talk here... | 22:51 |
jlrmagnus | Yes. You little miljöpartist. | 22:51 |
gunnarx | lol, that'll be the day | 22:51 |
* rjek grins | 22:52 | |
jlrmagnus | Volvo has already caved in with your hybrid hippie tree hugging drive trains. | 22:52 |
* rjek laughed at the NHS essentially suing Disney for fixing Harrison Ford's leg. | 22:52 | |
gunnarx | give it up, no matter how you bait me | 22:52 |
jlrmagnus | sigh, I can never rile Gunnar up. | 22:53 |
rjek | jlrmagnus: Try saying CAN is unfit for purpose. | 22:53 |
jlrmagnus | CAN is unfit for anything. | 22:53 |
rjek | :D | 22:54 |
jlrmagnus | UDP/IP for total idiots. | 22:54 |
gunnarx | and I only agree | 22:54 |
jlrmagnus | Yes. Now we just need to convince the rest of electrical that this is the fact. | 22:54 |
rjek | I got into an Uber this evening where there were RSS feeds being displayed between speedo and rev meter | 22:56 |
* rjek almost demanded to get out :( | 22:56 | |
jlrmagnus | Which vehicle? | 22:56 |
rjek | Skoda Superb | 22:56 |
jlrmagnus | wow. | 22:56 |
gunnarx | now there's a contradiction in terms ;) | 22:57 |
rjek | :) | 22:57 |
jlrmagnus | Now. Now. Don't be elitist. | 22:57 |
jlrmagnus | There is a place for value brands. | 22:57 |
jlrmagnus | *sips tea* | 22:57 |
rjek | OK, I won't be elistist. I broke the PA in an UberExec later this evening with some Bela Fleck. | 22:59 |
rjek | (Overheated amplifier, infotainment cut out) | 22:59 |
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* rjek says nothing of the model ;-p | 22:59 | |
gunnarx | Oh, I have one of those horrible Asia + US meetings at an ungodly hour tomorrow morning. | 23:00 |
jlrmagnus | Same here. Same meeting. | 23:01 |
gunnarx | Sleepy time. | 23:01 |
rjek | gunnarx: Simply get up before you go to sleep. | 23:01 |
aeiche | What meeting is that? | 23:02 |
gunnarx | aeiche, Me and jlrmagnus swapping pictures of cars, nothing to worry about. | 23:03 |
gunnarx | ok I'm off | 23:03 |
rjek | :) | 23:03 |
rjek | Night gunnarx | 23:04 |
gunnarx | night | 23:04 |
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jlrmagnus | So, waiting for Mr Wick to show up and ask the same question. | 23:13 |
jlrmagnus | Has there been any interest in creating command line tools for translating FrancaIDL to CommonAPI code? | 23:13 |
jlrmagnus | It seems like eclipse can be cumbersome in an automated build situation? | 23:13 |
aeiche | Yes | 23:14 |
aeiche | Yes | 23:15 |
aeiche | The answer to this question is yes. | 23:15 |
jlrmagnus | Ok. The problem is that we must generate compatible code that sends out the same DBUS / SOME IP commands as the current framework does. | 23:15 |
jlrmagnus | I.e. An interface generated by eclipse must interop with something created by the command line tool. | 23:16 |
aeiche | Sure - the question in my mind is why was this written as a plugin for Eclipse in the first place? | 23:19 |
jlrmagnus | I don't know. | 23:19 |
jlrmagnus | Another question is who would be upset if a competing command line tool set suddenly showed up. | 23:20 |
aeiche | This may be down the rabbit hole, but what if we generated the command line tool out of the eclipse plugin source. | 23:21 |
aeiche | ? | 23:21 |
jlrmagnus | THat would probably be a much better idea. Vick had the same thought. | 23:22 |
jlrmagnus | Then it would also be easier to spin off additional language support. *coughython* | 23:23 |
mvick | jlrmagnus: Yep, here now, sorry for the AFK. :) | 23:32 |
jlrmagnus | np | 23:32 |
jlrmagnus | So we have two goals: | 23:33 |
jlrmagnus | 1. Extract eclipse CommonAPI generators so we can run them from the command line. | 23:33 |
jlrmagnus | 2. Write a small parser that reads CommonAPI-generated header files and produces an Qt/QML Object wrapper around them, exposing the FrancaIDL API as a Qt/QML object. | 23:34 |
jlrmagnus | For the latter, we can use the following chain: | 23:34 |
jlrmagnus | gcc_xml -> XML -> Python. | 23:34 |
jlrmagnus | Python reads the header file, represented as XML, and iterates over all members to generate the equivalent QML object. | 23:34 |
mvick | Sounds great! | 23:35 |
jlrmagnus | http://gccxml.github.io/ | 23:35 |
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jlrmagnus | I'm taking gccxml for a spin right now. Much more fun than reading RFQ responses. | 23:35 |
mvick | I'm starting work now on a project that should give us a reference Qt class at the end of the chain, assuming the Python script doesn't beat me there. :) | 23:35 |
jlrmagnus | gccxml cloned and building. | 23:37 |
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jlrmagnus | Ah. gccxml has been superseded by CastXML. | 23:39 |
jlrmagnus | Which is a debian package. Brilliant. | 23:39 |
jlrmagnus | Worked! | 23:48 |
jlrmagnus | Small C++ Class with void hello(void); member, generated: | 23:50 |
jlrmagnus | <Method id="_334" name="hello" returns="_297" context="_223" access="public" location="f9:5" file="f9" line="5" mangled="_ZN4Test5helloEv"/> | 23:50 |
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