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Figure | waltminer: ping | 05:48 |
waltminer | Hello | 05:48 |
Figure | waltminer: where are you located? :) I'm at sakuragicho | 05:49 |
waltminer | I am currently at the TKP site where we will be tomorrow. Today is the open compliance summit | 05:50 |
Figure | ah | 05:50 |
Figure | any tips how to get there? e.g. what exit I should take from yokohama station | 05:50 |
waltminer | East exit from Yokohama station | 05:51 |
Figure | ok thanks | 05:51 |
Figure | I'll mark it down | 05:51 |
Figure | is the place open before 10? | 05:51 |
waltminer | yes | 05:51 |
waltminer | I got here at 8 this morning | 05:51 |
waltminer | I will probably be there at 9 tomorrow | 05:52 |
Figure | ok. I'll come there tomorrow after breakfast so I should be also before 10 | 05:52 |
Figure | btw regarding the vmdk should it work out of the box? | 05:53 |
Figure | what settings should I set for vbox or vmware? | 05:53 |
Figure | I get kernel crash with the vmdk | 05:54 |
Figure | njah it just didn't like the ide part | 05:57 |
Figure | needs to be sata drive | 05:57 |
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weston | hi all | 06:23 |
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CTtpollard | good morning | 08:32 |
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leon-anavi | morning | 08:47 |
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* persia has fond memories of OpenCompliance, and hopes it has gone well today | 09:07 | |
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Tarnyko | morning | 09:31 |
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fredcadete | good morning | 10:10 |
fredcadete | has anyone here had any fun with the nvidia tegra k1 SDK? | 10:11 |
fredcadete | the documentation promises me I'll have a build_yocto.sh in the installation directory, but it's not there :( | 10:11 |
fredcadete | (and asking in #automotive is potentially faster than the official support channel) | 10:12 |
CTtpollard | not personally fredcadete | 10:13 |
fredcadete | thanks anyway | 10:17 |
fredcadete | ahhh, got it | 10:21 |
CTtpollard | great! | 10:21 |
fredcadete | it was inside nvidia-layer.tgz | 10:21 |
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CTtpollard | meh another recipe failing to build due to upstream 404 | 10:46 |
CTtpollard | pedroalvarez: do you know if git.baserock.org has a mirror of python sip? | 10:56 |
CTtpollard | from QT I think | 10:57 |
pedroalvarez | it doesn't look like it has | 10:57 |
CTtpollard | I'm currently trying to fetch http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/pyqt/sip/sip-4.16.2/sip-4.16.2.tar.gz from within genivi demo devtools | 10:58 |
CTtpollard | the built in source checker fails | 10:59 |
CTtpollard | I build gdp last week, so it must be a recent failure | 11:00 |
pedroalvarez | the url works for me | 11:01 |
pedroalvarez | haven't tried from bitbake or similar tools though | 11:01 |
CTtpollard | ?! it wasn't a few mins ago manually for me, maybe sourceforge was having an issue | 11:02 |
CTtpollard | was definitely 404, from 2 different networks | 11:02 |
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CTtpollard | cheers pedroalvarez | 11:03 |
pedroalvarez | no problem :) | 11:05 |
* pedroalvarez wonders what people do when things like this happen to them | 11:05 | |
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fredcadete | pedroalvarez: curse the gods | 11:27 |
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* fredcadete likes to shake his fist at assorted HTTP errors | 11:27 | |
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CTtpollard | fredcadete: that is a good method | 11:34 |
paulsherwood | or use git.baserock.org :) | 11:34 |
CTtpollard | paulsherwood: I am, for borked recipes where possible | 11:34 |
pedroalvarez | heh, we could create git.upstreams.org if people don't like "baserock" in the name | 11:39 |
pedroalvarez | but I think is the right thing to do | 11:39 |
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